Media Ariel and Chael argument

I think Chael is just salty he never got PPV points. Either that or he doesn't understand the concept.

Ngannou was reported to be getting an 8 figure salary prior to the fight. That's where the 10 million number comes from. If the PPV did upwards of a million he's obviously getting 10-20 million. Because of PPV points. And unlike the UFC he isn't splitting it with a promotion.

I think it's hard for an mma guy to understand how the money is different in boxing.
Didn't watch... but that final cliff was GOLD


"Chael goes to leave and Ariel starts calling him a weasel, bitch, coward etc... Screeches constantly about lying."

That happened.
I was super happy for Francis and loved every minute of that fight. But that being said, Chael might be right about the PPVs. I watched it at a bar, and it was only on 2 screens, with college football taking up the rest….
Now maybe that’s because it was on during the day, but I know bars pay for it per screen. And the first bar I asked (that usually shows ufc cards) wasn’t showing it.
So, at least in my area, it wasn’t a big ppv.
Chael got so aggressive about his own bullsh*t. Just a baffling attempt to shill for the UFC so hard and in such a ridiculous manner that he lost his marbles.

I used to think he was just your standard double-speaking con man. But the hotel incident suggests there is more going on.

What happens when you mix a used car salesman with CTE, I guess.
they're in the wolf ticket business both of them that's all that is
Ariel could tell the "truthiest" of truths, but i still find him one of the most annoying persons out there

I have no patience for Ariel at all, regardless of what facts or what news he brings
Is Ariel ever not pissy about something these days? Maybe it's just the interviews people post on here.
Ariel is probably just being anti UFC, Francis isnt giving you the 40 mill, you can chill the fuck out
Ariel still pointing out his special Olympics trophies?
Knew Chael was never gonna admit he was wrong{<jordan}
Ariel acted like such a dick from the start that was never going to happen, worm move from Ariel as expected, clearly still cries about Dana white
I haven't watched it, but Ariel has earned the right to dress down the trolls.
I respect a bit of what both provide content wise. However, listening to either of them for more than a few minutes is mind-numbing. Far, far too many useless talking heads round MMA.
why though? is the ufc still paying him? so transparent