Media BSD says he was completely dehydrated in Poirier fight, Dustin responds

Do you think that played a factor last weekend?

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Sounds cage-hygenical - Dustin would have beat the piss out of him anyway.
He should have just bitten the bullet, and said nothing. It sucks if it’s all true. But he could/should have pulled out. It’s not like it was a TS. He would have been fighting people of that rank/calibre soon enough, anyway.

A loss can teach a team a lot. But if in your own mind the only reason you lost was meds/dehydration, etc. That’s not a good starting point to learning, and improving on your weaknesses.
This dude is making it so much worse, no one gives a fuck about your excuses, you took the fight, you got KTFO, move onto the next fight and redeem yourself, you're only as good as your last fight in this game and people don't remember excuses only results.
He's making it worse. Dude you lost, if you had a infection say before the fight, not afterwards when you got ko'd. Now this dehydration bollocks, rapidly losing respect for this man.

Yea I was fine with the staph/antibioics. That a common thing and the antibiotics do wreck your body. Now he's adding more and its just getting dumb. Someones been reading Nogs book.
Nobody forces you to weight bully and glove grab multiple times.
You got lucky Poirier took himself down, because he is heavily injured from 50 fights

BSD is 28,3 years old, he will get better maybe till 32, then constant till 34.
I see him as a Top 10 fighter for some time, never really reaching the top.

Maybe a less succesfull Brunson

If you are an up and comer with staph as co main event, the UFC makes you an offer you can't refuse.
But you will tell, why you lost when you are ill, it's just normal.
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I have no doubt that the infection and antibiotics made harder a weight cut that is already consequential.

But there is a deeper problem with BSD, he carries a shitload of injuries for a guy his age. He needs to review his training philosophy.
The culture in french army (despite the white flag memes) especially special forces, is to always force through pain and injuries. It's fine for the army because they retire most guys after 5-10 years but they age at 3x the normal rate and lots of them are crippled at 40.
French foreign legion mountain training which comes directly from training in the Alps is probably the hardest mountain training you can get in modern militaries.
There's a guy I follow on YouTube named Taylor cavanuagh. Former Navy seal that joined the French foreign legion. He said the French's mountain training is no joke and people die every year just going through the training. He said when he was going through it that they had to Airvac 2 guys in his training class during mountain training.
For some reason, many of the people involved in the sport seem to believe that a lack of professionalism or preparation is inconsequential to their performance.

See, that's exactly how I feel about this stuff sir.
I mean its how they make their money you'd think they would take every precaution so there were no excuses.
Imagine a fully hydrated BSD.... Imagine if he kept winning and didn't get dehydrated in the 11th hour.
lol, he was still going to get torched on the feet by DP as his striking defense is non existent. Sorry pal, also his best win to date is Thiago Moises lol.
He's making it worse. Dude you lost, if you had a infection say before the fight, not afterwards when you got ko'd. Now this dehydration bollocks, rapidly losing respect for this man.
If you tell them commission you have an active staph infection don't you think they will try pulling you from the fight?
Dustin used to always have some running gag about telling people to be hydrated.

He would have been licking his lips when he saw BSD's comment haha.