Social Biden says “it’s wrong” that Florida has Banned trans surgeries and puberty blockers for minor

My position is that it's a decision that should be made by parents,.doctors, and mental health professionals in collaboration with the best interests of the kid in mind rather than politicians trying to score points. Doesn't seem that controversial if you represent it honestly (which is why hacks don't do that).
Literally every response is you just making up a position and dishonestly attributing it to me. Why not just discuss things honestly?
Lol. You are literally crazy. I've attributed no positions to you whatsoever as you haven't made any points beyond you oppose my position as you think it's coming from a place of partisanship instead of being informed. You did try to appeal to decency, but you've no understanding of the concept so the point is moot.
To teach you that they exist. The incest ad campaigns are next. We have to know that they exist. Consenting adults and all that...

This'll age about as well as Santorum and Gohmert on how people fornicate with dogs after you legalise gay marriage.

"In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever, to my knowledge, included homosexuality, That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing."

"When you say it's not a man and a woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman or four women and one man? Or why not, you know, somebody has a love for an animal or-? There is no clear place to draw a line once you eliminate the traditional marriage."
I don't know BFoe so can't comment on him but yeah, the idea of being shamed into having sex with someone is the height of insanity. We're all equal but their pet group has more rights than others?
Hi, I’m BFoe. I think we’ve interacted here and there, and I’ve always found you respectful and fairly level-headed even though we disagree on some things.

Anyway, what’s this talk of shaming someone into having sex? Or a pet group that has more rights than others? I don’t think I’ve advocated for either of those things ITT.
Lol. You are literally crazy. I've attributed no positions to you whatsoever as you haven't made any points beyond you oppose my position as you think it's coming from a place of partisanship instead of being informed. You did try to appeal to decency, but you've no understanding of the concept so the point is moot.

You made up some weird shit about time travel, then some dumb comment about Sweden, RDS's party mattering to me, etc..You just have no issue with lying your teeth off constantly to defend GOP positions. It's pretty sad.
My problem with it is that it takes an option away from parents. And parents should be allowed to make this decision for their families. The secondary problem is that this is the same state that won't let schools handle their own curriculums because parents should have a say on that. So parents should have a say on what teachers talk about in school but shouldn't have a say on medical decisions.

It's very much the governor legislating his personal morality onto the residents of his state. I always dislike that use of government power.
Hi, I’m BFoe. I think we’ve interacted here and there, and I’ve always found you respectful and fairly level-headed even though we disagree on some things.

Anyway, what’s this talk of shaming someone into having sex? Or a pet group that has more rights than others? I don’t think I’ve advocated for either of those things ITT.
Yup. I think we've talked a few times but I can't recall much. That's usually an indication of respectful disagreement here in the WR. And I'm fine with that. See my interactions with Jack for the exact opposite. Lol

And I never said you did. Fact is I've seen odd (understatement that) videos of trans people accusing others of bigotry for refusing to consider them viable sex partners. And as I've seen people claim that there's no biological differences between the sexes and kangaroo courts rule that refusal to wax female cock and balls is a human rights violation, I do believe there's lunatics out there claiming its their right to have lesbians suck their female dicks. There's crazy people out there. I'm currently arguing with one in this thread and another one who thinks gay sex should be a crime in another. I'm not claiming you're one.
You made up some weird shit about time travel, then some dumb comment about Sweden, RDS's party mattering to me, etc..You just have no issue with lying your teeth off constantly to defend GOP positions. It's pretty sad.
In the case of medically transitioning kids informed consent is an impossibility without knowing the future.

The comment about Sweden is to illustrate that being against youth medical transitioning is to counter your claim that this can only be a partisan position.

Now fuck right off you slanderous cunt. I've proven your accusations of me as lies, in black and white as I'm a staunch supporter of gay rights. You think accusations are proof in and of themselves. You're unstable.
In the case of medically transitioning kids informed consent is an impossibility without knowing the future.

The comment about Sweden is to illustrate that being against youth medical transitioning is to counter your claim that this can only be a partisan position.

Now fuck right off you slanderous cunt. I've proven your accusations of me as lies, in black and white as I'm a staunch supporter of gay rights. You think accusations are proof in and of themselves. You're unstable.

Just so consistently dishonest and bitter. Consistent pattern where I make a simple,.correct point and then you go "so you're saying (something I'm not saying)?" What a pathetic, miserable existence you have. Your life must be awful.
My problem with it is that it takes an option away from parents. And parents should be allowed to make this decision for their families. The secondary problem is that this is the same state that won't let schools handle their own curriculums because parents should have a say on that. So parents should have a say on what teachers talk about in school but shouldn't have a say on medical decisions.

It's very much the governor legislating his personal morality onto the residents of his state. I always dislike that use of government power.

It takes away an option that shouldn't be available. Parents (rightfully) DO get most of the say as to what medical professionals can/can't do to their kids. But there are limits. If a doctor and parents agreed that the correct treatment for a mildly sprained ankle was to amputate the kid's leg, we'd damn sure hope the state would step in and say "No, you can't do that." But making irreparable and often harmful changes to their sexual organs is "just healthcare, yo." No. Just because some in the medical community have become swept up in this tidal wave of insanity to the point where they think doing this shit to kids is okay does NOT make it something we as a society should be okay with.