Media Cedric Doumbe claims to be "the face of MMA" in France over BSD / Gane

Price of the tickets matter. They both had shows in the same arena but the price point is different.
I'm french, and Doumbe is nowhere near Gane or BSD in terms of popularity, it's not even close. I've had friends and family members who don't watch MMA ask me about both Gane & BSD. Their fights get mainstream news coverage, Doumbe's fights don't (as impressive as some of his wins in kickboxing were, kickboxing is very niche in France right now) They were both in pretty popular commercials for some betting website too.

I have no doubt that Doumbe would be a much bigger star than both of them if he had signed with the UFC though.
Come on idk where you get that from but none of them have the popularity of Doumbe actually. You should tape their name on google trend to have a better comparison and it shows.
i mean he just sold out one of the biggest arena in paris in 15mn on his name alone.
But besides of knocking people out, the big difference is he is very good and dynamic in the communication area, he talks well, very good at creating good contents on social media, he can act he makes people laugh. His personnality is more suited for TV/radio shows.
Ça dépend vraiment du milieu en fait.

Chez les jeunes followers Doumbé est très populaire, très loin devant BSD ou Gane, il sait manier les réseaux comme personne, et le combat contre Baki, qui est également doué dans le domaine trouve écho inédit

Gané a bénéficié d'une couverture énorme pour un combattant MMA français des quotidiens sportifs comme L'Equipe, et s'est entouré d'une bande ( de charlots ) comme Gastambide, Manuel Ferrara ou Ragnar, qui lui ont permis d'avoir une reconnaissance mainstream.

BSD quant à lui était connu des initiés, mais son image reste encore à son insu associée à l'extrême-droite, ce qui limite fortement sa popularité auprès de certains milieux, même si le fait qu'il s'entraîne avec Parnasse, Mathieu LD et accueille IbraTV dans son giron, a sans doute un peu changé la donne dernièrement
Même sans rentrer dans tous ces détails UFC ou pas Doumbe actuellement est bien plus populaire.
frenchbro here, and this is a tricky question: the country is vastly divided on that question. Doumbe didn't sold the 20000 place of the Accord Arena on his own, it was only because his opponent was Baki, a great french prospect. I go with Gane for the face of French mma for obvious reasons.
Un peu quand même...
yes he did. Nobody would have heard of baki without doumbe. Baki can't fill an arena without doumbe even if he wins this fight, while cedric might do it again with a different name.
Comparable to GSP imo, very french-friendly but not french.
Most of his communication is in english and for american/worldwide audience
People in Quebec are French-Canadian. I did a cpl quick searches. Of the approximately 4.5M people in Quebec. 95% can speak French. But 52% can have a conversation in English.

They aren’t from France, but they are French.. Period. Almost half of them can’t/don’t speak English. And just from being in different parts of Quebec a few times. My experience is it is mostly the people outside of the cities that speak only French. And about 19% speak English at least regularly at home.

How many people in France speak english? According to a report of Euromonitor International for the British Council, 38,6 million French people out of 65 million have a reasonable competency in english. It means 57,25% of the population should be able to understand and speak basic English.

A higher percentage of people in France can speak English than in Quebec.

So you saying Quebecers aren’t French is flat out wrong.

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They aren’t from France, but they are French.. Period. Almost half of them can’t/don’t speak English. And just from being in different parts of Quebec a few times. My experience is it is mostly the people outside of the cities that speak only French. And about 19% speak English at least regularly at home.

A higher percentage of people in France can speak English than in Quebec.

So you saying Quebecers aren’t French is flat out wrong.


Of course they're not French, they're Canadians, period.
Really need to start googling and check vids of who this guy is lol
1. If you hold so much pettiness that you feel compelled to call somebody out telling them you are superior in this way or that way, chances are that you are not.

2. Cedric Doumbe's employer is a more prominent figure with more illustrious career in kickboxing than Doumbe himself.

3. If there is anybody you simply can't stand, it's people like Cedric Doumbe. Makes fucking Kadyrov look likeable.
Cedric is a beast, I'd rather train with him than any other French fighter.

Idk why the UFC couldn't get him, but it's awful because more fans should be treated to his fights.

We need more legitimate kickboxers in MMA.
Saw it, never really thought much of it, but you're right. Seemed reasonable, as French people aren't exactly known for being tough 😆

But yes, Gane and BSD are far more suitable as face of French MMA. Or Even Frank training there all that time.
he is a loud mouth,
and has his followers
who see him as a Gangster/Thug
which is seen as a badge of honor in the poor France suburbs

anyway you are the face of PFL Poor Fuckers League
Gangster i dont know. He is more of a comedian type of guy. That being said he can be annoying from time to time
1. If you hold so much pettiness that you feel compelled to call somebody out telling them you are superior in this way or that way, chances are that you are not.

2. Cedric Doumbe's employer is a more prominent figure with more illustrious career in kickboxing than Doumbe himself.

3. If there is anybody you simply can't stand, it's people like Cedric Doumbe. Makes fucking Kadyrov look likeable.
And i thought i did not like him lmao
Cedric is a beast, I'd rather train with him than any other French fighter.

Idk why the UFC couldn't get him, but it's awful because more fans should be treated to his fights.

We need more legitimate kickboxers in MMA.
20 and 20 is the reason unfortunately...venom page vs doumbe would have been epic
Yeah...but we got Benjamin Martin, we know what he done to the French . . .
People don't even know him by his real name lmao
Last time I heard, he had a 10 minutes meltdown on camera because he got roughed up a bit in sparring.
There are worse guys than him, but no wonder why I go out of my way to go on English-speaking forums when this guy is the pinnacle of French MMA shows lol.

Seriously, got nothing against him. But it shows that we've got a long way to go when it comes to having a real MMA culture in France, even if the guy probably does his part.