Cyclist Girl Gets Revenge On Catcalling Van Driver

Where in my post, you illiterate fuck, did I say that her ripping the mirror off was worse, or even in comparison, to the actions of the men in the van? Are you retarded?
Well it’s all you’re focusing on, and people should be punished, her calling the cops won’t amount to shit. So ripping off a mirror seems ok to me. To you it seems unjustified and unwarranted.
Well it’s all you’re focusing on, and people should be punished, her calling the cops won’t amount to shit. So ripping off a mirror seems ok to me. To you it seems unjustified and unwarranted.
There it is folks....

You're a tomato can pal. Take a nap.
duh it’s like a forum.
Funny part is doofus, in my preferred world, the guys in the van would be flogged in public and televised on tv. But my world can't work. We'd all love to exact all kinds of inventive forms of retribution for perceived or actuali injustices. You're a fucking anarchist, I prefer some rational law and order back in reality.
Funny part is doofus, in my world, the guys in the van would be flogged in public and televised on tv. But my world can't work. While we'd all love to exact all kinds of inventive forms of retribution for perceived or actualized injustices. You're a fucking anarchist, I prefer some rational law and order.
Not an anarchist but understand reality, and know nothing would happen to these drivers. At least from the cyclists perspective since she doesn’t know someone else is filming. And the little revenge she took is very little compared to their actions so yeah I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Not an anarchist but understand reality, and know nothing would happen to these drivers. At least from the cyclists perspective since she doesn’t know someone else is filming. And the little revenge she took is very little compared to their actions so yeah I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Yeah, I already have a 10 year old in my house that I speak with regularly. Take care.
To feel empathy for children who have to deal with moronic parents? How weird of you to think that.
From the exchange above we can clearly see that you have a room temperature IQ. For you to be questioning anybody's intelligence is of the utmost absurdity.

From the exchange above we can clearly see that you have a room temperature IQ. For you to be questioning anybody's intelligence is of the utmost absurdity.

I thought you had somewhere to go? Imagine someone with impulse control issues being a judge on others intelligence.
I thought you had somewhere to go? Imagine someone with impulse control issues being a judge on others intelligence.
I've got cans on Sherdog to my left, Elden Ring on the big screen to my right, a nice cold beer in front of me. Life is good bro.
I thought you had somewhere to go? Imagine someone with impulse control issues being a judge on others intelligence.
Impulse control? Pal, you're the one advocating for random retribution and you're talking about impulse control? You can't buy a screen big enough to capture that projection son.

Impulse control? Pal, you're the one advocating for random retribution and you're talking about impulse control? You can't buy a screen big enough to capture that projection son.

Random? It’s reactive not random.learn the meaning of words before you claim intelligence. I never said I’d do those things though just said it was justified. You said you could talk to a 10 yr old at home so you had no reason to further the conversation. But here you are, so yeah impulse control.
Random? It’s reactive not random.learn the meaning of words before you claim intelligence. I never said I’d do those things though just said it was justified. You said you could talk to a 10 yr old at home so you had no reason to further the conversation. But here you are, so yeah impulse control.
She could have stabbed him and you'd be singing the same song. You're insane.
She could have stabbed him and you'd be singing the same song. You're insane.
He threatened her with a vehicle she has no clue where the violence would end or when he would let up, physical violence for self preservation is justifiable in this situation. You can’t act like you’re going to run into someone and then claim “but I didn’t really mean it though” , you know because people aren’t mind readers .
He threatened her with a vehicle she has no clue where the violence would end or when he would let up, physical violence for self preservation is justifiable in this situation. You can’t act like you’re going to run into someone and then claim “but I didn’t really mean it though” , you know because people aren’t mind readers .
She biked three blocks to rip his mirror off in a retaliatory manner, after he didn't run her over. Not a defensive action at that point. Do you have eyes?

You talk about impulse control but advocate for individual vigilantism over the slightest of incident. You really need to take a nap pal.
