Social Queen B's Partisan COVID/Vaccine Megathread

The seasonality relationship with Covid-19 hospitalizations/deaths is best seen in places with definite seasons, and yes that includes the UK. You claim that the UK is a counterexample, but it isn't, and you have failed to show any data to support your assertion of a relationship with public health restrictions, while I am supporting my assertion with data in my previous post and again below.


Im not sure this graph is conclusive about seasonality. There probably is an effect on transmission and outcomes in colder, less humid environment of winter, but the peaks here also reflect transitions out of social restrictions, showing rising cases and deaths in both hot and cold weather when people increasing social contact, so i dont think validate your claim that lockdowns were pointless because the virus was seasonal anyway.
The virus will become endemic and everyone will catch it eventually, with vaccinated / already infected showing few symptoms. The end.
Not necessarily the case. Hopefully with a bit of hygiene and caution you can avoid getting sick.
I love the argument some make that they are healthy. How do you know? Do you go to the Doctor on a continuous basis and get blood work done yearly? Most of the people claiming to be healthy don't. You can come to the conclusion because of how anti-medicine, evil big pharma, anti-science their position are. So how do you know? Because you feel like you are healthy? Interesting.

How do you know your creatinine levels aren't evelated? You can't feel it. Or LDL being over 190?
I just had this convo with my buddy. Seems to be convinced he doesn't need the shot cause he's youngish and has no medical conditions. Not pressuring him but suggested to adleast think about it and reminded him that he's overweight, out of shape, smokes drinks and does drugs. It may be a flu to some but he's definatly in the at risk group. I don't think I'm "healthy" myself , but I get regular blood work every 6 weeks with my immuno suppressants. I usually know when somethings up.
It's not being selfish. The people getting sick are 99% unvaccinated. Why should people vaccinated keep wearing masks other than to virtue signal? There's less than a 1% chance of a vaccinated person getting COVID and then spreading it to a nonvaccinated person.

It would be like if to fight obesity, they would force fit people on a strict diet the same as obese people. The problem are the obese. You don't force the diet on the people that are already fit.

This just comply notion is silly, authoritarian and anti-science.
LOL less then 1%. I think you really need to get your head out of the sand and not walk around thinking that even if your vaccinated.
"Just do what I say and stop being so selfish!!"

Politicians love people who, when told to do something, they don't think "why?" Instead they go "is it a big deal? If not, I'll surely do it".

All the people in power have to do is gradually shift society towards the society they want. Make each step small so when they ask those people to do a new thing, they'll go "well, it's not that big of a change from before so I'll just do it and never question why".

It's even better when people in power tell those simpletons "you're a good person!" with every small step.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Forcing people to receive one of these experimental COVID injections is a violation of federal law and ethical principles set forth in the Nuremberg Code. The Nazi doctors were found guilty of crimes against humanity. Why are we repeating this dark history in America by forcing people to inject an experimental drug into their bodies? The history of the Nazi regime forcing people to undergo medical experiments cannot be forgotten and must not be repeated. Businesses, schools and governments that require these experimental shots have learned nothing from this dark history or the failed Swine and Anthrax vaccines. We will not let Joe Biden and the DOJ twist the law and hurt people.”
I'll wear a mask, nerds can debate all they want even if it will be no longer mandatory in my province. I dont have a problem with putting it on my face just like I have no problem with wearing a condom.
Delta appears to be a more severe variant, so I’ve taken more time to educate and urge friends and family to get vaccinated.
Not necessarily the case. Hopefully with a bit of hygiene and caution you can avoid getting sick.

I don't think so. CDC believes the R0 of Delta is around 6, which would place it at chickenpox level. They could be off by some amount though, it's early days. SAGE in the UK released a memo earlier in this week outlining the potential long term evolutions of the virus and their likelihood, and it's kind of scary. I have a fair bit of respect for the UK's team, they come up with good data. Although viewed through an optimistic lens, the memo basically says "SARS-Cov-2 will evolve and become endemic."
Good job posting the EXACT numbers I just did, lol!

1-2% of ALL cancers in Black folks are skin cancer, yet you said it was "devastating."

Take your L and move on...

You don't know how to read and COMPREHEND.
I don't think so. CDC believes the R0 of Delta is around 6, which would place it at chickenpox level. They could be off by some amount though, it's early days. SAGE in the UK released a memo earlier in this week outlining the potential long term evolutions of the virus and their likelihood, and it's kind of scary. I have a fair bit of respect for the UK's team, they come up with good data. Although viewed through an optimistic lens, the memo basically says "SARS-Cov-2 will evolve and become endemic."
Well that's just great
It's not being selfish. The people getting sick are 99% unvaccinated. Why should people vaccinated keep wearing masks other than to virtue signal? There's less than a 1% chance of a vaccinated person getting COVID and then spreading it to a nonvaccinated person.

It would be like if to fight obesity, they would force fit people on a strict diet the same as obese people. The problem are the obese. You don't force the diet on the people that are already fit.

This just comply notion is silly, authoritarian and anti-science.
A lot of vaccinated people are getting infected with the Delta variant, but they just don't get seriously ill. Since they get infected, they can still spread it.

Also, it is impossible to know who is vaccinated and who is not.
They did authorize Emergency Rental Assistance to the tune of over $46 billion dollars. So far only 12% of the initial $25 billion has been issued, and another $21 billion was authorized later. From the Washington Post
So the various levels of Government can't work together to get the money to where it needs to go, and MSM mostly ignores this to focus on the eviction piece. They had a plan, but didn't work to hard on the bit they didn't like, the bit the helps people at least marginally less likely to vote for them.
Its good as long as the government is paying for it.

Tho the plan seems a bit reckless in america where you dont have the strongest safety net for the small guy.

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