International Coronavirus, v4: South Korea in Red Alert as number of infected quadrupled in 4 days

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What in the seven hells are you ranting about? How did you hosted an entire thread without ever knowing what the definition of "regurgitating fake news" is? Do you not remember all the fake shit being reposted and deleted over and over again in v3, even AFTER they are debunked?

Videos shot by citizen journalists from the scene is REAL NEWS. They were plentiful and deeply-appreciated in v1. That's why over 300 of vloggers from Wuhan had been rounded up and disappeared by the Chinese government.

Reposting videos of dirty Indonesian or Malaysian markets, some of which with signs that clearly says so, and claiming it's Wuhan is NOT real news.

Reposting videos of homeless people sleeping on sidewalks, some of whom are still moving, and some vids are not even from China, and claiming they're dead bodies from Wuhan is NOT real news. (How can there be people dying outside now if they are all welded shut inside?)

And guess what, it's actually not that difficult to discerns the fakes, because they are often called out immediately by keen-eyed viewers in the comments, had the posters take the time to do some due diligent before unknowingly or willingly become a purveyors of fake news.

If you - or anyone else - are into that kind of thing, you are more than welcomed to share them among yourselves, just not here.

If they are obvious fakes they are taken down or if there are doubts, it will be noted. And it was noted.

I think the free version of a thread on the topic is best. Where we self police. I’m going to make one later.

you can come to it and use the info from it in this one if you wish.
Can this virus live in mice and rats?

It's unknown at this point, but CDC believe this particular strain (SARS-CoV-2) of the vast Coronavirus family originally came from bats.

It's also entirely possible that there might be another animal bridge between bats and humans, since there were other different type of Coronavirus that jumped to camels or cats first before they got to us.

The WHO's international team is on the ground in China now to try to find out exactly how it is transmitted, but Beijing is not allowing them access to ground zero, so it might be a long while until we get any real info on that front. :(
Russia to bar border entry for Chinese citizens
By Nathan Hodge in Moscow


The Russian government announced that it would temporarily suspend entry by Chinese citizens, according to an order posted on an official state website today.

The statement said Russia would bar entry through its state border to Chinese citizens entering for work, for private, educational and tourist purposes. The order says the processing of documents, registration and invitations to Chinese citizens to enter Russian territory for those reasons would cease temporarily from midnight Tuesday; the full ban takes effect Thursday.

This announcement comes amid concerns over the novel coronavirus. Russia is a major destination and transit point for Chinese tourists, and shares a lengthy land border with China. The new restrictions will not apply to transit passengers, Russian state news agency TASS said.

The Russian government has reported two cases of the coronavirus involving Chinese citizens in Russia and confirmed that a Russian woman was diagnosed with the virus on board the cruise ship Diamond Princess.
The poor guy was probably sleep deprived and worked half to death. Probably a compromised immune system.

Jesus man, if being sleep deprived is all it takes for this virus to murder you then a TON of us are already in trouble.
Oh.. I think he hates me.

BTW... I see India has 3 recovered cases out of 3. Either they are not testing at all or the Coronavirus caught an indian virus and died. LOL.

I'm surprised on how good southeast Asia seems to be doing. Thailand is already 15 of 35 with zero deaths.

Viruses don't do as well in heat as cold.

It's the basic reason a cold season exists.

India is warmer than China on average and I expect it to fare better for that reason alone.
The single most effective way we will contain this is by providing people in affected areas reliable ways to self diagnose themselves and then avoid contact with people.

That’s a silver bullet that we need to work on ASAP.

So how do we tell our cities and governments to do that?

With an incubation of 14-24 days, good luck with that. They will spread it for days before they even know anything is wrong.
Hun Sen!!!! China Puppy !!!
Pukeh at Bodoh!!

Billions are at stake! The aid must flow!

Cambodia has blistering hot weather not suitable for respiratory virus, so this complacent fool is gambling it for the entire Southeast Asia.

PS: What's the situation is like in PH right now? All the plans are in place for quarantine and testing for the large group of Filipino crew members coming back from the SS Coronavirus?

Cambodia PM Hun Sen defends Westerdam ship docking despite coronavirus diagnosis
Feb 18, 2020


SIHANOUKVILLE, Cambodia (AFP) - Cambodia's strongman premier defended on Tuesday (Feb 18) his decision to allow a US cruise ship to dock despite at least one passenger later being diagnosed with the deadly coronavirus, while authorities scrambled to track down hundreds that came in contact with her.

The Westerdam was turned away by several Asian ports before Cambodia agreed last week to allow its more than 2,000 passengers and crew to disembark.

But jubilation dimmed over the weekend when an 83-year-old American woman was stopped at a Malaysian airport and diagnosed with the virus that originated from China and has now killed over 1,800 people.

By the time she was diagnosed, scores of fellow passengers had moved through different countries - including Singapore and Thailand.

Four are currently being monitored in Bangkok.

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen remained defiant on Tuesday.

"Some people say it brings the virus to Cambodia, but Cambodia has not had the disease (among its people)," he said in a speech.

Cruise operator Holland America said tests for 406 passengers now at a Phnom Penh hotel were negative, and they could continue their journeys home.

For those who've made it to the United States, local health departments - working with the US Centers for Disease Control - are following up with passengers who might have had contact with the infected American, it added.

Three hundred passengers in Phnom Penh would fly to Dubai, Hun Sen said, while 100 others would take a chartered flight to Japan.

Authorities are also arranging another flight for passengers remaining in Sihanoukville - the southern coast where the Westerdam is docked - though Hun Sen did not say where that was headed.

The bombastic premier had greeted disembarking passengers on Friday with embraces and flowers.

As countries in the region scrambled Monday to restrict access to Westerdam's passengers, those in Phnom Penh were taken on a tour of the capital under the glare of state-aligned media.

Almost a thousand people remain onboard the Westerdam, barred from leaving until they have been tested.

Passenger Lorraine Oliveira told AFP she is apprehensive about the results.

"I'm worried what the outcome will be if anyone on board tests positive - what will happen to us then?" she said.

Cambodia only has one confirmed case of the virus - a Chinese tourist who has since recovered.

The country, a staunch ally of Beijing, received billions of dollars in soft loans and investment from China, and Hun Sen travelled there earlier this month in a show of solidarity.
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With an incubation of 14-24 days, good luck with that. They will spread it for days before they even know anything is wrong.

combined with behavior adjustments it would work

This isn’t something that is impossible to stop

It’s a matter of people actually trying to stop it
Meanwhile, the 74 Brits still stuck onboard are getting real anxiety while watching all the other English speakers being rescued:

British couple quarantined on cruise ship criticise UK government

UK Government under pressure to bring citizens home from coronavirus-hit cruise in Japan

Update: they're both infected now :(

Denial, the first stage of grief, is setting in as Japan brought them off the SS Coronavirus to a hostel for isolation, instead of an actual hospital or quarantine facility. :confused:

Japanese officials continues to defend their futile "quarantine" procedures of the ship, despite THREE of their own medical personels - who are supposedly protected with state of the art equipments - somehow got infected on board as well. :eek:

British couple quarantined on cruise ship diagnosed with coronavirus
By Connor Sephton and David Mercer | Tuesday 18 February 2020


A British couple who have been quarantined on a cruise ship in Japan have revealed they have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

David and Sally Abel have been posting regular updates online from the Diamond Princess, which has been docked off the coast of Yokohama since 3 February.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Mr Abel said: "There is going to be a time of quiet. We have been proved positive and leaving for hospital soon. Blessings all."

However Mr Abel, from Oxfordshire, later said he doubted the diagnosis because he and his wife were being taken to a hostel instead of a hospital.

He wrote on Facebook: "Frankly I think this is a setup! We are NOT being taken to a hospital but a hostel. That's where partners are sent waiting out their quarantine.

"No phone, no wi-fi and no medical facilities. I really am smelling a very big rat here! Waiting for the transfer now.."

When asked if he was sure the test for COVID-19 was positive, Mr Abel replied: "I doubt it was positive. If it was, we would be in hospital."

Business minister Kwasi Kwarteng said he understood Mr and Mrs Abel had been quarantined by Japanese authorities

He told Sky News' Kay Burley @ Breakfast show: "This is a really, really serious outbreak - a serious case which people, through no fault of their own, have been exposed to this potentially lethal virus.

"What we're trying to do as a government is try and get people back to Britain, fly them back so that they can be with their families."

On Mr and Mrs Abel, Mr Kwarteng added: "It will be terrifying and very frightening but I think where they are is [with] the Japanese authorities. My understanding [is they] have essentially quarantined them and are looking after them."

The Foreign Office says it is "working to organise a flight" back to the UK for British nationals on the coronavirus-hit cruise ship - and those trapped are being "strongly encouraged" to take it.

Those in quarantine on the Diamond Princess are being contacted to make the necessary arrangements, with a spokesperson adding: "We urge all those who have not yet responded to get in touch immediately."

More than 70 British nationals have faced an anxious wait to find out whether they will be evacuated from the cruise liner.

The Foreign Office had come under increasing pressure to bring them home after the US chartered two planes to repatriate 340 of its citizens - 14 of whom had been diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Those who had tested positive were moved to the back of the plane in a "specialised containment area" to be isolated - even though they did not display any symptoms.

Approximately half of all known cases of COVID-19 outside China have been found aboard the Diamond Princess.

A total of 542 people have tested positive since the cruise liner was ordered to stay under quarantine on 3 February.

At least four Britons are among the confirmed cases.

The Japanese government has repeatedly defended the effectiveness of the quarantine but some scientists suggest that it may have been less than rigorous.

In a possible sign of lax quarantine protocols, three Japanese health officials who helped in the quarantine checks on the ship were also infected.

"I suspect people were not as isolated from other people as we would have thought," said Dr. Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia.
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Cambodia PM Hun Sen defends Westerdam ship docking despite coronavirus diagnosis
I think this fucking guy should get the Darwin award if he succumbs to the virus now. Bless his heart.
My brother in law lives in Japan, he said its starting to become as serious issue over there with nearly 700 cases, also said an 8 year old girl died but I cant find jack shit about that. Maybe its his local news, but certainly cannot confirm its true.
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