Social Dogs of Peace Maul Own Breeder To Death

That doesn't address my point though. If the dog is contained and or trained properly the risk is nullified.
If my dog is in an appropriate kennel or containment system it doesn't matter if you think that he is a sentient being masterminding a terror attack to takeover the world.
if you truly believe that a dog and gun is comparable in this case, that’s fine. I don’t, for the reason I stated. I don’t think you believing they are contained means anything in the grand scheme. It acts on its own will, even if it obeys you 99% of the time. Guns generally dont go around and pop someone without another doing something to it. And even when it does, it isn’t aimed at anything particular. Can’t say the same for the dog. They are going after something.

I don’t want to kill them, just do not think it’s good to compare the two. Ultimately it isn’t up to me. Just going to always be cautious with them.

And quick edit addition. My first post was very strongly worded but only to the comparison. If it seemed too strong, almost like an attack, that’s my bad.
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if you truly believe that a dog and gun is comparable in this case, that’s fine. I don’t, for the reason I stated. I don’t think you believing they are contained means anything in the grand scheme. It acts on its own will, even if it obeys you 99% of the time. Guns generally dont go around and pop someone without another doing something to it. And even when it does, it isn’t aimed at anything particular. Can’t say the same for the dog. They are going after something.

I don’t want to kill them, just do not think it’s good to compare the two. Ultimately it isn’t up to me. Just going to always be cautious with them.

And quick edit addition. My first post was very strongly worded but only to the comparison. If it seemed too strong, almost like an attack, that’s my bad.
It's not a perfect analogy but it's how the law largely views select dog breeds or groups of them. They're considered a liability to own hence the bans & restrictions on them. Like guns they're regulated.

Again, loaded guns misfire all the time. Ask Alec Baldwin. He just got indicted for accidentally shooting and killing Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust. Another person was also injured. He was handling the gun but he claims to have never pulled the trigger. A subsequent FBI forensic analysis of the weapon disagrees, however, it's hardly conclusive just because they couldn't reproduce an accidental discharge of that particular weapon. BTW there were actually multiple misfires that occurred on the set of Rust. It wasn't an isolated incident.
When A Pitbull Sees a Baby


if you truly believe that a dog and gun is comparable in this case, that’s fine. I don’t, for the reason I stated. I don’t think you believing they are contained means anything in the grand scheme. It acts on its own will, even if it obeys you 99% of the time. Guns generally dont go around and pop someone without another doing something to it. And even when it does, it isn’t aimed at anything particular. Can’t say the same for the dog. They are going after something.

I don’t want to kill them, just do not think it’s good to compare the two. Ultimately it isn’t up to me. Just going to always be cautious with them.

And quick edit addition. My first post was very strongly worded but only to the comparison. If it seemed too strong, almost like an attack, that’s my bad.
Its all good man, no need to apologize. I dont take any of these post that seriously. Its a contentious debate. I dont mind talking to reasonable people. However, there are many ignorant, evil, & authoritarian air heads in this thread who want to do some pretty terrible things to innocent dogs & responsible families. Thanks for clearing up your stance on some of it

My thing is this....The data, classification, and qualification used to justify Pitbulls being bad was "they are deadly weapons that killed X amount of people. "
Thats the identical argument for gun control. So the fact that you guys act like it's a reach to compare 2 deadly weapons is disingenuous & ridiculous. Its not a reach. Its very much on the mark.
I also acknowledged many posters counter argument of dogs being sentient beings. I factually countered that with the whole concept of being responsible. However, that part is completely dismissed, ignored, & not acknowledged directly.

Again, another point that is being dismissed and not addressed is that factually and by the same death statistics sighted to demonize these dogs as deadly weapons....unattended firearms kill & are responsible for way more deaths. Your gun doesn't have to self fire. The # of guns & idiot irresponsible owners that leave them out or "advertise" them for a sentient low life loser to steal and commit deadly/violent crimes with is pretty high.
So I dont disagree with what you're saying. I just believe people are conveniently not telling the whole story.

You can't logically say guns are safe due to a human element and being able to contain them, then pretend the same human element and containment doesn't also exist for domesticated pets. All while ignoring the data of deaths related to guns as you site lower death #s by pitbulls. Its a logical fallacy.
You can't logically say guns are safe due to a human element and being able to contain them, then pretend the same human element and containment doesn't also exist for domesticated pets. All while ignoring the data of deaths related to guns as you site lower death #s by pitbulls. Its a logical fallacy.
I get what you're saying. I think what you're getting is that humans are often the root cause of both a gun and dog being dangerous. What's hard for many to agree with is that an inanimate object being seen as more dangerous than a living canine.

I do disagree with @Kovalev's "Man Bag" when he says the gun can go off on it's own though. While that has happened it isn't the norm. Like a dog, when handled properly the risk is miniscule for a negligent discharge.
I get what you're saying. I think what you're getting is that humans are often the root cause of both a gun and dog being dangerous. What's hard for many to agree with is that an inanimate object being seen as more dangerous than a living canine.

I do disagree with @Kovalev's "Man Bag" when he says the gun can go off on it's own though. While that has happened it isn't the norm. Like a dog, when handled properly the risk is miniscule for a negligent discharge.
Feel free to disagree but I never said it was the norm. I said that loaded guns can misfire. It's possible. We know this because it's happened before and continues to happen. I'm also not against guns as long as they're legally acquired and they're registered to responsible, level-headed owners.
Feel free to disagree but I never said it was the norm. I said that loaded guns can misfire. It's possible. We know this because it's happened before and continues to happen. I'm also not against guns as long as they're legally acquired and they're registered to responsible, level-headed owners.
My point was they don't often misfire without human intervention. Them just going off isn't the norm. I never said YOU said it was the norm.

And just say no to anything remotely related to registration . . .
My point was they don't often misfire without human intervention. Them just going off isn't the norm. I never said YOU said it was the norm.

And just say no to anything remotely related to registration . . .
I see. Yes, I agree then.
LOL @ these fucking cans advocating for some non existent right for them to own an animal that can, and regularly does, kill humans.

It's a god damn shit tier, low IQ variant in a 10,000 year old experiment and that's the one you want to die for?

Fuck outta here...
People domesticated dogs over 30,000 years ago. These aren't wild animals. Banning by breed doesn't work. It's already been demonstrated and this is backed by formal, peer reviewed, scientific studies. Breed neutral legislation is the better alternative and that's where the rest of the US is headed. Half of the country has already adopted it.
I get what you're saying. I think what you're getting is that humans are often the root cause of both a gun and dog being dangerous. What's hard for many to agree with is that an inanimate object being seen as more dangerous than a living canine.

I do disagree with @Kovalev's "Man Bag" when he says the gun can go off on it's own though. While that has happened it isn't the norm. Like a dog, when handled properly the risk is miniscule for a negligent discharge.
Plus I would add even though the gun is inanimate you can NEVER remove the human sentient being form the equation. If you could CONGRATULATIONS you solved the gun control issue for both sides. What a miracle. Lol

Guns sitting peacefully minding their own inanimate buisness get stolen and used to kill or violently attack people at a high rate. Like it's a polarizing statistic & hot topic on it's own. Statistically much higher and more of a real problem to worry about than the # of deaths by "pitbulls" per year.

You're looking at in 2021 a whopping 37 people were killed by a Pitbull or Pitbull mix.
There are around 20,000 murders a year in the US with a gun.

Saying the word sentient over & over again doesn't make 20,000 < or comparable to 37.... Its crystal clear which is the more dangerous deadly weapon. However, I defend the right for peaceful responsible people to own a gun for self defense and protection. To not do the same for a responsible dog owner is hypocrisy in it's highest form.
LOL @ these fucking cans advocating for some non existent right for them to own an animal that can, and regularly does, kill humans.

It's a god damn shit tier, low IQ variant in a 10,000 year old experiment and that's the one you want to die for?

Fuck outta here...
Still can't refute any facts so you serve up a tantrum rage word salad.
Give me your gun. You shouldn't have a gun. You shouldn't have any weapons. Surrender them all. When you do that, I'll consider not laughing at you & taking you seriously. Ha
Neighbor's pit bull mixes attack Long Beach woman, kills her dog
I defend the right for peaceful responsible people to own a gun for self defense and protection. To not do the same for a responsible dog owner is hypocrisy in it's highest form.
Fair enough . . . which is why I haven't really jumped into this discussion a bunch.
Fair enough . . . which is why I haven't really jumped into this discussion a bunch.
Feel free to. It honestly needs more reasonable people and less of the pitchfork mob that wants to genocide pets and their owners based on the way the pet looks. Or lie about statistics & motives.

Also, note the article posted above. Hundreds of pages deep and thousands of post into threads like these & these propagandists still conflate any & every breed of dog that does something bad as a "pitbull."

On what planet does one of the most iconic, distinctive, and recognizable dogs such as an Olde English Bulldog look or resemble an American Pitbull Terrier????? Or even the fact that he couldn't even comprehend or read what kind of dog it is......But these are the dog experts who should impose a world wide "pitbull" ban on a specific breed of dog that they CONSTANTLY misidentify. Like they still don't understand the fkn basics. Embarrassing
Another one:

Is there a worse neighbor than a Pitbull owner?
Yep another one alright....

"The sheriff's office says an Olde English Bulldog, first reported as a pit bull on the scene,"

Man you guys make it too easy. ....37 deaths a. year......constantly misidentyfying any and all dog breeds as "pit bulls" THE "pitbull" EMIDEMIC IS REAL!!!! Bring the hysteria.
As usual it was misidentified as a Pit Bull. Shocker. According to one recent study by Arizona State University visual breed identification has been measured to be as low as 10% in accuracy. Even worse, out of all the Pit Bull-type dogs from the shelters that they conducted the study on, only 2% were purebred Pits. And out of the Pit mixes, the majority contained less than 50% Pit Bull DNA.
  • 98% of the pitbull-type dogs in the study were identified to be mixed breed dogs by DNA testing. Only 5 of the 244 total pitbull-type dogs (including American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers) in the study were identified to be purebred.
Loaded guns can misfire/discharge even without being handled. Modern firearms have safeties but it still happens. In some cases all it takes is for something to bump them especially if they're older firearms which collectors love so much.
To draw an analogy, a gun safety for a dog is basically a muzzle. There should be universal laws on muzzling certain dogs when in public.

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