Social Whites apparently can't use school buildings they attend because its racist.

I'm assuming everyone that is for this is completely ok with a whites only safe space as well right?
I dont see the issue. POC deserve a separate building for only POC if they want

People should have the ability to self segregate´

Edit: Many schools apparently have POC areas so it isnt illegal and if people want to go to black only areas why is that wrong? Apparently these girls arent lying they say they got it approved by the University

The girls said they worked with the University to develop a multicultural center (this seems to be true) those white boys are sitting in an area designated as a safe space for POC

Now if them sitting there is in violation of University laws I am not sure but this seems to me the "muh freedom let capitalism reign" thinking. So if the University does allow this then there is no issue

Again the white men can go to another floor or area.
I'm assuming everyone that is for this is completely ok with a whites only safe space as well right?

I'm for it for anyone that thinks it's necessary.

Pretty sure for the argument for a multicultural space is the dominance of white supremacy, so naturally I'm not surprised at a white outcry for an equivalent space.
I'm for it for anyone that thinks it's necessary.

Pretty sure for the argument for a multicultural space is the dominance of white supremacy, so naturally I'm not surprised at a white outcry for an equivalent space.
I'd love to see the proof of "dominance of white supremacy" in a public state college funded by taxes.
To be fair, I don't actually advocate for "equivalent" white spaces. I actually believe forced segregation to be a net negative. BUT if we are going to have one we should have both.
Murrka gonna murrka. The freakshow doesn't even surprise me anymore.
I'd love to see the proof of "dominance of white supremacy" in a public state college funded by taxes.
To be fair, I don't actually advocate for "equivalent" white spaces. I actually believe forced segregation to be a net negative. BUT if we are going to have one we should have both.

These things didn't exist when I was in college and I don't really understand the need for them now. The video was outrage media and in a country of more than 350 million you're always going to get outlier moments to build a narrative on.

From the little I saw in the video the problem was the space was there so multicultural people could "center" and the two white guys were messing with that with their politically charged kit.

White supremacy is a complicated issue to discuss, it doesn't have to be clan meetings and burning crosses. There's an recording of Lee Atwater describing the evolution of racist conservative vocabulary over the years. This was thirty years ago in the Reagan white house, it isn't ancient history, and it would be naïve to assume things are different now.

You start out in 1954 by saying, “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.” By 1968 you can’t say “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.”​

“Police Lives Matter”????

What a lame sticker. I would have been pissed at those nerdy bootlickers too. Not because they’re white. Everyone knows police lives dont matter, thats why the government puts their lives at risk for no reason by making them enforce archaic drug laws at the behest of the pharmaceutical and prison industries…

They were clearly just trying to stir up some shit and trigger minorities.
It's all about perspectives.
You say "the problem was the space was there so multicultural people could "center" and the two white guys were messing with that with their politically charged kit."
I say "the problem was the college agreed to segregated spaces without the foresight of seeing the issue of sanctioned racism". It was bound to backfire.
As for racist language being vague I don't see how that's applicable to this situation. A state college created a segregated space based solely on race. If you don't understand why that's a problem you are part of the problem.
These things didn't exist when I was in college and I don't really understand the need for them now. The video was outrage media and in a country of more than 350 million you're always going to get outlier moments to build a narrative on.

From the little I saw in the video the problem was the space was there so multicultural people could "center" and the two white guys were messing with that with their politically charged kit.

White supremacy is a complicated issue to discuss, it doesn't have to be clan meetings and burning crosses. There's an recording of Lee Atwater describing the evolution of racist conservative vocabulary over the years. This was thirty years ago in the Reagan white house, it isn't ancient history, and it would be naïve to assume things are different now.

You start out in 1954 by saying, “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.” By 1968 you can’t say “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.”​

It's all about perspectives.
You say "the problem was the space was there so multicultural people could "center" and the two white guys were messing with that with their politically charged kit."
I say "the problem was the college agreed to segregated spaces without the foresight of seeing the issue of sanctioned racism". It was bound to backfire.
As for racist language being vague I don't see how that's applicable to this situation. A state college created a segregated space based solely on race. If you don't understand why that's a problem you are part of the problem.

I'm not saying that at all, the video suggested it. The girl said it was a place for them to center.

I don't know anything at all about these spaces but there were two white guys dressed to trigger, and someone was triggered. As far as I can tell the only issue was the "Police Lives Matter" sticker which is a direct attack on BLM. One way to look at it is that's a place you aren't supposed to fuck with people, and they fucked with people.

I can't say for certain that white people aren't allowed there, can you?

I mentioned the evolving language of racism because that's the kind of garbage they've had to deal with since forever, which might be why they've been given a "multicultural zone". Just recently a Missouri school started a petition to reinstate slavery. That's one isolated incident like this one is but if you're going to suggest that this incident is meaningful you might want to consider that one.

Black people had to endure unimaginable hardship for centuries, but if a couple of tables are reserved for them in a college, white people freak out and cry racism. It's insane to me. Exactly what problem am I a part of? The unfair oppression of white people? Insanity.
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The jewish power structure has created an extremely hostile anti-white environment, which is especially rampant on these campuses, and have basically made the blacks an untouchable entity who will never face any repercussions, regardless of their actions (unless they start mouthing off about jews, of course.)

It's redundant to make the "imagine if the roles were reversed" argument but it's still nevertheless true. If these even so much as hinted at using the same kind of racially charged language these golems used they'd be booted out and their lives destroyed.

This is ultimately why white people have to start organising and advocating for their own group's interests. This pressure isn't going to ease up as you slip into minority status; you're not going to be afforded the same privileges and protections as a "minority" group.
What's happening with the human race is similar to the rat utopia experiment. We're overcrowded and life is so good that people invent things to go at each other's throats over. It's insanity and there's no reasoning through it at this point. It's going to continue to get worse. You see it peaking in the crowded cities right now.
I really wish the kid asked these girls what is racist about a Police Lives Matter sticker. Imagine hating cops so much you need to throw the racist label at the people who appreciate police officers. Who raises people like this?

When they laughed at the notion of whites having a culture he should have asked what culture they’re so proud to be a part of? Committing crimes well above the percentage of population they make up? Lol
Are you ok with spaces on state college campuses being segregated for certain races? (So black safe spaces, white safe spaces, etc)

“This is the violence that ASU does, and this is the type of people they protect. This White man thinks he can take up our space.”
A direct quote from the video. You can stop with the denial of the situation. It is a space designated for non-whites to feel safe by excluding white people. It's racist no matter how you try to spin it.
I'm not saying that at all, the video suggested it. The girl said it was a place for them to center.

I don't know anything at all about these spaces but there were two white guys dressed to trigger, and someone was triggered. As far as I can tell the only issue was the "Police Lives Matter" sticker which is a direct attack on BLM. One way to look at it is that's a place you aren't supposed to fuck with people, and they fucked with people.

I can't say for certain that white people aren't allowed there, can you?

I mentioned the evolving language of racism because that's the kind of garbage they've had to deal with since forever, which might be why they've been given a "multicultural zone". Just recently a Missouri school started a petition to reinstate slavery. That's one isolated incident like this one is but if you're going to suggest that this incident is meaningful you might want to consider that one.

Black people had to endure unimaginable hardship for centuries, but if a couple of tables are reserved for them in a college, white people freak out and cry racism. It's insane to me. Exactly what problem am I a part of? The unfair oppression of white people? Insanity.
I doubt you'll ever understand the truth but a part of hopes you might want to.


Why is it always assumed that every white family has had generations of wealth passed down? Unless I’m in the minority regarding this, I’d assume lots started off on equal footing.
“Police Lives Matter”????

What a lame sticker. I would have been pissed at those nerdy bootlickers too. Not because they’re white. Everyone knows police lives dont matter, thats why the government puts their lives at risk for no reason by making them enforce archaic drug laws at the behest of the pharmaceutical and prison industries…

They were clearly just trying to stir up some shit and trigger minorities.

If one of the chicks was wearing a BLM shirt would you accuse them of trying to stir up some shit?
I dont see the issue. POC deserve a separate building for only POC if they want

People should have the ability to self segregate´

If white people wanted to do this you'd be pissing and moaning about not being included.

You don't have to respond because my evidence for this is every single fucking piece of media that poc's have demanded to be included in for the past 15 fucking years.
Children arguing is what you concern yourself with? I never understand this.
You guys hate the media
The media perpetuates the culture war
You complain about the culture war and share all their click bait stuff

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