What's your single favorite band?

Makes me think of East Troy Wisconsin, ozzfest. Awesome time. The line up was out of this world. From what I remember because I went with a band called body bag.
Black sabbath
Fear factory
He'd p.e.
Slipknot(how I met them)

Got damn. That's a nice lineup.
Can somebody tell Zinger thanks for the favorite list and now I have some tracks that make me think of my European brothers and sisters. I miss them much.
Jane's Addiction

I have so many memories both good and bad attached to that band. I love the first three albums, but absolutely hate the next two. So I guess I should say that Jane's Addiction from 1986-1991 is my single favorite band of all time.
Tool is an incredible piece of artistry and they've got some monster tracks from their early days. Jones is a fucking wizard.

Maynard is a pretentious clown, I can't stand his general demeanour and his behaviour at concerts is deplorable.
Yeah, he called us all a bunch of hippies (I think) in 2004 at Download. I was a bit pissed off, it was the perfect setting Tool coming on as the sun was setting to close out the night, but he was just menstrual that night.
When I saw APC at the same gig as NIN I had a giggle that everyone left APC in order to get to see NIN closer to stage. Given their rivalry and I think Maynard's a twat it was cool.

Gotta love that sludge. Although Houdini was easily their most accesible album. Their earlier shit was much more drone and a lot more obscure.

Setting yourself apart..., as a punk or metal hip hop band was a curious thing to do try or have faith in. I appreciate all...
Cheers, bro.
Absolutely. To seeing them again. I don't forget. Nor am I dismissive or disrespectful. But I challenge my own words because I don't know how they will effect or how they will be perceived. Context has much value but I can sometimes not understand if I make mistakes. The only thing I feel,.. I have ever known is true love.
Glenn is, or I should say was a real poop. Into the future though, I used to let Graves and Dr. Chud crash at my house in Texas years ago. Good times getting drunk writing punk songs. We would do acoustic covers of old stuff. Like meat men stomp lol. Or even minor threat undead obviously misfits stuff. You better think about it bay be eh, eh, eh, eh, eh,eh,eh let guitar ringgit. Slide out and cut track with eerie.

Thats pretty cool. I always thought Graves was a lot better than he got credit for.
for all the nine inch nails fans (which i too am a huge fan of), i think this is the best remix they ever did:


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