Crime Clinton Lawyer finally charged over Russia-gate hoax.

The Mueller Report is 448 pages. The Senate Intel Committee's report is 1313 pages. The DNI Report is 15 pages. Is 1700 pages of evidence enough?

If not, you have reputable journalists like Michael Isikoff, David Corn and Luke Harding who will give you a few hundred more.

Luke Harding is a liar and a clown trying to sell a book of misinformation.

I honestly can't believe you cited that idiot. He is literally asked one question: Where is the evidence of collusion? His book is called "Collusion" and he cant answer the most basic question. What a jackass that guy is.

Has anyone looked into the possibility that the FBI are Russian assets? This is the exact thing someone would do if they were working for Russia.

Man, this goes higher than I thought it did.
The Mueller Report is 448 pages. The Senate Intel Committee's report is 1313 pages. The DNI Report is 15 pages. Is 1700 pages of evidence enough?

If not, you have reputable journalists like Michael Isikoff, David Corn and Luke Harding who will give you a few hundred more.

Imagine sourcing David Corn while completely ignoring the reporting of Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate.
Didn’t you know that Greenwald and Mate have both, at times, been critical of the Democrat party?
FYI: that makes them hacks and right wing shills..

We've come to a point where criticizing the left from the left is right-wing. I don't think the Republicans are any better, but goddamn the Democrats have lost their way.
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The Mueller Report is 448 pages. The Senate Intel Committee's report is 1313 pages. The DNI Report is 15 pages. Is 1700 pages of evidence enough?

If not, you have reputable journalists like Michael Isikoff, David Corn and Luke Harding who will give you a few hundred more.

You know nothing will ever be good enough for them.
Imagine sourcing David Corn while completely ignoring the reporting of Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate.
Glenn Greenwald is currently being subsidized by Rumble (YouTube for ultra-chuds who need a safe space), which is being funded by Peter Thiel, a far, far-right lunatic who is openly against democracy. Greenwald's recent hot takes include statements that Bannon, Trump and Tucker Carlson are actually socialists. He's a frequent guest on Fox News, where he does the "bash liberals as a 'good liberal'" schtick. His own long-time collaborator, The Intercept, publicly insulted him and accused him of lying:

"It is absolutely not true that Glenn Greenwald was asked to remove all sections critical of Joe Biden from his article. He was asked to support his claims and innuendo about corrupt actions by Joe Biden with evidence...The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum...While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism...We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be...It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept."


I'm not super familiar with Aaron Mate (I've seen him on Tucker Carlson's show) but I know he interviewed Konstantin Kilimnik, that is, Paul Manafort's long-time employee, who has spent years working to assist the Russian oligarchs in Putin's favor, the Russian intelligence officer who was indicted by the special counsel for obstruction of justice and witness tampering, who was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury for passing on to Russian intel material Paul Manafort gave him, and for promoting false narratives in U.S. media about everything from the 2016 election to Joe Biden. Someone who is actually on The FBI's most wanted list: Mate sided with Kilimnik.
Glenn Greenwald is currently being subsidized by Rumble (YouTube for ultra-chuds who need a safe space), which is being funded by Peter Thiel, a far, far-right lunatic who is openly against democracy. Greenwald's recent hot takes include statements that Bannon, Trump and Tucker Carlson are actually socialists. He's a frequent guest on Fox News, where he does the "bash liberals as a 'good liberal'" schtick. His own long-time collaborator, The Intercept, publicly insulted him and accused him of lying:

Yeah, the TS's whole schtick is that he's a "lefty" who believes every bit of crazy propaganda from Greenwald and Carlson types. Weak troll act or if he's serious, it's pretty pathetic.
Glenn Greenwald is currently being subsidized by Rumble (YouTube for ultra-chuds who need a safe space), which is being funded by Peter Thiel, a far, far-right lunatic who is openly against democracy. Greenwald's recent hot takes include statements that Bannon, Trump and Tucker Carlson are actually socialists. He's a frequent guest on Fox News, where he does the "bash liberals as a 'good liberal'" schtick. His own long-time collaborator, The Intercept, publicly insulted him and accused him of lying:

"It is absolutely not true that Glenn Greenwald was asked to remove all sections critical of Joe Biden from his article. He was asked to support his claims and innuendo about corrupt actions by Joe Biden with evidence...The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum...While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism...We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be...It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept."


I'm not super familiar with Aaron Mate (I've seen him on Tucker Carlson's show) but I know he interviewed Konstantin Kilimnik, that is, Paul Manafort's long-time employee, who has spent years working to assist the Russian oligarchs in Putin's favor, the Russian intelligence officer who was indicted by the special counsel for obstruction of justice and witness tampering, who was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury for passing on to Russian intel material Paul Manafort gave him, and for promoting false narratives in U.S. media about everything from the 2016 election to Joe Biden. Someone who is actually on The FBI's most wanted list: Mate sided with Kilimnik.

In the indictment, Sussmann is accused of falsely telling Baker that he did not represent any client when he met him to give the FBI white papers and other data files containing evidence of questionable cyber links between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank.

The indictment alleges that in fact Sussmann had turned over this information not as a “good citizen” but rather, as an attorney representing a US technology executive, an internet company and Clinton’s presidential campaign.

So they're accusing him of not disclosing who he was representing as an attorney when he handed over information to the FBI? He'll probably just keep saying he was lawyer, with many clients, and data given to the FBI was not related to any particular client representation. The end.

Sorry, no. This isn't a get out of jail free card. Who this Sussman guy was working for when he handed over a small piece of evidence has no bearing on whether or not Russia interfered with our election and whether Trump & Co participated in it. Vladimir Putin still ordered The DNC cyber attacks and the leaks of the stolen material. Paul Manafort's sharing of information with Russian intel still took place. Etc. This story has nothing to do with that and doesn't change that.
What this actually deals with BTW, is the Trump Org and Alfa Bank story. Relevant details:

For four months, during the summer before the 2016 Presidential election, two servers registered to the bank repeatedly looked up the address of another server, maintained by a mass-marketing firm for the Trump Organization. Thousands of these lookups, which typically precede communication, appeared in logs of the Domain Name System, a global database of online addresses; the traffic was noted by a group of prominent computer scientists with unusual access to those records. But the D.N.S. traces were inconclusive and required sophisticated analysis. The Trump Organization and Alfa Bank denied that they had been communicating at all, and the episode remained a mystery...

Alfa Bank’s relationship with Trump is opaque, and official documents resulting from a series of investigations and counter-investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election offer few decisive conclusions. In the special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report, Petr Aven, the chairman of Alfa Bank, testified that he tried, at Putin’s suggestion, to open a private channel to the incoming Trump Administration. Mueller’s report didn’t mention the Alfa Bank data, but one issued this summer by the Senate Intelligence Committee did. It said that, although investigators did not conclude that the data necessarily reflected communication, they also “could not positively determine an intent or purpose that would explain the unusual activity”; it added that the explanations offered by Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization “were not consistent.” In 2019, an inspector general examining the origins of Mueller’s investigation wrote, “The FBI investigated whether there were cyber links between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, but had concluded by early February 2017 that there were no such links.” An American official who helped investigate Russian interference confirmed that the F.B.I. had looked at the data, with help from outside analysts, but said that its efforts were not extensive.

A different American official, who deals regularly with national-security issues, told me he believes that the F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies never thoroughly investigated the computer traffic—in part, he suspected, because U.S. officials may have been wary of revealing how they had collected the data. “This evidence is very tangible and real,” the official said. “It seems possible that the U.S. government decided not to pursue this because it did not want to expose an important source and method for intelligence gathering.”
Also, this should be noted as well, from the same New Yorker story:

Alfa Bank’s lawyers in the United States have carried out an aggressive campaign to uncover the identity of the sources who gathered the D.N.S. logs, filing lawsuits and serving subpoenas on some of America’s leading computer experts, some of whom helped decipher the logs for The New Yorker. Two lawsuits—filed against “John Doe et al.,” the unidentified scientists who discovered the seeming evidence of communication—claim, without offering evidence, that malicious people doctored the data, in an effort to smear Alfa Bank and the Trump campaign.

Remarkably, Alfa Bank’s legal efforts are proceeding in parallel with the Justice Department and its allies in the conservative press, who have waged a relentless campaign against American intelligence and the F.B.I. for what they describe as a malign effort to concoct a false story about Russia’s efforts to help Trump in 2016. In recent weeks, scientists and others quoted in my story have been summoned to testify to a grand jury impanelled by John Durham, the U.S. attorney appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate potential criminal conduct in the Russia probe. It is unclear whether lawyers for the Justice Department and Alfa Bank are working together, but they share an interest in pursuing people who have investigated Trump’s ties to Russia. “There’s a unity of purpose,” one lawyer involved in the litigation told me.

They really want the people who uncovered the info punished.
Oh, Seth Rich, right? Kim Dotcom will be providing the evidence any day now, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, the bipartisan Senate Intel committee, the Mueller Report and the intelligence community assessment in 2017, issued by the DNI, with confirmation by the CIA, NSA and FBI, all state, definitively, that it was done by Russia on Putin's orders. All lying?
Also, the grand juries that charged the various Russians with crimes. They would have to be in on it too. And all the investigations forwarded to other prosecutors by the Special Counsel's office. They'd have to be involved as well.

So think about this. The CIA, NSA, DNI, FBI, Special Counsel's team with all those elite lawyers, Grand Juries, both Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, outside prosecutors etc etc etc are in cahoots, right? Imagine the effort that must have taken! Sounds like they were pretty determined! It's the DeEp StAtE! They're out for blood! They wanted Trump gone!

Except...wet fart. Mueller won't indict a sitting president because of an office of legal counsel opinion. "Does not conclude that the President committed a crime... also does not exonerate." Doh! Mueller lists 10 episodes of obstruction of justice and then says hey congress you want to do something about it go ahead. Some deep state, huh?

If the conspiracy ran that deep, Trump would have been removed. Obviously. It would be like spending years planning breaking into billionaire's house, because he has a giant vault full gold bars. But then once you get inside you just microwave one of his hotpockets and call it a day. Huh?

Remember, "this is it!" i.e. Trump has plot armor that's like Brotherhood Of Steel power armor, and nothing is going to happen to him? How do you mesh that with the belief that a nefarious, ubiquitous, nearly omnipotent power is hellbent on his destruction? I know how!

8. The enemy is both strong and weak
By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.
Yeah, the TS's whole schtick is that he's a "lefty" who believes every bit of crazy propaganda from Greenwald and Carlson types. Weak troll act or if he's serious, it's pretty pathetic.

Coming from a State Department bootlicker that still believes in Syrian Gas Attacks, WMDs and Russiagate, I'll take that as a compliment.

It's sad that Liberals in this country think anyone who criticizes the Democratic party from the left (anti-illegal wars, anti-government bribery, pro-expansion of social safety nets) is a right-wing looney because they don't spend all day bashing Republicans like a good partisan shill.

Lefties know the Republican party is bad; but we know what's worse is the insane number of democrats that talk one way and vote another, especially when it aligns with the interests of their donors. It is more important to point out the "friend" waiting to stab you in the back than it is the enemy on the other side of the political battlefield. We all see McConnell coming from a mile away, its Manchin and Sinema we have to watch out for. They'll backstab the country for the fossil fuel industry and big pharma, respectively.

Wake up. Neither of the two major political parties actually care about the needs of the people. They are so deep in other peoples pockets due to a legalized bribery structure and asinine ethics laws that they no longer care what policies the people want.
Glenn Greenwald is currently being subsidized by Rumble (YouTube for ultra-chuds who need a safe space), which is being funded by Peter Thiel, a far, far-right lunatic who is openly against democracy. Greenwald's recent hot takes include statements that Bannon, Trump and Tucker Carlson are actually socialists. He's a frequent guest on Fox News, where he does the "bash liberals as a 'good liberal'" schtick. His own long-time collaborator, The Intercept, publicly insulted him and accused him of lying:

"It is absolutely not true that Glenn Greenwald was asked to remove all sections critical of Joe Biden from his article. He was asked to support his claims and innuendo about corrupt actions by Joe Biden with evidence...The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum...While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism...We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be...It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept."


I'm not super familiar with Aaron Mate (I've seen him on Tucker Carlson's show) but I know he interviewed Konstantin Kilimnik, that is, Paul Manafort's long-time employee, who has spent years working to assist the Russian oligarchs in Putin's favor, the Russian intelligence officer who was indicted by the special counsel for obstruction of justice and witness tampering, who was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury for passing on to Russian intel material Paul Manafort gave him, and for promoting false narratives in U.S. media about everything from the 2016 election to Joe Biden. Someone who is actually on The FBI's most wanted list: Mate sided with Kilimnik.
You're so triggered <45><Lmaoo>

I hope you get the help you need over this.
My personal opinion: Let him rot in jail, hopefully until his death. Manufacturers of propaganda are the worst scum in the world. These people are a leading cause of war, bombings, terrorism, increased taxes, increased national debt, increased racism and inequality. There aren't many humans less fit to live among us than propagandists.
<36> so spin this horseshit for 3 years and then brand everyone they don't like as a Russian Agent.

I think you need to seriously ask yourself that question at this point.
This. People should know by now that the FBI, CIA etc, none of these organizations work for the American people. They are directly working for elites against the interests of the American people. America (and most of the world) is corrupted beyond repair.
Seeing as how you just wrote liberals are shook and in damage control over the Arizona bamboo ballot audit results, I don't think you're judgement is too sound.
There's therapists out there Sherbro. I hope you can make it through this traumatic time in your life.
Glenn Greenwald is currently being subsidized by Rumble (YouTube for ultra-chuds who need a safe space), which is being funded by Peter Thiel, a far, far-right lunatic who is openly against democracy. Greenwald's recent hot takes include statements that Bannon, Trump and Tucker Carlson are actually socialists. He's a frequent guest on Fox News, where he does the "bash liberals as a 'good liberal'" schtick. His own long-time collaborator, The Intercept, publicly insulted him and accused him of lying:

"It is absolutely not true that Glenn Greenwald was asked to remove all sections critical of Joe Biden from his article. He was asked to support his claims and innuendo about corrupt actions by Joe Biden with evidence...The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum...While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism...We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be...It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept."


I'm not super familiar with Aaron Mate (I've seen him on Tucker Carlson's show) but I know he interviewed Konstantin Kilimnik, that is, Paul Manafort's long-time employee, who has spent years working to assist the Russian oligarchs in Putin's favor, the Russian intelligence officer who was indicted by the special counsel for obstruction of justice and witness tampering, who was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury for passing on to Russian intel material Paul Manafort gave him, and for promoting false narratives in U.S. media about everything from the 2016 election to Joe Biden. Someone who is actually on The FBI's most wanted list: Mate sided with Kilimnik.


Socialist Glenn Greenwald, with a long history of reporting of reporting from the left, isn't left enough for you because he's on an alt-tech website.

I've seen enough of your post to know that you aren't worth talking to. I'm not even trying to be a dick. I've had arguments with (what I would consider) far-right guys and (more my speed) far left weirdos, and we eventually find common ground. You are are the first person on here I've ever had to walk away from.

You aren't as smart as you think you are. You're a partisan simpleton with big words. I'm sure your Neo-lib boomer friends think you're real smart, but every single opinion you've had over the last month could have come directly from the DNC. It's embarassing because you sound otherwise educated.

But keep digging, bro. I'm sure you'll find that Trump/Tulsi/anyone you don't like Russia bombshell soon enough. Until then, everyone is laughing at you.
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