Crime 77 year old American fatally shoots two climate change activists for blocking the road.

Hard to find any sympathy for the victims. Find other ways to protest. Fuck everyone involved.
Surprised it's taken this long for these peotestors to push some unstable person that little bit of the edge

I was expecting to see someone best the piss out of them before this though
This. You cost this much in lost money and hassles, I’m not even remotely shocked this happened. Just that it took this long.
You're a fucking asshole if you block roads to the point of choking off local businesses. I don't care what you're crying about. I don't agree at all how this guy pulled his gun out like that though. It's hard to hear if he was threatened first, and there's an odd edit right before the first person was shot. I'd need to see the unedited footage to confirm if it was cold blooded or if someone lunged at him. Still, the old man should be in prison for bringing it to this level. Those protestors should be jailed for a long time as well, with life altering fines as well.

It's cold blooded. No lunge at all.
Imagine if they'd parked a truck outside his bedroom window and blared their horn twenty four seven for a month!

Napalm justified!
You could just use some tannerite...then fire a round off and watch the explosion from a distance.
You're wild dude lol. Wtf...
Maybe I could have worded it differently. However, when you intentionally put yourself in harms way and get hurt or killed, then you were kind of asking for it. Anyway, sucks people died, but it is what it is.
A few bizzare and psychopathic responses in this thread so far. Inconvenience someone and you're the problem, not the lunatic shooting two people to death. You can almost feel the titillation and pants creaming of people who day dream about this shit.
Maybe I could have worded it differently. However, when you intentionally put yourself in harms way and get hurt or killed, then you were kind of asking for it. Anyway, sucks people died, but it is what it is.
I hear ya...

Everything is what it is.

I could see your point on the "put yourself in harms way" notion if these people had been accidentally run over. They were shot to death.
I hear ya...

Everything is what it is.

I could see your point on the "put yourself in harms way" notion if these people had been accidentally run over. They were shot to death.
But they saw they dude come up and pull out a gun, then continued to escalate the situation instead of hauling ass. As soon as the gun came out, I would've been saying yes sir I'll move all my shit and you can pass right through this protest sir.
But they saw they dude come up and pull out a gun, then continued to escalate the situation instead of hauling ass. As soon as the gun came out, I would've been saying yes sir I'll move all my shit and you can pass right through this protest sir.
I'm not gonna argue that these victims were bright.

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