Television HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (Renewed for Season 2, post #571)

Some of you guys are way too hung up on the fact that a black guy exists. At least the actor seems to be doing a good job in the role. Focus on the positive. At least he isn’t horrible like that actress in Obi-wan

Yes, he was fine and fit in well. They didn't go the route of making him nobler and smarter than everyone else which is the kind of tokenism that rankles - he seems honourable, but is also pushing his own agenda, trying to alternately place his own wife on the throne and supporting the evil prince.
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Some of you guys are way too hung up on the fact that a black guy exists. At least the actor seems to be doing a good job in the role. Focus on the positive. At least he isn’t horrible like that actress in Obi-wan

Exactly. Give the brotha a chance.

I mean I hate ‘tokenism’ too but so far he seems like a pretty good character. Interesting to see what they do with him and his wife
I’m not sure if I want to get into this show because even if it’s good I could see it getting canceled under the new ownership following the WB/Discovery merger. It sounds like there’s little interest in big budget TV and more of an interest in cheaper TV and more big budget films.

You must be joking. They're going all in, no way it gets canceled.
Looking back at world of ice and fire and wondering how far this show will go in each season.

Maybe they get to Aegon III by the end of season 3, or 5?

"Full bellies and dancing bears shall be my policy."
GOT has Emilia Clarke as the Targaryen Princess and House of the Dragon has Amelia Alcock as the Targaryen Princess.

Do you think Amelia Alcock could be related to Chauncey Alcock?

It’s good enough to watch.

Im very willing to let it ride, and I hate this word, but the “wokeness” was reallllly heavy in the first 20-30 min or so. I guess today, that’s to be expected.

Anyhoo, fuckit. I love high budget trash tv.
Really liked it for the most part. That birth scene was brutal. Poor woman got the shaft, and the baby got wacked anyway.

Characters all seem to be acted very well which I appreciate.

the princess doing a great job too. I like how she looks very similar to Dany but her accent in the old valyrion? Seems more polished and authentic, which makes sense because she was raised speaking it and being surrounded by it.

Pumped for more
No surprise - House of Dragons is a genuine hit.

The article below has a lot of qualifications on the viewership numbers. Nevertheless, HBO must be happy that their big investment has received excellent critic reviews and a widely watched premier.

Natch, HBOand HBO Max had a hit on their hands withthe premiere of House of the Dragon, which in Samba TV-measured U.S. households delivered 2.6 million viewers. That’s the best of any premium cable or streaming premiere year-to-date per Samba.

Note these are the first numbers were seeing for the George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones spinoff, and the figures HBO are releasing later Monday are bound to be higher. Samba TV doesn’t measure mobile, however, their sample includes a panel of 3 million terrestrial TVs, weighted to the U.S. Census.
Genuinely curious.. what wokeness?

It’s really generic and superficial. Almost like fan service in a way. I’m not offended, I’ll watch, but it’s clearly there.

I’m the kind of person who doesn’t care about a message, or inclusion or whatever so long as it isn’t hamfisted and actually fits the story. In HOD, it is blatantly hamfisted, at least in the early going. O well. As I said, the times.

Watch the first 20-30min, you’ll see it.
Seen a few c-sections in my life, did not like watching that..

I know they were performed in the past but damn.

That hits home.
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Some of you guys are way too hung up on the fact that a black guy exists. At least the actor seems to be doing a good job in the role. Focus on the positive. At least he isn’t horrible like that actress in Obi-wan
The Wire handled casting a diverse roster of actors amazingly; POC, men. women, LGBTQ characters on all rungs of the socioeconomic spectrum, and it all felt realistic and organic. Anyone who has spent any time in an urban environment knows this to be true and can feel the authenticity when watching. Id argue that McNulty was the worst and most unrealistic character in the show

Casting a black guy on the high-ranking council of a Mideival Europe-based Totalitarian monarchy of inbreds feels a bit inorganic. Especially considering the showrunners admitted that their casting chouice was made because "They didnt want to make a show with a bunch of white people." I have a hard time believing monarchs are more progressive than America in the 1800s. Yeah, Yeah, I know there are dragons and its fantasy and all that. But good fiction is rooted in real human behavior IMO, no matter how reprehensible the actions are.

His performance seems pretty good so far, albeit he hasnt had many lines yet.

Overall its not a big deal at all, but its worth rolling your eyes over and pointing out, and I hope the actor knocks it out of the park, his character looks awesome
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lol why is some random Targeryan black? Arent they all inbred?
"All". No.

Whores exist as would just occasional sex outside the family and probably some marriages too.

We know thru Ned Starks work, that the blond gene is dominant when mixed with outside blood. If it was all inbreeding with other blondes only that would not be known.
If the anti-woke crowd is worried that HBO is going to gay this up, fear not!

GRMM already did.

"But there was one problem: at the age of nine and teen, Laenor (Velaryon) preferred the company of squires his own age, and was said to never have known a woman intimately, nor to have any bastards."
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It’s really generic and superficial. Almost like fan service in a way. I’m not offended, I’ll watch, but it’s clearly there.

I’m the kind of person who doesn’t care about a message, or inclusion or whatever so long as it isn’t hamfisted and actually fits the story. In HOD, it is blatantly hamfisted, at least in the early going. O well. As I said, the times.

Watch the first 20-30min, you’ll see it.
I did see it.. I don't recall seeing any wokeness. ‍♂️

They refused what's her face the throne cuz she was a woman tho
It’s really generic and superficial. Almost like fan service in a way. I’m not offended, I’ll watch, but it’s clearly there.

I’m the kind of person who doesn’t care about a message, or inclusion or whatever so long as it isn’t hamfisted and actually fits the story. In HOD, it is blatantly hamfisted, at least in the early going. O well. As I said, the times.

Watch the first 20-30min, you’ll see it.

So you can't tell what wokeness went on in the show, got it.