Elections Democrats: Vote for us or the USA may stop funding the Ukraine War

Mr Holmes

6F 3D 3D 33
Dec 8, 2013
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I remember a time when liberals were against war, discrimination, and censorship.

Sen. Chris Murphy just put this possibility squarely on the table. In an interview, the Connecticut Democrat warned that increased GOP control over Congress might halt military aid to Ukraine.

“If Republicans win control of the House or the Senate, I think there’s a likelihood that they will hold up any additional aid," Murphy told us.

“The Ukrainians are making serious progress and are likely to continue to make progress into next year,” Murphy told us. “If Republicans win the House, and word starts to leak out that they’re done funding Ukraine, that has potentially catastrophic impacts on Ukrainian morale and their ability to carry the fight.”

And of course Jeff Bezo's Washington Post had to sprinkle in their own perverted brand of neo-McArthyism:
All this raises the question of whether the Trumpist nationalist takeover of much of the GOP will create a kind of expanded Putinist axis in the House.

Nancy Pelosi showing off her ice cream collection during the lockdown was the last time I can recall a politician this out of touch. But then again, the Democrat technocrat base loves this stuff. Am I way off sherbros? I personally can think of hundreds of better ways to spend our money.

Sounds like a selling point to me.

Edit: You know, I'm going to add an edit here with some reasoning. Since the knee-jerk rhetoricians are already in here accusing others of being in support of Russia, so might as well make a case.

For years some of us have been arguing in favour of policy that would have effectively castrated Russia. A strong energy policy, making reliable Western nations able to supply the needs of smaller and more vulnerable nations... What would Russia's leverage have been if we had done this? They'd be a third rate power rattling sabers and trying to find markets for a product the world was saturated with. Instead of making this happen this we've watched a legion of self-righteous cunts (you'll see many of this type here) drive Europe's energy security into the ground and weaken the West's energy position as a whole for years - and now we're getting what this policy was bound to lead to. A predatory world power is taking advantage of the idealistic, pie in the sky policy that we've been pushing in places like Canada and the US. We are reaping what years, even decades, of pie-in-the-sky policy has sowed.

Now that it has happened, what do we do? We are collectively dumping tens of billions into a country that was widely recognized as one of the most corrupt, socially backwards, and generally shitty in the Western world. Ironically, usually to the seal-clapping applause of the utter asshats whose policy ideas got us here in the first place - and in this forum you know who you are. This is a country that nobody wanted in Nato because it was such a backwards, racist, corrupt shithole, that you couldn't turn on the news and see much about other than stuff about the Panama papers and its massive far-right extremist policy...

And what is the public discourse surrounding this? Support this shit country or you're morally bad and support Putin. Fuck that - it is such an utter politically driven bullshit talking point. For many of us, we'd rather see us shape up our energy policy, buckle down and make sure Nato countries are ready to stand firm, and let Ukraine fend for itself. That country is a black hole of corruption, and will end up being a ward state that will take decades and billions to fix up and bolster if they win. What's more, the whole "He (Putin) won't stop there!" line is such bullshit - because Nato exists precisely for this reason. Bolster Nato, and leave a country that isn't our problem to be not our problem.

This is not some "You want to send billions to Ukraine or you support Putin" binary situation, and the rank dishonest politicking of those who paint it as such - and there are many - is stomach turning. Our countries have been screwing up in major, realpolitik related ways, for a long time now. If when this is made painfully clear our answer isn't "We need to fix this" but "We need to dump billions into the pit that is Ukraine" it's not a pro-Russia sentiment to take a step back and say:


We built this crisis with idealistic Green New Deal style bullshit. If we're not willing to approach a solution to it without stepping back on a lot of that failed policy and rhetoric, I don't want hear about how we need to dump more Western tax dollars into a new money pit. Move to fix the underlying issues or fuck off.
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Ukraine has seen enough of my tax dollars.
You're kind of proving the point here.
That is an awful platform to run by.
Democrats were against the Afghanistan & Iraq war, so why the fuck would anyone support this shit?
You can't seriously be comparing the invasion of Iraq to sending aid to Ukraine? Come on now...
I think it's unlikely it would stop. There is a small isolationist part of the GOP and they could do it to oppose Joe Biden but supporting the war effort of the Ukrainians seems popular in general. It's also a huge boon to the geopolitical position of the US.
Winning or losing, the scary Russian military will be depleted. Unlike the USSR their industrial base is crap and their population is old.
They shouldve just said "Vote for us or Putin will control Europe"
I think it's unlikely it would stop. There is a small isolationist part of the GOP and they could do it to oppose Joe Biden but supporting the war effort of the Ukrainians seems popular in general. It's also a huge boon to the geopolitical position of the US.
Winning or losing, the scary Russian military will be depleted. Unlike the USSR their industrial base is crap and their population is old.
Dan Crenshaw has taken a lot of shit for his war support. But its hard to know where he stands with the majority of the party.
I think it's unlikely it would stop. There is a small isolationist part of the GOP and they could do it to oppose Joe Biden but supporting the war effort of the Ukrainians seems popular in general. It's also a huge boon to the geopolitical position of the US.
Winning or losing, the scary Russian military will be depleted. Unlike the USSR their industrial base is crap and their population is old.

Republicans love to fund the war machine. Murphy implying they won't is hilarious. Murphy thinking the average American is worried about cutting off funding to Ukraine is hilarious. Especially when the admin is trying to tie the war uniquely to gas prices.