Antifa being designated a terrorist organization

"Antifa" isn't an organized group. Large cities have "antifa" groups. Smaller places have people who consider themselves "antifa".

So, I mean...

Does every person who considers themselves Anti-Fascist in the spirit of AntiFa groups from nearly 100 years ago count as a terrorist?

"Antifa" isn't an organized group. Large cities have "antifa" groups. Smaller places have people who consider themselves "antifa".

So, I mean...

Does every person who considers themselves Anti-Fascist in the spirit of AntiFa groups from nearly 100 years ago count as a terrorist?

I'd imagine they will go through a suspects internet history. Would probably be pretty easy to determine if they identify as Antifa online
Does every person who considers themselves Anti-Fascist in the spirit of AntiFa groups from nearly 100 years ago count as a terrorist?


No. There are well meaning people in there too. I condemn the ones who perpetrate violence on others. That's where I draw the line.
No. There's a lot good, well meaning people in there too. I condemn the ones who perpetrate violence on others. That's where I draw the line.


So you recognize how retarded it is to call an unorganized group of people a "terrorist organization", then?