Social HK Edgerton argues confederate flag is 'Heritage Not Hate'.

i never said anything. you're having an imaginary conversation with yourself and then reflecting it on me. have a nice day, man.

I'm asking you a question and you're becoming increasingly afraid to answer.

What happened to being outspoken?
Alright prove me wrong then, tell me what you actually think about the flag Mr uncensored and outspoken.


I don't have to prove a Goddamn thing, retard. You were the one who made the accusation; the burden of proof is on you. That is one of the most basic principals of both the American and British justice systems. Even a room temperature IQ mouth-breather like you should be able to understand that:rolleyes:
I don't have to prove a Goddamn thing, retard. You were the one who made the accusation; the burden of proof is on you. That is one of the most basic principals of both the American and British justice systems. Even a room temperature IQ mouth-breather like you should be able to understand that:rolleyes:

So you're too pussy to answer, okay gotcha.

Back to your Trump T-shirt shopping!
Ask me nicely, son. Say please. Even your Meth-whore of a Mamma should have taught you some basic manners;)

Alright Pump Trump Scottish Man. I'm asking you nicely, with cream, haggis and sugar on top.

Please tell me What is your opinion on the confederate flag?
Alright Pump Trump Scottish Man. I'm asking you nicely, with cream, haggis and sugar on top.

Please tell me What is your opinion on the confederate flag?

There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?:)

1)I'm not American. I don't have the faintest idea what, "State Rights" are, much less how they apply to the Confederate flag.

2)The only time I've ever seen a Confederate flag is in Westerns and the OG Dukes of Hazard show. And in the latter case, my attention was firmly on Catherine Bach's shorts, not the flag on the General Lee;)

3)I'm so White I could get a tan just by standing in front of an open fridge door, so the fact it's regarded as a racist symbol is not my problem. I do question why Southerners would want to fly the thing, since that last time they did, Sherman raped, pillaged and burned his way to the sea. It's like the idiots who fly Nazi Swastikas; you're identifying with the side that lost. But just like people who are offended by the racism the flag represents: not my pig, not my farm.

There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?:)

1)I'm not American. I don't have the faintest idea what, "State Rights" are, much less how they apply to the Confederate flag.


Yet you support a foreign american ex president....

There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?:)

you're identifying with the side that lost.


.......You mean like Trump who know.....LOST

No it's very relevant. As someone of color im confounded by your outlook..

If you are confounded then you should ask questions or challenge what I'm not saying instead of randomly declaringv that I hate myself lol. Thats just silly.
Yet you support a foreign american ex president....

.......You mean like Trump who know.....LOST


At least I can spell, "American":rolleyes:

I support Trump in so far as I enjoy watching Libtards like you go into a frothing frenzy every time someone mentions his name;) On a personal level, I think he's an odious, pathologically dishonest cretin who shouldn't be left in charge of a 7/11, never mind America.
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At least I can spell, "American":rolleyes:

I support Trump in so far as I enjoy watching Libtards like you go into a frothing frenzy .

LOL what exactly do you think my political beliefs are?

And nobody is frothing, just like no one at your gym is losing thier mind when they see you wear those ridiculous t-shirts. It's actually the opposite, your ridiculousness brings me joy. I think we've been over this.
LOL what exactly do you think my political beliefs are?

And nobody is frothing, just like no one at your gym is losing thier mind when they see you wear those ridiculous t-shirts. It's actually the opposite, your ridiculousness brings me joy. I think we've been over this.


You're the one who brought up Trump, not me. He's living rent free in your head, 24/7. I simply answered your questions and destroyed your frankly ridiculous original statement.

I'm glad I bring you some joy. With your significantly impaired cognitive abilities, exacerbated, I hypothesize, by the severe mental and physical abuse you endured from family members during your childhood, I'm happy to bring a little fun to that sad, worthless existence you pitifully attempt to dignify with the term, "life".

You're welcome!;)
There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?:)

1)I'm not American. I don't have the faintest idea what, "State Rights" are, much less how they apply to the Confederate flag.

2)The only time I've ever seen a Confederate flag is in Westerns and the OG Dukes of Hazard show. And in the latter case, my attention was firmly on Catherine Bach's shorts, not the flag on the General Lee;)

3)I'm so White I could get a tan just by standing in front of an open fridge door, so the fact it's regarded as a racist symbol is not my problem. I do question why Southerners would want to fly the thing, since that last time they did, Sherman raped, pillaged and burned his way to the sea. It's like the idiots who fly Nazi Swastikas; you're identifying with the side that lost. But just like people who are offended by the racism the flag represents: not my pig, not my farm.


States rights is the southern sanitization of the civil war, starting with Jim Crowe they taught their children that the south fought to preserve their way of life, not slavery. It's bullshit, if you take a look at the articles of secession you'll see what the south was fighting for.

Candace Owens likes to say that hundreds of thousands of Americans died to free the slaves, but that's also a lie. Southerners died to keep slavery, northerners died to preserve the union. Emancipation came long after the war started and only after black men joined the union army.