Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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Funny how you watch listen to so many doctors and scientists that you cant always keep up on them and their latest interviews. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades has always amazed me how positive she is in the face of this.

"The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury"

Having done my blood and found the structures its a shame that they aren't addressing this but I guess they have enough trouble being believed when almost the entire media machine is against you.
Very good breakdown on what McCullough and Malhotra believe is the "sads"

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Mods please move this to the proper thread….Ares black fucked up.
Chuckle. She has NOT been discredited. Thank's for the laugh though. I'm just glad I wasn't drinking my morning coffee when I read your ridiculous statement. It's especially humorous coming from you.
I can tell by your avatar that you are definitely unbiased!

Well, besides being banned from Twitter for spreading misinformation, she has also been exposed as a liar in several of her books, including the one that was the basis of her PhD thesis.

She is an academic fraud, and no one but gullible conspiracy theorists takes her seriously.
He's making YOU look like a FOOL. You can beg him to get a new hobby but the better option is to admit that you were suckered by Big Pharma. The experimental injections are neither safe or effective. Everyone knows that now including YOU.
Lol. Your avatar makes you look like a fool.

And posting sources like SuperSally888 makes him look like one.

You guys are just part of some weird little cult, and you want to recruit new members.
Some basic fact checking of Naomi Wolfs statements of women's health and the feotal deaths of babies within the Pfizer trial.

"46% of the mothers exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.

Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death

Like her affiliated website this website has the papers to download or just go to the children's health defence website.

"But here’s where things get rather concerning. Pfizer state that of the 270 pregnancies they have absolutely no idea what happened in 238 of them."
"But here are the known outcomes of the remaining pregnancies –

* Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) x23,
* Outcome pending x5,
* Premature baby with neonatal death x 2,
* Spontaneous Abortion with intrauterine death x2,
* Spontaneous Abortion with neonatal death x 1
* Normal outcome x1

So the pregnant women they didn't/couldn't lose only 1 was a normal outcome(short term at least)

"There were 34 outcomes altogether at the time of the report, but 5 of them were still pending. Pfizer note that only 1 of the 29 known outcomes were normal, whilst 28 of the 29 outcomes resulted in the loss/death of the baby. This equates to 97% of all known outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child.

When we include the 5 cases where the outcome was still pending it equates to 82% of all outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child. This equates to an average of around 90% between the 82% and 97% figure.

She touched on the fraud but this site lays it down...

"We exclusively revealed in July 2021 how data had been manipulated by scientists carrying out a real world study for the CDC to show that Covid-19 vaccines were safe for use during pregnancy.

The authors claimed that the number of people to suffer a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) during the study was 104 out of 827 completed pregnancies, equating the risk of miscarriage at 12.6%; 7 – 12% lower than the risk of miscarriage in the general population
"However, our analysis proved that these numbers were extremely misleading due to the fact that of the 827 completed pregnancies, 700 / 86% of the women had received a dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the third trimester of pregnancy, meaning it was impossible for them to suffer a miscarriage due to the fact they can only occur prior to week 20 of pregnancy.
Reminds me of certain lying, manipulating sherdog posters. Playing stupid little word play games thinking it makes them right)

This meant that just 127 women received either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the first/second trimester, with 104 of the woman sadly losing their baby.
Not TECHNICALLY a miscarriage though, so of course its safe)

Therefore the rate of incidence of miscarriage was 82%, not 12.6% as presented in the findings of the study, and the authors of the study have since admitted that they made a mistake, issuing a correction six months too late because the study has been used to justify Covid-19 vaccination of pregnant women and new mothers around the world"

I won't lie this is a rediculous waste of my time as the data and her story is written in Pfizers own documents but we have a couple of morons that are trying to attack it by trying to manipulate peoples perceptions by attacking the source and/or the person/people but never the data. Which anyone can download including breakdowns by qualified doctors and scientists.

Its far better for the morons not to be breeding but for the people that could contribute positively for our species and want children they might want to consider the potential ramifications of the study AND the workd wide fertility data which indicates a massive correlation between the vaxx and fertility drops.

Naomi Wolfs affiliated website which has downloadable caches of the Pfizer docs.

In fact there are so many of these websites that shows the pfizer study for what it is, fraud combined with collusion and willful blindness and Malfeasance.

Earlier in the thread I had posted the Israeli study in male fertility. The conclusion said they were confident that the fertility returned to normal. It excluded to show the data or how/why they came to this conclusion so you might want to consider they lied as so many had as well.

Edit- Going on the above it appears Naomi Wolf is 100% correct.

But but but shes a feminist....
But but but she may have been wrong in the past.
But but but but but but I'm attacking the person and/or the platform because the analysis and data is correct.

Lol I'm a mark @Ares Black , you have a name for black lives matters and other false rubbish. Yet you have injected yourself with an experimental gene drug that was manufactured by the German and Chinese company. Two of the most historically racist and definately genocidal regimes the world has ever seen. Good luck with that because the data is getting worse by the day.

I will say I've had covid once almost a year ago after exposing myself deliberately, had it once yet have been around it since. Still don't know one bad covid outcome, myself included but the more randoms I talk to the more adverse reactions and co incidence stories I'm hearing. Than you ask the vaxxed if they believe they get sick more often and most say they're getting sick very often.
I cannot imagine the cognitive dissonance needed to believe this shit, besides brain damage.....
Holy shit dude, you really have the absolute worst sources I have ever seen.

Hey check out these statistics I made up!
I can tell by your avatar that you are definitely unbiased!

Well, besides being banned from Twitter for spreading misinformation, she has also been exposed as a liar in several of her books, including the one that was the basis of her PhD thesis.

She is an academic fraud, and no one but gullible conspiracy theorists takes her seriously.

This kid is hilarious. He's the new play thing that keeps coming back for more humiliation. I hope he doesn't get ran off the board like the other Covidiots.
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This kid is hilarious. He's the new play thing that keeps coming back for more humiliation. I hope he doesn't get ran off the board like the other Covidiots.
You mean get tired of dealing with dumbass conspiracy theorists?

Post a blog with some made up statistics. That'll prove that the vast conspiracy you are trying to sell is real!
The experimental injections are neither safe or effective. Everyone knows that now including YOU.
"Everyone" doesn't know that, because it literally isn't true.

There is a mountain of evidence conclusively proving that the vaccines were and are effective.

You guys are just brainwashed sheep, so you choose to believe people like SuperSally888 instead of immunologists and epidemiologists.
I just noticed this picture. Isn't it just Ares Black leaning into the meme of him being a clown. The poor kid is getting humiliated on the reg. I thought it was just him saying yeah guys I know everyone thinks I'm a clown but I know it too.
Nice ad hominem.

When you have no argument, attack the messenger.
You mean get tired of dealing with dumbass conspiracy theorists?

Post a blog with some made up statistics. That'll prove that the vast conspiracy you are trying to sell is real!
I'm not selling anything Plucky. I tell Libtards all the time that the experimental Depop Shots are safe & that they should get boosted. That's my advice to you. If you want me to talk you off the ledge you got the wrong guy.
I'm not selling anything Plucky. I tell Libtards all the time that the experimental Depop Shots are safe & that they should get boosted. That's my advice to you. If you want me to talk you off the ledge you got the wrong guy.
I don't give a shit if you jump. Your avatar proves that this particular fanfiction narrative is a huge part of your identity. Sad, but you do you.

I'm just not about to let you nutcases post shady-ass blogs and pretend that they're proof.
I don't give a shit if you jump. Your avatar proves that this particular fanfiction narrative is a huge part of your identity. Sad, but you do you.

I'm just not about to let you nutcases post shady-ass blogs and pretend that they're proof.

Bill says it out LOUD. He wants to reduce YOU with vaccines.

You did it! You took the depop shot.


Bill says it out LOUD. He wants to reduce YOU with vaccines.

You did it! You took the depop shot.


What if it was his version of an IQ test and now that we are all vaccinated he is going to release the real virus to get rid of the 10% he deemed as not being worthy…
"Everyone" doesn't know that, because it literally isn't true.

There is a mountain of evidence conclusively proving that the vaccines were and are effective.

You guys are just brainwashed sheep, so you choose to believe people like SuperSally888 instead of immunologists and epidemiologists.

are you Al Roker?
Lol. Your avatar makes you look like a fool.

And posting sources like SuperSally888 makes him look like one.

You guys are just part of some weird little cult, and you want to recruit new members.

The irony.calling us cultists.

We aren't the ones repeating the media mantras.. 6 foot safe, hands face space.
Taking boosters and hiding in the house scared of a cold.
Funny how you watch listen to so many doctors and scientists that you cant always keep up on them and their latest interviews. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades has always amazed me how positive she is in the face of this.

"The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury"

Having done my blood and found the structures its a shame that they aren't addressing this but I guess they have enough trouble being believed when almost the entire media machine is against you.
This is what is known as 'pseudoscience'

It's kind of like science, except that it's bullshit!
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