Social War Room favorite James O'Keefe may be getting fired from Project Veritas

He likes musicals and takes part in them - you say ???

sexual powers hey? "like how to make $130,000 disappear just to get your dick wet?

well maybe he got his oxygen mixed up with his copium suppy, because this doesnt seem to be the case, unless his sexual powers involves disappointing a porn star who said he's the worst sex she's ever had and you know she's fucked thousands of other dudes in her prime and none of them had to pay anything.

hey did you know that his favorite book is the bible?

Yup, that tent temporarily cures his semi-impotent mushroom tipped cock and gives him staying power at those late night pee pee parties with Russian agents posing as hookers. Every 3rd Tuesday of the month they go out for ice cream after and Trump gets two scoops of Orange sherbert, sometimes three, and he doesn't share.
Paul Pelosi sleeps in a tuxedo so when someone breaks into his house at night and the cops show up and find him in his underwear it must have been gay sex with a grimey psycho... <mma4>

That's what happens when 2-billion-in-damage riots are called mostly peaceful and targeted hate crime murder spree massacres are called 'SUV crashes', so take it up with the leftists chuds upstairs.
Like I said, I don't see any context for some of that stuff. Do you have example of something they edited and it completely changed the message?
Umm...yeah. It's how he became famous. The Acorn videos were edited so much O'Keefe wasn't even wearing the clothes he made it seem like he was wearing when he was speaking to them.

O'Keefe released an edited video - his finished product - where he spoke to Acorn employees about his plans for human trafficking, and made it seem like they were fine with helping him out with this. In reality they gathered the information O'Keefe shared with them and contacted authorities. His rise to fame was making a video accusing people of enabling human trafficking, when in reality they took steps to stop it. Great investigative journalism! What is the left so scared of!?

Project Veritas had to pay them over $100,000 and apologize.
He likes musicals and takes part in them - you say ???

Just another failed, bitter, Hollywood wannabe, like Steve Bannon, Andrew Breitbart, Stephen Crowder and Ben Shapiro.

Oh, yeah, and Milo. Before his current schtick he was a failed poet named Milo Andreas Wagner.
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Umm...yeah. It's how he became famous. The Acorn videos were edited so much O'Keefe wasn't even wearing the clothes he made it seem like he was wearing when he was speaking to them.

O'Keefe released an edited video - his finished product - where he spoke to Acorn employees about his plans for human trafficking, and made it seem like they were fine with helping him out with this. In reality they gathered the information O'Keefe shared with them and contacted authorities. His rise to fame was making a video accusing people of enabling human trafficking, when in reality they took steps to stop it. Great investigative journalism! What is the left so scared of!?

Project Veritas had to pay them over $100,000 and apologize.
I never followed the Acorn stuff. I think I was still a democrat back then. But that does sound like CNN level trolling. Anyways, I still find it interesting to watch people blabber on about things they shouldn't be saying. Like I said earlier I don't see context that changes some of the stuff in some of their most recent releases.
Lighten up francis.

Sorry, I've been conditioned by the left to recognize these injustices. You posted an equivalent of saying that all black people like fried chicken and watermelon.

Repent, bigot. Your hetero normative Gaycism will not stand!
Fuck Acorn. Proven deep state money launderers and election fixers who after they got busted, split up into dozens of Soros and Zuckerberg funded shitholes. O'Keefe's problems are troubling, only because they're coming so soon after exposing Pfizer as bioterrorists. I just watched a video of a CDC official expressing "concern" over all the problems with the vaccines. It's just a matter of time. Until then it's all damage control, and the assholes in the lame-stream media will ignore it as much as they can, then spin it as much as they can.
I don't but @Loiosh does.

I've posted mountains of that stuff over the years, nobody cares.

If you personally are interested the video posted in this thread is fascinating. It's a video series that's about seven hours long and it's brilliant. It introduces each story as it was originally broadcast which illustrates why they're so convincing, then tells the whole story from the raw footage to show the manipulation. Even as a hardcore leftist I'd hear the stories and think "holy shit", but once you know the whole story it's pretty shameless. They have literally tens of millions of dollars, they hire people to act as spies and shoot a shitload of footage, and then edit it to sound terrible.

After what they did with Acorn it's amazing anyone believes them. The knew they were lying but they hurt a lot of people anyways.
I've posted mountains of that stuff over the years, nobody cares.

If you personally are interested the video posted in this thread is fascinating. It's a video series that's about seven hours long and it's brilliant. It introduces each story as it was originally broadcast which illustrates why they're so convincing, then tells the whole story from the raw footage to show the manipulation. Even as a hardcore leftist I'd hear the stories and think "holy shit", but once you know the whole story it's pretty shameless. They have literally tens of millions of dollars, they hire people to act as spies and shoot a shitload of footage, and then edit it to sound terrible.

After what they did with Acorn it's amazing anyone believes them. The knew they were lying but they hurt a lot of people anyways.
I wanted you to give him examples because you know more than I do on PV.
Like I said earlier I don't see context that changes some of the stuff in some of their most recent releases.

It's because you aren't looking.

I don't listen to much MMM but I'd catch videos from Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) early in the pandemic. She was incredibly compelling and I'd get pretty worked up until I started looking into her claims and found out she was completely full of shit. It didn't take long for me to stop listening.

I wish more of you guys would do that with outfits like Project Veritas.

Like the Lincoln Project... We know they're clowns and can't be taken seriously and I'll admit up front they're just entertainment. I get that listening to someone who confirms what you already want to believe feels good, but there should be a limit.
So he ate someone's sandwich and took all his staff on a short trip to watch him star in a low budget AmDram production of Oklahoma.

What a sadistic prick!