Elections Fishy Fishy California Recall

I've already explained the situation.

This has nothing to do with fraud, and everything to do with suppressing a cohort known to be light on ID.

If you want firecrackers you don't need ID, all you need is a friend with ID. The same goes for most purchases.

I can't speak to why they don't have ID or if they can get it or not. This is about putting unnecessary hurdles between citizens and voting. It's hard enough to get Americans to vote in the first place, making it just a little more difficult pays dividends.

So, a non-partisan move to make voting more secure (despite the complete absence of evidence of fraud) would be to first get ID to everyone.

That would completely subvert the motive for ID laws, so it's never going to happen.
Yeah, one person one vote. Kinda how it's supposed to be.
That's what I was thinking! The article literally is going off of a 88 year old Republican woman's random claim about her friends & ballot box neighbor. This may have been one error and a whole lotta embellishment, or maybe there's some fuckery going on, but this article fails miserably in providing an argument for there actually being fraud.
Yep, she's old. So fk it, must not know anything. Right on. It's worth at least checking into. Is it not?
Sounds like you are an expert. How many elections do you believe the dems have stolen? Do you have any facts or is this just one of those times where we just make up stolen elections and blame the other side?

When there's smoke there's fire. When your dying of smoke inhalation there is definitely a fire.
We are posting in a thread based on attempt right here....
How many votes does Newsome need? I think I just found some more bags of ballots in my garage.
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Racist Democrats supporting a do nothing, hypocritical, corrupt, born rich, connected elitist. Who would have thunk
what i learned from this thread.

republicans are stupid.

democrats respond with facts and logic that are pretty much bulletproof.

it doesn't matter because republicans are stupid.

@Loiosh kicking ass and taking names in this thread btw.
<LikeReally5> jumping thru hoops to answer a simple question and this is the diarrhea you come up with?

The problem is the situation is meant to suggest simple answers to obvious questions while obfuscating the truth. This is one of the systemic cases of racism you guys incorrectly insist don't exist.

Let's come at this differently.

Do you think Republicans just followed up countless claims of unproven election fraud with a series of laws that added obstacles to voting?

Feel free to ignore the fact a Texas member of the GOP is on record saying they put up twelve law suits restricting mail in voting, and if even one of those cases had failed they would have lost Texas. Basically, the more people who vote legally, the lower the GOP chances of winning an election.
This is one of the systemic cases of racism you guys incorrectly insist don't exist.

my bad sherbro, I forgot you're a paranoid for a minute there
my bad sherbro, I forgot you're a paranoid for a minute there

Could you answer the question? It contains two elements pretty important to the discussion.

Do you think Republicans just followed up countless claims of unproven election fraud with a series of laws that added obstacles to voting?

Unproven election fraud... Speaks for itself. Numerous challenges failed to demonstrate fraud. This fact hasn't prevented anyone from claiming it exists, because the truth doesn't matter.

Obstacles to voting... There's a list of voting rules and restrictions that have been added that's a mile long across America, all in the name of unproven election fraud. Democrats tried to put forward election security legislation and the GOP refused every time. The legislation the GOP is putting forward doesn't actually address any of the mysterious, unproven fraud, all it does is selectively suppress certain voting blocks.


Do you think Republicans just followed up countless claims of unproven election fraud with a series of laws that added obstacles to voting?
Could you answer the question?

<Rodgers1><{Heymansnicker}>I'm sorry, I just don't have the time to filibuster like you did in this thread

You dont think that an ID should be required to vote?
See, that's the genius of this. On it's face it seems so logical and lets people ask questions like you just did, while completely ignoring how these laws are being surgically applied to suppress specific voting blocks. It also ignores the fact that voting fraud is incredibly rare. Why doesn't that matter?
So....no then. Gotcha
I don't think laws that target and suppress a specific voting block should be put in place when there is no evidence they will reduce fraud, especially when there is no evidence that fraud exists.
You clearly feel rigging elections is perfectly fine and don't really care about fraud one way or another as long as it gives your team an advantage.
The conservative point of view is shrinking in America and the GOP in Texas is on tape admitting that the more people who vote there, the less likely they are to win elections. They passed twelve laws restricting mail in voting, and admitted if one of those laws had fail to pass, they would have lost Texas. Bottom dollar: The more people who vote, the less likely they are to win. This probably just seems like smart politics to you.
Ok, Ok bud. I gotcha. You DONT think an ID is needed to cast a vote. Sounds like a great plan. <Dany07>FYI, I dont have a side. But no ID sounds stupid as hell
The fact that you run relatively shitty elections over there shouldn't be a partisan issue.

No ID required, mail-in ballots, last-minute changes to the whole system...
It's a joke and, considering how wealthy you are, you should be embarrassed.

The "leader of the free world" can't even run legitimate elections, and half the population defends it.
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No different than Illinois.

And just this morning I read how the likely challenge to Prtizker is some Californian venture capitalist with billionaire backing pulling in a bunch of funding already

Just a revolving door of turds here. I don’t care if he has an R next to his name. Billionaire backed California is a hell no.