Media Tom Aspinall to Chael: "I Won't Sell Myself Out and Act Like a Clown"

That is fine, he just won't ever be paid as well if he doesn't want to talk. Business decision. No one is asking him to be a bad person - just be entertaining.

hes one of those who thinks mma is a pure sport like Baseball. lots of people here think the same way
mma and boxing are extension of wwf, entertainment will always be a big part of it. theres a reason why they
traded a master like DJ for a hack like Askren
Chael only has two fights that stand out in memory to me. All the other fights are buried under his PED usage and trash talk. He made some money - great - but as an MMA fan I don't care how much you earned or didn't earn. I am more interested in your skills in the cage and your mental game as well as sense of respect as a human being.
MMA fans don't mandate a fighter create a persona to be interesting. Plenty of fighters have accomplished a significant fanbase just being themselves when confronted with the media. Rich Franklin, GSP, Robbie Lawler, etc all did remarkably well with that approach.
I think being a genuine character and an exciting fighter is probably the best route to sell yourself. If not for Trump no one would care about Colbys schtick and others whove tried that route when its not them have failed miserably.
Aspinall's humility is one of the things I like about him. He's actually become a little more... brash and self-confident in his last several media appearances even before beating Volkov, albeit not to the point of being arrogant. Really coming into his own and getting comfortable with who and where he is. It's been a pleasure to see.

Watching him try to play into some kind of unnatural heel act would be painful. I understand Chael is probably genuinely trying to be helpful, but he should stay in his lane.

Yeah because shooting up the Heavyweight rankings with a 100% early finish rate, playing up his connections to Fury, and headlining a card in his country where the people went crazy for him just reeks of stale boredom.

I liked this guy from day one, but I like him more and more every time I hear him talk.
I think he sells himself very well just by staying true to himself.
In order to build a plethora of Die Hards fans the only thing Tom has to do is win, reference Fedor Emelianenko. It’s a personal choice weather to try to market an image or not, funny how guys like Stipe Miocic, Shogun Rua, Anderson Silva, Dan Henderson, were themselves and it never had a negative effect on their greatness. Props to Tom for calling out an incessant jackoff in Chael by saying screw you Im going to do me and stay true himself within his own individuality. Funny thing is I usually like Chael, but he’s absolutely wrong here.
That is fine, he just won't ever be paid as well if he doesn't want to talk. Business decision. No one is asking him to be a bad person - just be entertaining.

Khabib, GSP, Anderson Silva, Overeem, JDS, Jon Jones and many others are proof you dont need to be a flamboyant shit talker like Connor/Chael/Bisping to be highly paid.

I find Aspinall quite entertaining. He's an exciting fighter with a great personality and sure, sometimes you'll have a nemesis that brings that out in you (Jones/Cormier) but for the most part, cringy wwe style shit talk isnt neccesary at all to be highly paid.
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Why did Chael single out Tom here? Saying a fighter needs to promote themselves better can be said about any fighter.
Meh Chael had a late career resurgence...I mean he was always good but he really showed everyone he belonged fighting the best when he came to the UFC. What really made his career were the Silva fights and hey in their first fight his antics worked Silva fought right into his game and nearly lost.
In order to build a plethora of Die Hards fans the only thing Tom has to do is win, reference Fedor Emelianenko. It’s a personal choice weather to try to market an image or not, funny how guys like Stipe Miocic, Shogun Rua, Anderson Silva, Dan Henderson, were themselves and it never had a negative effect on their greatness. Props to Tom for calling out an incessant jackoff in Chael by saying screw you Im going to do me and stay true himself within his own individuality. Funny thing is I usually like Chael, but he’s absolutely wrong here.

God damn right sir, somebody gets it.
Aspinall is very good, but he is starting to develop an annoying ego. Looking forward to someone crushing it.
I would say he's as humble as you can be in his position as a promising young heavyweight fighter with the world at his feet and an excellent chance to be a future Heavyweight champion.
That is fine, he just won't ever be paid as well if he doesn't want to talk. Business decision. No one is asking him to be a bad person - just be entertaining.
He's already entertaining. He wins in impressive fashion. What you want him to jump through some flaming hoops?