Opinion What Happened to the Media Inciting People to Riot Everyday?

It was all over the media, for example there was some letter that was being touted signed by a bunch of doctors saying that it was important to go out and protest (even though at the time it was illegal to gather in public) because racism is a bigger health issue than covid. Here we had our doctors who were on TV giving updates for the pandemic give us the same story, that racism is the biggest issue and it's ok to go out and protest. And then the sleazy politicians took it and ran with it, standing shoulder to shoulder in massive crowds with screaming people when just days before they were pushing draconian measures on people gathering in parks and stuff like that. Now they're enacting policies that will prevent a big % of black people from eating or working in restaurants or other indoor spaces, how can racism not be the biggest issue here? So many of my black co-workers might lose their jobs next month for not complying with the injection mandate. The impact of these policies is racist by the definitions we've been working with so of course this should be the main angle played by media and politicians but it isn't for some reason. If you can't see the contradiction here you're either trying very hard not to see it or you're just retarded. Going forward I will just assume that white liberals who push for the injection mandates are just racists who want less black people around.

You bring up a letter that you didn't read, and then complain about a biased media that doesn't present information accurately?
I read the letter. Here is an important part.

"This letter is signed by 1,288 public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders."

That doesn't mean 1,288 doctors signed on to this. And what is a "community stakeholder", and how many of them were part of the 1,288?
From a quick Google search---there are about 1,000,000 doctors in the US, and about 4 million nurses.
And you think this letter signed by 1,288 people speaks for the entire medical community?

Furthermore, there is an argument to be made about their position. And it's an argument that you, right wingers, and libertarians agree with---but you won't acknowledge that because you don't like BLM. You like the right to protest, but only when it's about things that you agree with. The pandemic can be a pressing concern that needs attention, AND, civil rights can also be a pressing concern that needs attention at the same time.
That doesn't mean that a protest during a pandemic doesn't have risks. But that also doesn't' mean that the government gets a free pass to trample all of your rights during an emergency.
If you are protesting the government because they shut down your business and left you with no way to feed your family, I SUPPORT that protest. If you just are "tired of wearing a mask", or think this is about "government control", then, no, your protest does not hold the same weight.

Your argument about race is nonsense, because you're conflating two topics in your desperate attempt to find hypocrisy. Or as if two things can't be true at one time. Both things have race as a component, but that doesn't make them the same thing.
The issue of the BLM protests was about race. The issue of COVID and masks is not central to race.
That minorities may be more affected because of COVID restrictions is not centrally a racial problem--it's a public health problem. The BLM protests were specifically about a racial problem. These are not the same thing just because race is involved in both situations.

I seem to be missing whatever point you were trying to make here with this link. A Rolling Stone magazine article was retracted because some dipshit lady made up a story? Do you get your news from the Rolling Stone?

You seem to have missed my point, because I wasn't defending the media.
The media has narratives. The media is also highly reactive to whatever is happening in the world. They don't normally completely make things up out of nothing.

When Biden was "hiding" during the campaign and no one could get him for an interview, the media couldn't do many stories on him.
When Trump gets on Twitter everyday to talk shit, and fight with people, there's a lot of stories for the media to run with.
And then you guys act like it's some sort of conspiracy when the media covers one person more than the other, when the answer is obvious.
The Dems STFU and do their dirt in silence. Republicans put their dirt out there for all to see, and then whine when the media covers it.
That has nothing to do with bias. Nor does it mean that the Dems, or the media is great.
You bring up a letter that you didn't read, and then complain about a biased media that doesn't present information accurately?
I read the letter. Here is an important part.

"This letter is signed by 1,288 public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders."

That doesn't mean 1,288 doctors signed on to this. And what is a "community stakeholder", and how many of them were part of the 1,288?
From a quick Google search---there are about 1,000,000 doctors in the US, and about 4 million nurses.
And you think this letter signed by 1,288 people speaks for the entire medical community?

Furthermore, there is an argument to be made about their position. And it's an argument that you, right wingers, and libertarians agree with---but you won't acknowledge that because you don't like BLM. You like the right to protest, but only when it's about things that you agree with. The pandemic can be a pressing concern that needs attention, AND, civil rights can also be a pressing concern that needs attention at the same time.
That doesn't mean that a protest during a pandemic doesn't have risks. But that also doesn't' mean that the government gets a free pass to trample all of your rights during an emergency.
If you are protesting the government because they shut down your business and left you with no way to feed your family, I SUPPORT that protest. If you just are "tired of wearing a mask", or think this is about "government control", then, no, your protest does not hold the same weight.

Your argument about race is nonsense, because you're conflating two topics in your desperate attempt to find hypocrisy. Or as if two things can't be true at one time. Both things have race as a component, but that doesn't make them the same thing.
The issue of the BLM protests was about race. The issue of COVID and masks is not central to race.
That minorities may be more affected because of COVID restrictions is not centrally a racial problem--it's a public health problem. The BLM protests were specifically about a racial problem. These are not the same thing just because race is involved in both situations.

Guy I never said anything about wearing masks but Jesus Christ, if you're out here writing essays to a stranger in some passionate defense of the honour of the corporate media and political elite than you may be too far gone.
I just saw this headline a couple days ago. Nothing has changed. Police shootings/killings are still being regularly reported on.


It's just that the right-wing media realized after Trump lost that there was no longer reason to pretend that there was some sort of "burning cities" crisis across America as a result of BLM violence.

Because that's where you get all your news you are under the impression that the situation has "died down" and you're trying to figure out why. Instead of understanding that it's just the propaganda and disinfo from the right that died down.

Damn you are full of shit. Right wingers are generally better informed because the lefts cultural and media dominance forces us to consume information from both left and right wing media. Leftists are more likely to live in a bubble and not know what the fuck they are talking about.

Local crime stories are being reported in local media outlets and always have been. Right winger media are still reporting on leftist terrorism.

It's the major left wing outlets that have changed their coverage. When Trump was President their goal was to manipulate people into getting him out, so they wanted everyone to be miserable and feel like everything was a disaster or about to be and associate that dread with Trump. Now that Trump is out they need to hide the fact that Biden is an actual disaster and the monsters they unleashed during the last administration haven't gone away.
The rioting in Democrat run cities turned out to be unpopular with voters. So now Democrats and the media are moving away from that.

Maybe Republican voters. The riots weren't aimed at them. The entire anti-police, blm, burn, riot, kill movement had one goal and it worked to perfection. That is to motivate the black vote to vote for an old racist and think they were doing it for there civil rights.

Statistically it worked perfectly. Record black turnout. Anecdotally....it did the same. Every black person I know voted for Joe and when asked why...it was everything to do with racism.

The dnc saw the horrible black turnout for Hillary. They knew what they needed to do to manipulate blacks....again. And it worked wonders.
Damn you are full of shit. Right wingers are generally better informed because the lefts cultural and media dominance forces us to consume information from both left and right wing media. Leftists are more likely to live in a bubble and not know what the fuck they are talking about.

Local crime stories are being reported in local media outlets and always have been. Right winger media are still reporting on leftist terrorism.

It's the major left wing outlets that have changed their coverage. When Trump was President their goal was to manipulate people into getting him out, so they wanted everyone to be miserable and feel like everything was a disaster or about to be and associate that dread with Trump. Now that Trump is out they need to hide the fact that Biden is an actual disaster and the monsters they unleashed during the last administration haven't gone away.

So true. The left are incapable of seeing this though
The anger was/is getting to close to hurting the people that own the media i.e. Billionaires.
Rioting was fine when it was about racist cops or whatever, but then they started targeting businesses and 'why am i not being paid a living wage' and well we cant have that.
Guy I never said anything about wearing masks but Jesus Christ, if you're out here writing essays to a stranger in some passionate defense of the honour of the corporate media and political elite than you may be too far gone.
Guy, how did you get masks as my main point out of that? I just addressed your argument about the letter and why race should be the focal point when talking about police discrimination, and not the focal point when talking about COVID. Unlike you, I directly addressed your argument.

lol To come back and whine about an "essay" being too long in a political thread, and then try to act like I'm "passionately defending" corporate media is some peak pussy shit.
I seem to be missing whatever point you were trying to make here with this link. A Rolling Stone magazine article was retracted because some dipshit lady made up a story? Do you get your news from the Rolling Stone?

You seem to have missed my point, because I wasn't defending the media.
The media has narratives. The media is also highly reactive to whatever is happening in the world. They don't normally completely make things up out of nothing.

When Biden was "hiding" during the campaign and no one could get him for an interview, the media couldn't do many stories on him.
When Trump gets on Twitter everyday to talk shit, and fight with people, there's a lot of stories for the media to run with.
And then you guys act like it's some sort of conspiracy when the media covers one person more than the other, when the answer is obvious.
The Dems STFU and do their dirt in silence. Republicans put their dirt out there for all to see, and then whine when the media covers it.
That has nothing to do with bias. Nor does it mean that the Dems, or the media is great.
I’m not talking about gossip or making a big deal and this or that. I’m talking about it right lies. The media has gotten dishonest and it started in the early teens. Is there are multiple instances where the media blatantly lied or knowingly perpetuated a lie. That’s my and many poster’s issue here The lies.
I’m not talking about gossip or making a big deal and this or that. I’m talking about it right lies. The media has gotten dishonest and it started in the early teens. Is there are multiple instances where the media blatantly lied or knowingly perpetuated a lie. That’s my and many poster’s issue here The lies.

But to show me an example of an out right lie, you link a story about a lie told in the Rolling Stones magazine, as if anyone thinks of Rolling Stone magazine when they think about media. We're talking CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Washington Post, NY Times, etc.

Where are the outright lies that have zero basis in reality?
You not agreeing with an angle does not equal an outright lie. There is a lot of spin, and there are narratives, but show me completely fabricated news that comes from nothing. I'm talking on all sides of media. Even Fox News and OAN are getting their stories from SOMEWHERE. The interpretation of the data is what is in dispute.

In the example you gave me, the lie didn't just stand, never to be corrected. It was retracted ,and I doubt that lady has a job in journalism anymore. Even still, there's a ginormous difference between what she did in that story, and what you and others are alleging is happening in the broader media.
For a female reporter to completely make up a gangbang story at a college is completely deranged--and most people wouldn't second guess it because of the nature of the crime and out of respect for the victim. It wasn't media's malicious intent to spread a narrative that Frat boys across America are raping your daughters.
As I'm trying to point out, you guys are ignoring basic structures of the system, and going straight to conspiracies. These channels are all about being first, 'breaking news', "getting the scoop", advertisers---that's the agenda over anything else--getting people to tune in. "Being first", also means that they will be wrong sometimes too. And when the retractions happen a few days later, no one remembers those.
Maybe Republican voters. The riots weren't aimed at them. The entire anti-police, blm, burn, riot, kill movement had one goal and it worked to perfection. That is to motivate the black vote to vote for an old racist and think they were doing it for there civil rights.

Statistically it worked perfectly. Record black turnout. Anecdotally....it did the same. Every black person I know voted for Joe and when asked why...it was everything to do with racism.

The dnc saw the horrible black turnout for Hillary. They knew what they needed to do to manipulate blacks....again. And it worked wonders.

Basically, this in a nutshell.
Out of thin air would imply that it was completely made up. That there was absolutely zero reason to believe what they believe.
You can disagree with some conclusions that people have made, say things aren't balanced, and information is being left out, but that it was "drummed up out of thin air" is obviously false.

You're also biased in how you're presenting what you saw. The narrative was not "this country is more racist than ever", it's that "in 2020, this shouldn't be happening at all--why are there no laws stopping this abuse".
We can argue about how extensive the problem is, not whether or not the problem exists.

And for the thread topic, you are ignoring all of the obvious reasons why these stories got more attention in the first place----VIDEO, social media, and a 24 hour news cycle. We have a 9 minute video of a cop sitting on a guy's neck in broad daylight. That image is going to get stuck in peoples' heads. And when more and more videos come out, it creates a feeling that this is something that is always happening. That's not all on the media. That's how people feel. Blacks have felt like this BEFORE 2020. This isn't some new feeling.
Add to all of this, when the POTUS makes some unpopular comments on these sensitive issues, it's going to bring more attention.
That's not the media "drumming up things out of thin air".

Run a google trends search on any of the buzzwords like "systemic racism" and you'll see how long people have really been worried about systemic racism.

Almost no one would have a problem if the argument was really against true police brutality but we both know that those situations were used as fuel to ignite a narrative that spanned way further than simple police brutality.

Trump being racist against black people was a completely made up narrative. Why does Biden, who has said way worse things about black people, get a pass while Trump was pinned as being racist despite not saying anything racist?
Damn you are full of shit. Right wingers are generally better informed because the lefts cultural and media dominance forces us to consume information from both left and right wing media. Leftists are more likely to live in a bubble and not know what the fuck they are talking about.

Local crime stories are being reported in local media outlets and always have been. Right winger media are still reporting on leftist terrorism.

It's the major left wing outlets that have changed their coverage. When Trump was President their goal was to manipulate people into getting him out, so they wanted everyone to be miserable and feel like everything was a disaster or about to be and associate that dread with Trump. Now that Trump is out they need to hide the fact that Biden is an actual disaster and the monsters they unleashed during the last administration haven't gone away.
This. And they convinced (brainwashed) many people. If you read vitriolic quotes from Celebs about Trump it’s almost not real life. Propaganda networks like CNN went past the point of hyperbole and 24/7 called Republicans racists, xenophobes and compared Trump to Hitler. This is how nut jobs like Queen B are created
Like many people said....The media wanted Trump out of office.
You cannot trust the CNN's, msnbc's, Fox News of the World.
Damn you are full of shit.

I guarantee you I read/listen to a far wider ideological range of media sources than 99.9% of Trump voters.

The claim that the so-called "mainstream" media stopped reporting on police shootings of unarmed black men after Biden got sworn in is a sign of your deep delusion. What HAS stopped is the misleading propaganda from the right-wing media about the degree and scope of BLM protest violence.
Run a google trends search on any of the buzzwords like "systemic racism" and you'll see how long people have really been worried about systemic racism.

Almost no one would have a problem if the argument was really against true police brutality but we both know that those situations were used as fuel to ignite a narrative that spanned way further than simple police brutality.

You're talking about narratives and CTs, and ignoring the simple realities of the current age with ALL media and technology.
Things go viral and they trend. People go viral and they trend.
Was there some shadowy character trying to kill off America's young with the Tide pod challenge, or making Logan Paul famous?
Someone says something, it becomes a #, and it gets repeated everywhere. There is no grand conspiracy in that.

The argument has NEVER ONLY been about police brutality. So, you're starting off with a falsehood, as if people have been dishonest about this. This isn't just about a cop punching someone. It has always been about the criminal justice SYSTEM. So you have to look at it systemically.

Trump being racist against black people was a completely made up narrative. Why does Biden, who has said way worse things about black people, get a pass while Trump was pinned as being racist despite not saying anything racist?

Words have meanings. You keep using words like "completely made up" and "out of thin air", to describe things that you disagree with. As if someone is saying something that you could verifiably prove is a lie. Which again, is the big difference here. A flat out lie is not the same thing as saying something you disagree with.

Trump was SUED by the US justice department for racial discrimination in the 70s for not renting to blacks, Trump wanted the Central Park 5--the blacks/latinos falsely accused of rape to be put back in jail after they were released and proved to be innocent, there are numerous allegations on racial comments he made against blacks in his casino days, Haiti and other latin american countries are "shitholes", ban Muslims, his inability to just flatly say he was against white supremacists, and there's plenty other examples.
This is not "completely made up".
YOU can believe that none of this proves Trump is a racist, but you can not say that these things aren't proof for other people that he is a racist.

You are also mixing up what people report vs what they are actually saying as fact. Saying that a comment has "racial undertones" or that "this group finds these comments racially insensitive or racist" is not the news directly reporting as fact, "Donald Trump is a racist". Adding to that, that people like Don Lemon do opinion shows, and they are giving their opinions based on what is said or done.

When did Biden get a pass ? He has been called out by his own VP and other Democrats about his past. You're talking about things that were like 30 years ago...after he served as VP to the first black president. How long do you expect the media to keep talking about a crime bill from decades ago?
The idea that the media is deliberately conspiring to get things wrong. That's pretty silly, you have to admit.

This is an entirely different post. Also, seems like you're conflating the news media with, like, regular people on Twitter or something. I don't think you'll find any examples of MSM news coverage accusing anyone of introducing a straw man if they want to talk about differential crime rates or something. And because "MSM news coverage" is so broad, you can generally find examples of anything you want.

The point being, it's very rare for the media to give full context to what is happening in black communities that is leading to more police interactions that go bad. Higher violent crime rates are arguably the most relevant factor in disproportionate incidences of police shootings within given sectors of the population. Yet it's almost unheard of to see newscasts discussing police shootings in particular communities within the context of violent crime rates in those communities. That's part of the job of journalism with a story like this, but they absolutely refuse to touch it.

It's simply what happens when people and organizations downplay or ignore data that does not match their chosen world view and highlight and amplify data that does. We all tend to do that.

The issue here is that the media isn't supposed to do that. Yet they do. Both the right wing media and the left. And that's all I meant by a "small 'c' conspiracy in the way that the media discusses the data points around black men being disproportionately killed by police." Taking it some other way actually seems insincere given the way I wrote that, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and take some responsibility for using the word "conspiracy" (I only did so because I was trying to bounce off of the discussion already taking place).

And the secondary issue is the one that you touched on, which is that a post like this will be perceived by many as containing dog whistles that prove my thinly veiled racist tendencies. So I'll be clear: The violence in black communities is, without a doubt, the end result of hundreds of years of systemic racism. It is not a problem with black people. It is a problem of marginalization, oppression, and intergenerational trauma.

But if you're really going to discuss, address, and report on the disproportionate number of young black men being killed by law enforcement, you can't just throw away this context. If you do it leaves you with a very dangerous, and incomplete (to say the least) narrative about police and their interactions with young black men.
The point being, it's very rare for the media to give full context to what is happening in black communities that is leading to more police interactions that go bad. Higher violent crime rates are arguably the most relevant factor in disproportionate incidences of police shootings within given sectors of the population. Yet it's almost unheard of to see newscasts discussing police shootings in particular communities within the context of violent crime rates in those communities. That's part of the job of journalism with a story like this, but they absolutely refuse to touch it.

That hasn't been my observation. Do you have any examples of real stories that you think could benefit from more context?

It's simply what happens when people and organizations downplay or ignore data that does not match their chosen world view and highlight and amplify data that does. We all tend to do that.

I think the assumption that the MSM's collective (?) chosen worldview is not matched by something here should be examined. I'm not trying to nitpick here--I really think that there's some vagueness that's covering up big, highly questionable assumptions, and that an attempt to get more specific would either go a long way toward making your point or (more likely, IMO) cause it to kind of evaporate.

The issue here is that the media isn't supposed to do that. Yet they do. Both the right wing media and the left. And that's all I meant by a "small 'c' conspiracy in the way that the media discusses the data points around black men being disproportionately killed by police." Taking it some other way actually seems insincere given the way I wrote that, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and take some responsibility for using the word "conspiracy" (I only did so because I was trying to bounce off of the discussion already taking place).

It's not the "conspiracy" part that caused my eyebrows to raise as much as the assumption about the media's collective mind.
Like many people said....The media wanted Trump out of office.
You cannot trust the CNN's, msnbc's, Fox News of the World.

:) The media *loved* having Trump in office. Fun and profitable, and plus he cut their taxes! Great shit from their perspective.
:) The media *loved* having Trump in office. Fun and profitable, and plus he cut their taxes! Great shit from their perspective.

You've never agreed with me in 14 years.
so I'm going to assume I'm not smart enough to read between the lines. Ignorance is bliss,Jack.:)

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