Bellator 238 Budd vs Cyborg

Mike helping out all the Borg players.
Chris DEC?
This is cardio intensive fight lots of clinching and wild punches. If cyrbog gasses soon be a really nice live bet on budd.
Budd looks good when she throws first, but Cyborg just more aggressive.
Damn that illegal knee in 1st round cost her that round and it's been downhill from there for Budd.
Julia just can't handle how aggressive Cris is.
Budd’s corner is being unnecessarily harsh on her. I mean its Cyborg, what do they expect
Cris gets Budd against the cage and fires lefts and right, and Budd just keeps trying to front kick. Her corner even told her to stop kicking and she just kept doing it over and over. Last exchange Cris throws like 10 left and rights and Julia throws one left and tries to front kick like 3 times while getting pummelled.
Cyborg closes out $500 parlay, too bad over 1.5 rounds flaked out in UFC main event could've been a 2.5k night zzzzzzzzzzz

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