How Strickland broke Adesanya (pics inside)

Again you went mental gymnast on my topic. Usually the thing to do is to not reply to the comment and then you won't expose yourself as a mental gymnast. But now you done tripled downed on being one. Congrats? Either way, all that bullshit you said, has nothing to do with Strickland talking mad shit about being about that life but then in the cage Strickland doesn't fight anything like his shit talking.
Yeah it does. You act like that shit matters,it doesn't. But keep on repeating "mental gymnastics" even though it doesn't apply.
Yeah it does. You act like that shit matters,it doesn't. But keep on repeating "mental gymnastics" even though it doesn't apply.
None of the bullshit you said has anything to do with Sean talking like a killer and then just sparring in the cage. But carry on with your mental gymnastics. Would love to see your next move.
Yes It did.
Yea what's crazy is this is just how Strickland fights. Those are his tendencies every fight, he really didn't need to do much gameplanning for this.

His narrow stance, handfighting, etc

Though I will say he ate every body punch and every round kick to the body that was thrown at him the entire fight.
No you didn't. Strickland having one fan or one billion fans don't have a fuckin thing to do with Strickland talking like a psycho and then fighting like a puss in the ring by only sparring. Again your mental gymnastics is middle school level, but you are thinking you some gold medalist in the special olympics.
No you didn't. Strickland having one fan or one billion fans don't have a fuckin thing to do with Strickland talking like a psycho and then fighting like a puss in the ring by only sparring. Again your mental gymnastics is middle school level, but you are thinking you some gold medalist in the special olympics.
The truth is, Sean Strickland mentally destroyed Izzy by revealing to the press conference and to the world that Izzy played with his dog inappropriately. It made headlines, people made viral youtube videos on the topic, Izzy's social media was flooded with dog jokes, and it clearly bothered him greatly
mcgregor's legendary KO on aldo is the same story. destroy your opponent's psychology outside the ring so you don't have to fight them at their best. people want to call it weak minded to be effected by it, but you have to be weak minded to use it too.
As long as he wins it doesnt matter. You can have a boring style,but as long as you win and people react on the personality,you can make money.
i don't even think it matters if he wins. he'll always have fans because he appeals to the lowest common denominator of white trash, just like conor mcgregor and colby covington (who also look like shit in the ring now.)
Good breakdown. As a side note, Strickland has more mental fortitude than he's given credit for. He's very relaxed in there probably from all the sparring he does. Being so relaxed allows him to think and avoid mistakes.

Good for your cardio too