Opinion Complete and utter disgrace.....

It's astonishing his support of Afghanistan is still so high. If you can come around, maybe others will.

It's really not astonishing at all. Everyone wanted out of that country. 2 Trillion spent while people lose their business here in the US because of shutdowns over Covid. Can you imagine how many peoples business we could have saved and how hard we could have locked down spending that money here? Instead we wasted it in a country that never asked for nor wanted us to be there.
The media and industrial military complex are working overtime to make sure the narrative is to keep the US involved somehow. Don't worry, this shit show may not be over. There is still money to be made and its easier to go to the Middle East to have a person wearing a uniform hand out stacks of cash to local "representatives" but to have landlords/tenants get rent relief in the US that requires miles of red tape (assumingely) and a government that kind cares about what happens inside its own boarders.

Biden is doing what should be done. And some folks need to take a deep look into the details besides what CNN/FOX/MSNBC tell you to think.
It's really not astonishing at all. Everyone wanted out of that country. 2 Trillion spent while people lose their business here in the US because of shutdowns over Covid. Can you imagine how many peoples business we could have saved and how hard we could have locked down spending that money here? Instead we wasted it in a country that never asked for nor wanted us to be there.
his support of HOW. God damn, it's not hard. Everyone wants out of most foreign endless wars, that isn't the poll. The polls on the HOW he left.

He couldn't have done the HOW any worse than leaving $85B in equipment arming the Taliban and costing 13 US servicemen lives and counting.
All those planes bad helicopters could have been used to get Americans out of Afghanistan but they were left behind.
Why would we do that? It seems inconceivable to me that we would just leave that much military equipment sitting on the ground and drive away. At the LEAST we could have destroyed most of it before we left if it was deemed too costly to move back to the U.S. I'm just trying to figure out what the thinking is here. Its not like we left a few rifles and jeeps behind, we left Black Hawk Helicopters and C-130 transports, among many other things.

If you didn’t want to leave any equipment for the Taliban you’d have to spend an extra few years running around repo’ing everything from the Afghan army. They probably would have just taken their gear and defected. Everything that was theirs was guaranteed end up with the Taliban one way or another.
I know there are other brother/sisters in arms that are watching the Afgan situation and are angered and disgusted by what we are seeing. I've tried to tune in out but I just saw a pic of a Taliban fighter taking pics in an C-130 that was left behind and it's hard to describe the feeling.

I'm SO fucking angry right now!!!
So disappointed
So saddened
So frustrated

The culmination of the failures in our leaders is astounding. 20 Years lost, $2 Trillion+ wasted, 2,400 servicemen dead, who knows how many innocent civilians..... From Bush, to Obama, to Trump, and finally Biden. All fucked things up.

That said, this current fuck up is completely on Biden. The withdrawal was a complete failure. Biden owns every bit of it. I voted for him and I say that.

There's also the difficult realization that we lost. We lost the war in Afghanistan. You can't look at it any other way.
Unless you're a war profiter. US political system is corrupt to its core with lobbying and special interest influence.
Red or blue, doesn't matter, 2 wings of the same bird.
his support of HOW. God damn, it's not hard. Everyone wants out of most foreign endless wars, that isn't the poll. The polls on the HOW he left.

He couldn't have done the HOW any worse than leaving $85B in equipment arming the Taliban and costing 13 US servicemen lives and counting.

I mean it's hard if what you say is "It's astonishing his support of Afghanistan is still so high" how did you expect me to know you meant "how he left"? Either way it's still not that surprising. A lot of people wanted out either way. They also probably aren't to surprised that an invasion that has been a shit show and filled with lies and corruption from the start also ended horribly.


If you didn’t want to leave any equipment for the Taliban you’d have to spend an extra few years running around repo’ing everything from the Afghan army. They probably would have just taken their gear and defected. Everything that was theirs was guaranteed end up with the Taliban one way or another.
Or blow it all up if you can’t fly out with it.
Lol man the previous leaderships were scared of the backlash and prolonged the war. This President pulls the plug and since it wasn't pretty people are mad. This is what war is everyone is not going to like it.
The fact the Obama and Trump administrations continuously delayed to pull out despite promising they would suggests they were informed that the mission was an abject failure and that this reality would be exposed the second they started removing the American troops holding the illusion together. They probably hoped they could stall for time and fix the situation before people realized. Biden no doubt could have executed the finer details of the troop removal much better, but there's more to the story. If you know for 10+ years you've literally achieved nothing and are just stalling for time to avoid responsibility, that's wrong.
If you didn’t want to leave any equipment for the Taliban you’d have to spend an extra few years running around repo’ing everything from the Afghan army. They probably would have just taken their gear and defected. Everything that was theirs was guaranteed end up with the Taliban one way or another.

That doesn't even remotely explain why we would leave 50 black hawk helicopters and multiple C-130 transports sitting on the ground and just fly away.
i see they've at least given some free helicopter rides with those blackhawks...

That doesn't even remotely explain why we would leave 50 black hawk helicopters and multiple C-130 transports sitting on the ground and just fly away.

Probably because we didn't have the personnel in the country to operate the equipment and/or it was in a state of disrepair not worth salvaging or lacking expertise and equipment to repair.
I know there are other brother/sisters in arms that are watching the Afgan situation and are angered and disgusted by what we are seeing. I've tried to tune in out but I just saw a pic of a Taliban fighter taking pics in an C-130 that was left behind and it's hard to describe the feeling.

I'm SO fucking angry right now!!!
So disappointed
So saddened
So frustrated

The culmination of the failures in our leaders is astounding. 20 Years lost, $2 Trillion+ wasted, 2,400 servicemen dead, who knows how many innocent civilians..... From Bush, to Obama, to Trump, and finally Biden. All fucked things up.

That said, this current fuck up is completely on Biden. The withdrawal was a complete failure. Biden owns every bit of it. I voted for him and I say that.

There's also the difficult realization that we lost. We lost the war in Afghanistan. You can't look at it any other way.

Fuxk off...we occupied the country and the puppet gov we set up crumpled at the first test. The Taliban scattered like roaches for 20 years and returned just as we left.
Until these traitors are dragged out of office by their necks, this shit will always be the same…Try not to watch TS….that’s how I deal with it..we stand with you…

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