Elections Arizona Auditors Check Ballots for Bamboo fibers (conspiracy)

Cyber Ninjas are now in stealth mode. What don't they want us to know?

With just days to go until “the most transparent audit in American history” is set to be released, the Senate’s ninja auditors have gone into hiding.

They’re refusing to turn over public records – documents that will give the public insight on who the auditors were talking to and who they were consulting with as they conducted their “forensic” examination of Maricopa County’s election.

Never mind that the Arizona Court of Appeals has declared the records are public and its word is final, given the Supreme Court’s decision to stay out of it.

Never mind that Senate President Karen Fann – having lost her legal fight to keep the records from the public – has demanded that the ninjas “immediately make available all records within your custody or control, or within the custody or control of your subcontractors or other agents, with a substantial nexus to the audit.”

That’s a hard no from Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, who apparently isn't beholden to the courts or even to his own (supposed) boss, Fann.
IF I lived in AZ I would be worried all my private information would end up on the Dark Web, like Social Security number, etc all because the GOP was butt hurt because Donny lost.
Everyone said this was going to happen, when they hired some unknown, just because he was also butt hurt that Donny lost.
AZ did not think this one through. They could be like everyone else on the GOP and tell the smooth brains Biden cheated his way to a win, while never actually doing a Fraudit.
Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri to resign after election-related recordings released

Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri announced he will resign after recordings surfaced of him talking about the 2020 election and his county colleagues.

In the leaked recordings, Chucri bashed the other supervisors for their lack of support of the Arizona Senate's audit of the county's general election, and indicated he thought there were fraudulent votes cast in the election.

Chucri, a Republican who has represented the northeastern portion of the county since 2012, apologized in his statement Tuesday.

"The comments I made were during a very turbulent time," he wrote. "My colleagues have every right to be both angry and disappointed with me. I should not have made such statements and offer my colleagues heartfelt apologies."

Chucri said his resignation will be effective Nov. 5.


the very least those cyber ninja turtles could do is release the report to try to save this dudes job.

Why is he waiting until November 5th to resign?
Is the bamboo fibers to elections, what 5G towers were to covid? A conspiracy the chuds have abandoned?

Everything is making a comeback.
The Kraken has been spotted off the coast of Arizona.
perhaps that is the day where diaper don gets constitutionally reinstated as president?

speaking of such, i believe its the first day of fall today, or yesterday. meaning that summer is over, and diaper don didn't get reinstated as president, as per the constitution. i guess that means for the 4th or 5th time now, theyve got their prophecy dates all mixed up.

but according to our crackhead pillow pusher, its still gonna happen. phew! thats a relief. the new constitutional reinstatement date is before thanksgiving! get your donations in people. fat donny has got a country to save!

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Okay I’m not going through 100 pages, can anyone give me cliffs? I’m right leaning, was there any evidence of tampering or fraud at all? They have had a long ass time to produce something by now. And Jesus Christ at that one woman saying a false flag is going to happen to distract from this today.. I wouldn’t even know today was the day they are suppose to release info if it wasn’t for this thread.
Okay I’m not going through 100 pages, can anyone give me cliffs? I’m right leaning, was there any evidence of tampering or fraud at all? They have had a long ass time to produce something by now. And Jesus Christ at that one woman saying a false flag is going to happen to distract from this today.. I wouldn’t even know today was the day they are suppose to release info if it wasn’t for this thread.

Dude you are missing out. Read back over the last 20 pages or so if just for the really funny Johnny Sins incident.
No fraud or cheating in political elections?

You’re a dreamer.

In a non-corrupt world, I would agree with you. The ends justify the means with those in power. The shit they get away with would put you or me in prison for a long time and that list of things is long, from insider trading, to selling political offices.

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