News Phil Baroni arrested for murdering his girlfriend in Mexico (Facing 30-50 yr)

Ahh yes, the fantasy make believe bigotry of all mexicans appears.
So surprised coming from you of all people!

i didn't say all Mexicans, you did. i said their government is corrupted by cartels and their "society" with it. sure, there's lots of good Mexicans but the overall society is ran by scumbags. ask the Mormons who live there how the justice for their murdered children and wives are going. you really hold personal grudges because we disagree on one thing so now forever we're mortal enemies huh? grow up and touch some grass weirdo
“Durrrr…it was CTE. I’m an internet doctor. Duurrrrr.”

How about the guy is just a douchebag loser? Always has been. Quit diagnosing him like you have some PhD .
You mean pointing out the obvious? The guy was a punching bag for more than half his career and has been abusing steroids for most of his life.
Lots of people in Mexico are talking about it. One of my friends is Mexican and travels there often and she says it's big discourse.

And a gringo who beat his Mexican girlfriend to death is the best person to make an example of that you are taking it seriously.
I actually go to Mexico and have family there in Aguascalientes. Maybe it’s a regional thing. I don’t know. It’s not something to bring up at breakfast with abuela.
I actually go to Mexico and have family there in Aguascalientes. Maybe it’s a regional thing. I don’t know. It’s not something to bring up at breakfast with abuela.
She's from Oaxaca if it means anything, but maybe a regional thing indeed
Thank you for sharing an article that reinforces that a country is spending money on trying to address murders. I know your heart was clearly in the right place.
Only took you 3 posts to lose the plot. Let me recap for you. The poster you quoted said femicide is a touchy issue in Mexico which you then ignored with your quote, generalizing it as murder. Then I provided an article detailing the extent of homicidal violence against women in particular in Mexico. And you quoted me with a meaningless post.
That's wild since this murder supposedly happened this Sunday. Could he have been a serial killer?

Just UG posts. Definitely something weird though. Sorry I have to write very short and simple. Something wrong with my phone. When I type in forums it starts fucking up.
Men in Black must had been in Mexico this week cause wtf….
Only took you 3 posts to lose the plot. Let me recap for you. The poster you quoted said femicide is a touchy issue in Mexico which you then ignored with your quote, generalizing it as murder. Then I provided an article detailing the extent of homicidal violence against women in particular in Mexico. And you quoted me with a meaningless post.
The article you posted literally starts.
EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – A city infamous for its legacy of feminicides in the mid-1990s and early 2000s on Monday inaugurated a building where police officers and prosecutors will investigate crimes against women.

The new $3.5 million Fiscalia Especializada de la Mujer (FEM) building in the Salvacar neighborhood of east Juarez will house eight detectives and 15 prosecutors already trying to clear a backlog of more than 200 cases.

“We reaffirm our commitment to procuring justice for women and eradicating gender-based violence,” Chihuahua Gov. Javier Corral said at the inauguration. “Violence against women is an issue that has been minimized in the past and seldom addressed, that is why we felt obligated to address it in an integral manner and at its root causes.”"

But sure, continue gleefully celebrating some xenophobic nonsense "plot" you've made up.
RIP to the woman or women Baroni apparently killed.
Just UG posts. Definitely something weird though. Sorry I have to write very short and simple. Something wrong with my phone. When I type in forums it starts fucking up.
I know, but supposedly another poster in the UG thread said Baroni was trying to leave Mexico pronto due to some "cartel stuff". I wouldn't also be surprised that a old school MMA degenerate like Baroni was hanging out on UG or talking with people on there
Maybe he was in that place for a reason. Like being a ped or drug connect for people in the US? Was he committing false Valor to the locals?
I know, but supposedly another poster in the UG thread said Baroni was trying to leave Mexico pronto due to some "cartel stuff". I wouldn't also be surprised that a old school MMA degenerate like Baroni was hanging out on UG or talking with people on there
The saddest thing in that UG thread is the fact these grown men are willing to aid a potential serial killer, all because he had one cool knockout 20 years ago. Simping for a grown ass man, who happens to be murderer. UG confirmed degenerates.
The saddest thing in that UG thread is the fact these grown men are willing to aid a potential serial killer, all because he had one cool knockout 20 years ago. Simping for a grown ass man, who happens to be murderer. UG confirmed degenerates.
"Grown men"
Mental midgets
Not surprised, Phil never seemed destined for a long time, he was a loose cannon with brain damage and had a history of alcohol / drug abuse, RIP to the woman, horrible way to go out.
The saddest thing in that UG thread is the fact these grown men are willing to aid a potential serial killer, all because he had one cool knockout 20 years ago. Simping for a grown ass man, who happens to be murderer. UG confirmed degenerates.

Do I even want to know what the UG thread is?