Crime 10 dead in mass shooting in Buffalo

You mean the state should be allowed to comb through their mental health records? And also mandate a psych eval? No thanks, sounds really invasive and draconian. About as many people are killed in drunk driving accidents as are in gun homicides but I don't see anyone calling for people to receive a mental health eval before being allowed to buy alcohol.

The very first time you're caught driving drunk should be the very last time you drive.

I don't disagree with the point you're making but I've lost too many friends to drunk drivers and think it should be taken a lot more seriously.
Yeah and then the motherfucker didn't even fight to the death or off himself - he fucking surrendered as soon as danger appeared like the little pussy fuck boy that he is.

no, he was taken alive because he is white.

Twitter keeps posting this meme-ben crump, talcum x, many others

I kept posting to not forget Malcom Xavier Johnson-the blm radical shooter that killed 5-6 cops after saying white cops need to know the fear we live with. He was blown up by a bomb robot. Pic of him in link-
Great piece from Tuck. He does a great job showing that Great Replacement Theory is not only being exclusively promulgated by the left but it’s something that they have openly celebrated:

I am not a tucker or fix need fan, but that was good. In fact, I was told “enjoy being a minority, white boy” and because I like to troll more on Twitter, I thanked her (stereotypical hoodrat with the long nails, street grammar, etc) for my white privilege and high status and ended with hood luck with that. This was also in response to a tweet a few weeks ago before that account got locked for saying that I would rather slam my testicles in a drawer than ever sit in racial bias training again. This wasn’t in the Buffalo threads.
You think people should just be barred from purchasing a gun without due process? I think that's more messed up but okay.
He had due process. A red flag style law blocked the purchase and further evaluation out him on a no buy list until he can prove his sanity.

Again, do you support insane people purchasing guns or not?
What's spot on? Where does he address how this kid became radicalized, how a mentally unstable kid was able to legally purchase a gun? But hey let's compare gang territorial killings in Chicago with illegal guns to an 18 year old looney who was able to legally purchase a gun, get pushed over the edge by 4chan and drive hours to kill random people of a certain color

The very first time you're caught driving drunk should be the very last time you drive.

I don't disagree with the point you're making but I've lost too many friends to drunk drivers and think it should be taken a lot more seriously.

Hear hear
Yeah, I need statistics, and so do you.

You need statistics which prove the demographics of the West are changing? You're that disconnected from reality you aren't aware of this? Unbelievable.

Obviously the same is happening across other Western countries: USA, Canada, Australia, and many European countries. How could it not be, when mass immigration has been happening for decades? You know this, so don't play dumb.

Shaun did a breakdown on replacement theory in the UK and it looks like white people might be in trouble there in a thousand years or so.

This is a perfect example of how deceitful leftists are, always misrepresenting arguments. I never said anything about "being in trouble", I am talking about the demographic transformation of Britain which is best observed in Britain's capital, London. The white British are now a minority there, along with other British towns & cities: Leicester, Birmingham, Slough, Luton and many others to follow soon.

Imagine trying to predict the demographic makeup of country a thousand years from now. You're that much of a joke.

Entertainers on the left are happy there's more diversity in entertainment. While there have always been talented minority entertainers, they're finally starting to get respect and accolades that had traditionally been reserved for white people.

Then why not point that out, instead of specifically pointing at the decline of the white population with such glee? It's sinister and you damn well know it.

Again, you leftists and your pathetically weak & deceitful counter-arguments. Worms have more spine than you.

Did you know more people are moving from America to Mexico than the other way around?

Irrelevant, but do you have a racial breakdown on that migration?

That's actually really bad news for America, whose birth rates are declining.

Depends entirely on who is migrating to Mexico.

Problem is the same thing is happening in Mexico and their population is getting much older, their birth rates have gone down from 7.1 to around 2.

Irrelevant. Stay on topic.

Replacement theory is nonsense.

Leftists openly & regularly admit it's happening. Saying "it's nonsense" doesn't make people believe it's not happening, especially because they can see it before their very eyes.

It's super popular with racists

It's super popular with leftists, because they're always admitting it's happening and think it's a wonderful thing.

but they really aren't thinking it though, immigrants are vital to the economy of a country. It's not just that they work for less, but an adult immigrant comes at a discount rate. You didn't have to keep them alive when they were kids or educate them. Turns out that's really expensive for a country.

Immigration is a net drain on a country. Mass immigration will destroy the West. That's a fact.

I don't know anything about you or why you believe any of this, but I strongly recommend you actually look at the numbers, and absolutely don't trust whoever you currently trust.

I look at both the numbers and walk through the streets of many European cities and see it happening before my very eyes. Leftists know it's happening, too. Which is why they always boast about how proud they are they're transforming the West's demographics because they believe diversity is so wonderful.
Lol you haven't provided proof of your xenophobic ct nonsense. All you have said the whole thread is "lol no counter argument derp".


I've provided plenty of proof. You ignoring it isn't my problem.
Puerto Ricans are US citizens, pendejo.


And you're talking about a place where Amerindians are indigenous


and Africans arrived before most Europeans.


Wow, look! Another irrelevant point! But anyway, you just debunked the whole 'systemic racism' theory. And sorry to break it to you, but those Nigerians are the absolute best & brightest Nigeria has to offer. That's not the average Nigerian.

But anyway, your claim is bullshit. Nigerians are not "the most educated group" in the USA.
If being a minority isn’t bad and racism doesn’t exist. Why are white peoples in fear of becoming a minority? Do they treat minorities different or something?
That's pretty rich considering you have a horrible habit of grouping all white people together as having the same culture and therefore supposedly can live in peace and harmony.

At no point did I ever claim or even imply such a thing. Why'd you leftists have to lie so much? Because you have no counter-arguments. lol

Tell us more about how a "white" guy from Russia and a "white" guy from Ireland are actually the same culture, and not susceptible to your asinine criticisms about "diversity".

Again, when did I say or even imply such a thing? You're just making stuff up. You're such a joke, son. I've dealt with you before on this very sub-forum, you ended up abandoning this argument because you had absolutely no counters. And that's EXACTLY what's going to happen again.

I mean, take your first example, Somalia. Why do you think people are fleeing Somalia? You think it has anything to do with self entitled assholes like yourself parking their fishing vessels in Somali waters and over fishing so a people who once completely depended on the industry had nothing left for themselves?

How leftists argue, lol. Talking about illegal fishing in Somali waters. Jesus fucking christ you are such a joke. This is how desperate you are for a counter-argument, because you know how strong my position is.

People are fleeing Somalia because it's a clannish, third world, backward, corrupt shithole. Always has been.

Imagine thinking illegal FISHING is the reason for Somalis fleeing Somalia.


Provide evidence my country, Britain, is depleting Somali fishing supplies. Go!

All you morons preach about respecting borders, when you live in a country that has been raping and pillaging other countries for cheap resources and labor for literally hundreds of years. You want people to respect your borders? Start by showing other people some respect for their own borders, you lame.

Strawman nonsense.

Also, Muslims have been raping, enslaving & pillaging for a lot longer Europeans have. Nice try, child.
As usual a thing occurred that cannot be dissected properly because of tribal ass politicking.
Also, Muslims have been raping, enslaving & pillaging for a lot longer Europeans have. Nice try, child.

Ehh... not quite.. people have been raping enslaving & pillaging far before Islam got on the scene..

Ancient Persia Ancient Rome Egypt Greece yada yada

People have been doing it since recorded history. Regardless of religion or ethnicity. Nobody has a moral high ground. Be it " European Muslim African Christian Asian etc etc. Everyone's ancestors hands are stained with blood when you go far enough back l. If they aren't you probably wouldn't exist.

Everyone has a far more common history than people admit. Be it white black brown Christian Muslim Hindu even Buddhists.. Everyone is guilty if we're going to attach the sins of the past to those in the present