Media Wtf is wrong with Conor?

This quote works here once again: "There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alcohol and sex with women, m'kay?
But it's when you do these things too much. That you've become an addict and must get back in touch"
Unfortunately Conor isn't back in touch just yet.
Sounds like he drank a bit. I can't talk properly when I'm drunk either.
This quote works here once again: "There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alcohol and sex with women, m'kay?
But it's when you do these things too much. That you've become an addict and must get back in touch"
Unfortunately Conor isn't back in touch just yet.

Step 1 'stead of Ass, say Buns.

"Like kiss my buns!" or "You're a buns-hole!"