Law Florida - Senate passes Republican sponsored Bill to outlaw lab-grown meat. DeSantis supports ban

What’s the drawback of grown meat? Is there something wrong with it?

I would like a response quick because if the pork ribs I planted in my garden start sprouting I am gonna eat them
Why the hell ban it?? Jesus that's almost as bad as mandating it.

Holy god it's a fucking win-win. All the people who have issues concerning animal rights get proper nutrition without hurting animals. People who have arthritic or chemical issues with red meat can now EAT AS MUCH RED MEAT AS THEY WANT, since it can be engineered in a way that's catered to their biology

What the fuck is wrong with everyone?? Do you hate choices???
Florida has 15,000 cattle farmers and the biggest seafood export in the country, so not exactly win-win for farmers and fishermen who can't exactly throw on a lab coat and sell their farms to Bill Gates or the Chinese.
Florida has 15,000 cattle farmers and the biggest seafood export in the country, so not exactly win-win for farmers and fishermen who can't exactly throw on a lab coat and sell their farms to Bill Gates or the Chinese.
Help me understand. Demand for meat is astronomically high and will never decrease. Why would a lab grown alternative hurt them? They wouldn't have to sell their farms
Help me understand. Demand for meat is astronomically high and will never decrease. Why would a lab grown alternative hurt them? They wouldn't have to sell their farms
There isn't a meat scarcity. Putting farmers and fishermen out of business is the whole point of the thing. It there to replace it, not add to it.
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Sorry, but as gross as I find lab grown meat, outlawing it? Fucking Florida repubs are insane. No different than tofu. This is because they are backed by livestock associations
The guy (Alvarez) pushing to ban lab-grown meat openly admits that protecting cattle ranching is a big reason.

I wonder how much the Cattle Ranchers Association contributed to his and the local GOP coffers...
You really believe that there is some One World Gov. conspiracy to put farmers out of business?
What on earth does a "one world gov" have to do with any of this? Replacing traditional farming and fishing is the entire sales pitch for cultured meat.

Out of curiosity, would you be opposed to a ban on producing cultured human meat in a lab?
What on earth does a "one world gov" have to do with any of this? Replacing traditional farming and fishing is the entire sales pitch for cultured meat.

Out of curiosity, would you be opposed to a ban on producing cultured human meat in a lab?
Isn't that the CT, that there is a Globalist elite that wants to put farmers out of business?

Ofcourse I would be opposed to cultured human meat.....because the DNA of the meat is human dna.
What on earth does a "one world gov" have to do with any of this? Replacing traditional farming and fishing is the entire sales pitch for cultured meat.

Out of curiosity, would you be opposed to a ban on producing cultured human meat in a lab?

interesting can of worms
There isn't a meat scarcity. Putting farmers and fishermen out of business is the whole point of the thing. It there to replace it, not add to it.
Putting farmers out of business is not the point of lab grown meet. I'm not sure that's what you meant though and I'm not accusing you of that.
let me guess, leftists support this because it'll likely be produced by a big tech/bio firm, preferred corporation as opposed to farm
Isn't that the CT, that there is a Globalist elite that wants to put farmers out of business?

Ofcourse I would be opposed to cultured human meat.....because the DNA of the meat is human dna.
So? Nobody has to die to get the meat, so why do all the small government and none of their business arguments ITT suddenly vanish depending on what meat they grow? How about they ONLY grow meat from animals that are illegal to hunt or farm and endangered species, and beef, pork, chicken and fish can be traditionally farmed or fished? Then it really would be just an addition that wouldn't step on the toes of existing farmers and fishermen.
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I have no desire for lab grown meat, but the market should decide this. This is just overreach unless it can be proven to be a worse carcinogen than other processed meats
Florida GOP has leaned heavily in restricting people's choices. They started with left-leaning positions but they've graduated into full on big government. Legislating away individual freedom because Ron knows what's best for you...even better than you do.

The real problem is that because of how partisan the country has become, people who would normally oppose this type of government intervention are going to stay quiet because they can't or won't criticize DeSantis publicly.
Do they? What percentage, do you figure?

And that wouldn't mitigate the environmental or efficiency problems.
I would say most livestock owners care for their animals. God instructs man to be kind to animals.

There's no environmental or efficiency problems. Problems are created because of you people.
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another angry leftist thread just because a republican didn't let globalists shit all over them.
Especially 44nutman. He's okay with his school's athletic dept taking over $22 million annually from FL tax payers in public funding.

So you don't eat shit with artificial sweeteners?

Ever eat fast food?

Most of the shit we can buy at a grocery store is extremely unnatural
I try my best to avoid all that shit but in America the FDA is a joke and allows crazy additives that most of Europe and many other countries have banned. I mainly buy whole foods but it’s hard to know what kind of pesticides or hormones you are getting unless you buy expensive organic produce and meats. Even then you can’t be fully certain what you are ingesting from grocery stores.

Just finding a product that doesn’t contain corn syrup, seed oils, soy, and food dye limits your options substantially.