Law Biden renews eviction ban despite prior SCOTUS ruling; UPDATE: SCOTUS strikes down ban 6-3

Conservatives don't contribute to society

Conservatives, “it’s not the government’s job to pay for able bodied entitled leeches to stay at home and play Xbox, get off your ass and work.”

“Give us free shit, we are lazy bums! Conservatives want people to work, they are horrible people! The country must do for us, not the other way around!”
Conservatives don't contribute to society
Parasite rent deadbeats and welfare thieves who keep democrats in power only leech off the hard work done by conservatives. When the democrat voters are not directly stealing from real Americans they are greedily screaming for more unearned benefits and entitlements. The only group keeping lazy democrat voters in freebies are the hard working conservatives who pay the taxes that finance the lives of the lazy radicals who demand free housing, free food, free education while doing absolutely nothing to pay into the system.

Conservatives, “it’s not the government’s job to pay for able bodied entitled leeches to stay at home and play Xbox, get off your ass and work.”

“Give us free shit, we are lazy bums! Conservatives want people to work, they are horrible people! The country must do for us, not the other way around!”

Cry more, but conservatives still don't contribute to society. Oh and most red states are being kept afloat by the blue states, because once again - conservatives don't contribute anything to society
Parasite rent deadbeats and welfare thieves who keep democrats in power only leech off the hard work done by conservatives. When the democrat voters are not directly stealing from real Americans they are greedily screaming for more unearned benefits and entitlements. The only group keeping lazy democrat voters in freebies are the hard working conservatives who pay the taxes that finance the lives of the lazy radicals who demand free housing, free food, free education while doing absolutely nothing to pay into the system.

The poor uneducated conservatives pay barely anything in taxes, while the rich conservatives commit fraud to avoid paying taxes.

Meanwhile all the actual policies and systems that help "real Americans" like social security, healthcare, education, wage increase etc are fought for by democrats, while the GOP is doing everything to strip average citizens from any and all benefits.
The poor uneducated conservatives pay barely anything in taxes, while the rich conservatives commit fraud to avoid paying taxes.

You realize how stupid this generalization is? The rich conservetives obviously cheated by committing fraud dont ever pay taxes and the poor conservatives are too dumb to pay more taxes.

No matter were you align politically, you could always make more money and if your rich you could always find a way to supercede the system.
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Cry more, but conservatives still don't contribute to society. Oh and most red states are being kept afloat by the blue states, because once again - conservatives don't contribute anything to society
I pay more in taxes annually than you will pay in your lifetime. So there’s that.

I read it last night, a couple of thoughts:
  1. Writing it as Per Curiam and not an individual justice is a bad look for this case.
  2. The Per Curiam opinion is written ... less professional than I was expecting the court to write. The reasoning seems sound, but adding hypotheticals like "Require manufacturers to provide free computers to enable people to workfrom home?" seems more like something in a Sherdog argument rather than a legal opinion.
  3. “Our precedents require Congress to enact exceedingly clear language if it wishes to significantly alter the balance between federal and state power and the power of the Government over private property.” seems pretty clear that the CDC doesn't have this power, effectively ending the defenses argument.
  4. Breyer's opinion of "If Congress had meant to exclude these types of measures from its broad grant of authority, it likely would have said so." is an incredibly dangerous approach to ruling. Seriously? When assigning powers to federal agencies he's going to look at it as implicit consent as opposed to explicit because congress would have outlined what they can't do? Holy hell.
  5. Breyer's opinion on the shadow docket is correct.
  6. Breyer argued well why the original arguments don't hold up anymore.
  7. Breyer's dissent still sounds like he would have struck down the moratorium but that they needed an actual hearing.
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Man that dude is one giant dummy. He just called those not paying rent for 18 months working people. If they are working, why are they stiffing their landlords? Parasites like this mayor that play to low-intellect emotions are why the system is taken advantage of to the point of collapse and record inflation.
Does the CDC have the authority to have something as vast as an eviction ban?

Obviously not.

And theoretically, what is the extent of their authority in the name of 'disease control.'

Were the courts overstepping in saying they don't?

What gave the CDC power to announce a nationwide eviction-ban in the first place?

And obviously the supreme court has the authority to slap down rouge federal agencies. If they can't then no one can.

Was Biden overstepping in extending the ban despite the SCOTUS ruling?

He publically admitted what he, and the CDC, was doing was unconstitutional, and did it anyway, violating his oath of office. *snicker*

Presidents have been impeached for phone calls, but apparently knowingly and admitting violating the constitution is just peachy if the party the President is a part of is okay with it.

Its been like that for decades, at least.
Dude didn’t you hear ? Landlords are ‘parasites’ now according to leftists

in all seriousness. I feel the landlords here above all. What a nightmare. Your property being used by squatters, while the government says “meh, too bad”
Man that dude is one giant dummy. He just called those not paying rent for 18 months working people. If they are working, why are they stiffing their landlords? Parasites like this mayor that play to low-intellect emotions are why the system is taken advantage of to the point of collapse and record inflation.
You have to give Bill a break. He's a white male in a party where he is the devil so he has to double down on correct speak
As long as the government pays the rent, this is ok.

If not, this is not ok.

Cant go around fucking over landlords just because

I don't completely agree but at least that is something. There is also the issue of bad tenants who damage the property or create problems in the neighborhood.
I don't completely agree but at least that is something. There is also the issue of bad tenants who damage the property or create problems in the neighborhood.
Sure if you destroy the place/damage property you forfeit your right to live there when you are renting.

Its common decency to have respect for other peoples property.
I get that its a popular policy but we can't double down on feel good policy forever.
“Our precedents require Congress to enact exceedingly clear language if it wishes to significantly alter the balance between federal and state power and the power of the Government over private property.” seems pretty much like a nail in the coffin for the argument that the CDC doesn't have this power.
For this price here, did you mean to say “doesn’t” or actually “does”?

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