Bjj Or Ju Jitsu?


Black Belt
Aug 3, 2004
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I got a little confused the other night when talking to someone who does Ju Jitsu. I said I've just started doing a bit of BJJ. The other guy said, yes I do Ju Jitsu also. I said, no I think Brazilian Ju Jitsu is alot different, he said no, its the same, and I thought....haven't got a clue as I know nothing about normal Ju Jitsu. Can anyone help me put an end to this?

You should have asked if it had standing locks, chops and kicks. If so, that's traditional japanese jujitsu. If he rolls around on the ground in pyjamas choking people then he'd be BJJing it up like you.
Yea the Jujitsu I study is alot different from BJJ. We do alot of leglocks and more techniques that some BJJ does not cover.
Adino said:
Yea the Jujitsu I study is alot different from BJJ. We do alot of leglocks and more techniques that some BJJ does not cover.

I think you'll find BJJ does cover leglocks....
swiftman said:
I think you'll find BJJ does cover leglocks....

Not really, if you ask your bjj instructor's they defintiely will know them and such but usually dont teach them much in a gi type class. also theyre illegal in BJJ competition unless your a BB.
Poseidon said:
I got a little confused the other night when talking to someone who does Ju Jitsu. I said I've just started doing a bit of BJJ. The other guy said, yes I do Ju Jitsu also. I said, no I think Brazilian Ju Jitsu is alot different, he said no, its the same, and I thought....haven't got a clue as I know nothing about normal Ju Jitsu. Can anyone help me put an end to this?

This dude that trains at the "SEARCH FUNCTION" gym probably could have solved this.
Blake Bowman said:
This dude that trains at the "SEARCH FUNCTION" gym probably could have solved this.

I'm pretty sure you kicked that guy in the face too.
BJJ leglocks weren't illegal in the two tournaments I competed in, Novice div, only heel hooks were illegal, cuz they twist the knee. I slapped on a toe hold and it was okay. the judge's name was Marcus Soares, his nickname in bresil was " Bicho-de-pe" (foot parasite) cuz of his leg submissions. Props to Blake, cuz he sets noobz straight.
I'm train in GI BJJ, our instructor once told us that Leg Locks are allowed for Purple Belts and above.
BJJ includes standing locks, throws, kicks and punches as well. BJJ is more than just what you see in sport jiujitsu matches. As far as leg locks, all touranment as different. Typically, white belt and blue belt matches only allow the straight footlock. Leg locks are definitly part of BJJ although not as emphasized and some other submissions may be.
getting back to the original question, tell your buddy he's full of shit. i trained jujitsu for about 7 months before switching over to bjj and they are nothing alike (my jujitsu instructor also claimed it was the same, he was full of shit too). tell him to go to a bjj gym and train, that should settle it.
dapunisher said:
Not really, if you ask your bjj instructor's they defintiely will know them and such but usually dont teach them much in a gi type class. also theyre illegal in BJJ competition unless your a BB.

Unless by BB you mean Blue belt then i would have to disagree.

last competition i was in Blue belts, Purple belts, brown belts, and black belts were aloud to do leg locks.

a purple belt won the absolute division for blue and purble with only leg locks.

Our instructor is good at leg locks but yeah your right we dont cover legs as much as we do the upper body. I think it is because it is a more injury proan area that they are doing for safety reasons. Our insturcotr even released a video Series for leg locks. Look up on Google "Eduardo De Lima leglocks" im sure u will find it.

There was a kid there at the competition that did traditional JJ and he lost miserably to all the other bjj white belts. he couldnt even put up a decent defense. However he was a white belt so not much of a show of skills.
Leg locks are totally cheap ass moves, and getting one proves you have no skill whatsoever.
the difference between Jiujitsu, Ju jutsu, and Ju jitsu is how the round eye decided to spell it once he learned in from the Japanese.

The Japanese dont spell it any of those three ways. In matter of fact they dont even use roman letters. Hows that for startling.

- with regards to BJJ and JJJ. Youll find in both styles alot of diff tpyes of schools. There are BJJ schools that focus soley on sprot. Then there are BJJ schools that focus on MMA competition , and then again there are BJJ schools that focus on self defense and offer rape prevention classes. In TJJ youll find schools that are focused on point sparring and Judo, youll find schools that are focused on law enforcement and others that focus on massage and healing arts.

as far as your friend is concearned .. opinions are like assholes ... and as far as black belts are concearned ... anone can pay 4 99 for a belt. Its whats inside the Gi that counts.
BrandeisBJJ said:
Leg locks are totally cheap ass moves, and getting one proves you have no skill whatsoever.

I hope you left out the sarcasm tags there by mistake.
colinm said:
getting back to the original question, tell your buddy he's full of shit. i trained jujitsu for about 7 months before switching over to bjj and they are nothing alike (my jujitsu instructor also claimed it was the same, he was full of shit too). tell him to go to a bjj gym and train, that should settle it.
Japanese Jiu Jitsu schools are as varied in what they teach and how they train as judo schools (i.e. some Judo schools do practically zero newaza/ground-grapping, most do it part of the time, and a minority focus on it.) One JJJ schoolcould do no sparring whatsoever and another could be mostly sparring based and nearly identical to bjj or judo schools that are not strictly sport oriented (that spend part of their time on self defense.)
   Even within the association that my school is a part of, there is a big difference from school to school, depending on a lot of factors such as how old is the average person training. Schools with a lot of kids and older people tend to have less sparring. Also, they used to reserve sparring for black belts and above, with the idea that you didn't want people muscling each other with no technique, but it resulted in black belts having technical knowledge, but no experience until a while later. Since they have changed this, many of the people in the schools have competed successfully at grappling and judo tournaments, including myself; a few people have also competed successfully in local mma events such as Mass Destruction.
BrandeisBJJ said:
Leg locks are totally cheap ass moves, and getting one proves you have no skill whatsoever.
I'll go entangled legs with you and hook you out 10/10 times. That proves nothing?
What the hell are you talking about?

Anyone can be caught on leg, heel or knee lock. ANYONE.

BrandeisBJJ said:
Leg locks are totally cheap ass moves, and getting one proves you have no skill whatsoever.
BrandeisBJJ said:
Leg locks are totally cheap ass moves, and getting one proves you have no skill whatsoever.
leg locks are a dishonorable way to win...

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