
Do you currently have a beard ??!!

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I like my beard just fine, but the wifey gets pissed when I trim it too low. She likes to “wash” it. So I guess I’m stuck having one whether I’m in the mood to trim it or not. Not really complaining. :cool:
I spent the last 33 years shaving 5-6 days a week, but now that I’m retired I only shave once a week. My beard grows thick in no time, but it’s as much white as black.
you earned them bud
I'm a noob and cant grow one. Can only go as far as a half ass goatee.
My beard has a few spots where it does not grow well so I use a clean cut.

I don't like beards anyways.
I shave every four days. If I wait any longer then I have a beard. Did I mention that I hate shaving?
I rock a full beard like the second guy in the OP(Just a big longer and thicker heh). Been rocking it since I was like 27 (When I was able to grow a full on beard) I'm now 36. I kinda hate how Hipsters have ruined beards but whatever.

Women do love the beard, they see it and ovaries melt. They want me to build them a cabin and chop wood and I don't mean with an axe.

I live in a college town currently and I get more women trying to hook up with me now then ever at 36 from 21 year old chicks. I think it might be because men nowadays are pretty feminine and if they are covered in tattoos and bearded they are still feminine beta hipsters. I doubt I got better looking as I got older but I ain't complaining. <Moves>
I can't grow a full beard, hair's too thin on the cheeks so if I try to grow it I just look like a scraggly homeless person. I've got I think it's called a Balbo beard going now that doesn't look horrible.
Beard, or at least my half ass version of one, and long hair right now.
The long hair is annoying AF, not sure how much more of it i can take.

My beard growing skills is kind of weak, but that's because my hair hasn't migrated from the top of my head to my face.
Mine grows fast but after about a month It starts itching and I get break outs so end up shaving it all off.
Clean or 5 0clock shadow. Or I’ll do a one week trim look beard.
I've had a beard most of the time since I was 18. I do shave my neck, upper cheeks and a strip under my mouth so I don't go full Wolfman. I get ingrown hairs when I shave.
By my count I see 40 men and 35 women and children ITT