Media Conor McGregor threatening to kill Dustin and Jolie Poirier

Who wouldn't want to slay Jolie? She isn't bad.


Honestly it might be more satisfying if he keeps coming back for more, steadily declining in ability and losing to lesser and lesser fighters. Eventually quitting the sport in a rage and continuing to run amok until an eventual second rape accusation that sticks
That’s a good point. It’s a shame Dana is such a cockroach that he’s allowed these things to happen, but the flip side of that is that Conor very well could be invited back to be beaten into a dementia-like state. After those comments I’d be really grateful to watch it. Then yeah maybe he can die in prison
Some sherbros definition of soft is so stupid. Trash talk is cool and all but even if you wanna kill someone, don't bring family into this. Not everyone is digging it as a simple trash talk.
Because we are not twelve. A "boss"? How old are you, seriously?

One thing is trash talk and fight antics. Threatening to kill someone and their wife and calling her a whore on public television is not funny, creative, or redeemable. It's just trash behavior coming from a trash human being.

Canor could rape some of these retarded nutthugger fans moms right in front of them and they would be like "ME MUM WUS BEGGIN 4 IT!!" They are just retarded cucks for the manlet leprechaun lol don't bother trying to reason with scum.
McGregor has to keep his hype train going some how. The narrative is his bad sportsmanship rather than him being 1-3 in his last 4. Double champ with zero title defense.

The dude is the biggest star in the UFC but his legacy is built off hype and gifts.
You think all this is real. You've been played. It's all just trash talk - none of it matters. He's not *actually* going to kill anyone. Jeez.
Its about intent he meant it in that manner, if you threatened to shoot your boss and his wife while you were screaming at them what do you think would happen .
A case on your back and rightly so
Regardless of if you carried it out threats to kill is the intention
Nate proved he's mortal. Khabib took his soul. Dustin took his aura. Now Connor himself showed us his full hand. He's not a marketing genius, but a literal psychopath.

It made him a shit ton of money, so good on him I guess.

Joe Biden isn't saving Dustin from KGB and Irish mafia connected Conor
This is exactly the attitude that made him wealthy and famous. And all of you people eat it up. Me included. He’s a fucking fighter. He’s not a librarian. I love it.
"I hope his leg never heals" is worse than "I will kill you and your wife in your sleep"?
You misquoted me I never said that. I said, Conor was selling the 4th fight. This is WWE level shenanigans is what it is. He's playing the heel.
Nate proved he's mortal. Khabib took his soul. Dustin took his aura. Now Connor himself showed us his full hand. He's not a marketing genius, but a literal psychopath.

It made him a shit ton of money, so good on him I guess.
its easier to make money when your a literal psychopath
its easier to make money when your a literal psychopath

True, and this whole debacle will probably end up making him more money because some people will just wanna see him get his ass kicked now.

I'm pretty sure this isn't Connor playing 4D chess though, as many people thought. His psychotic behavior combined with his fighting style just sells tickets.

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