***NBA Thread - All Hail Giannis***

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Damn they got Tony Allen , he had a solid enough careeer to Make Money. I see Telfair too , what a fucking Bust.


The random Telfair reference in that song always throws me off lol
It's only Preseason but Lakers look like shit

I wonder how this is going to work. I don't think he's going back because he wants to reconcile with the team. He's likely going back because he needs to play to get the trade faster or raise his value or something.
I wonder how this is going to work. I don't think he's going back because he wants to reconcile with the team. He's likely going back because he needs to play to get the trade faster or raise his value or something.
and he wants to get paid

when he holds out, he loses $$$
I cant imagine Kyrie rides this all season. I mean his ego definitely wont let him tuck tail and get jabbed too quick, he has to show hes strong for awhile and get the attention as the vaccine martyr who cant be controlled. But come on that $$$ though....I say he lasts about half the season.
I cant imagine Kyrie rides this all season. I mean his ego definitely wont let him tuck tail and get jabbed too quick, he has to show hes strong for awhile and get the attention as the vaccine martyr who cant be controlled. But come on that $$$ though....I say he lasts about half the season.
I don't know, he strikes me as someone who might actually believe the more outlandish parts of the vaccine hesitant argument (e.g., he will die in 6-12 months after the shot, or whatever)... if that's the case, I doubt he will accept the shot at any time.

Regardless, I can't see the NBA dragging these draconian mandates into next year, so he takes a year off and comes back none the worse in 2022/23.

I sure hope he can stick to his convictions, as he is shining a light no how idiotic these vaccine mandates really are.
I don't know, he strikes me as someone who might actually believe the more outlandish parts of the vaccine hesitant argument (e.g., he will die in 6-12 months after the shot, or whatever)... if that's the case, I doubt he will accept the shot at any time.

Regardless, I can't see the NBA dragging these draconian mandates into next year, so he takes a year off and comes back none the worse in 2022/23.

I sure hope he can stick to his convictions, as he is shining a light no how idiotic these vaccine mandates really are.
Its being reported thats hes supposedly not so much against the vaccine as much as just being against the mandates and seeing people lose their jobs and so he wants to use his platform to stick up for the little guy. I took that as him already setting the wheels in motion to back off his stance.
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