Dark Side of the Ring - Nick Gage

Gage is clearly suffering from full lakersfrankrexfootrexfalsefootpeterexwarriorexyoungbucks.

My biggest takeaways from this episode were number 1...Moxley is an even bigger dipshit than I thought. Guy is a fucking moron...I wish he would have tried to pull some death match pizza cutter bullshit on Brock so we could have watched him die live on ppv. Number 2...David Arquette is kinda retarded...I mean shoot retarded. Kind felt bad for hating on him during the WCW days...the dude barely seems more coherent than that derp guy whose name I can't be bothered to remember that jumps on microwaves. Last and not least number 3...outlaw mudshows fans are pathetic. How messed up in the head to you got to be to hold Nick Gage up as a hero? Fucking hell.

this is all he has. you think he can work for any normal company after he robbed a bank?
this is all he has. you think he can work for any normal company after he robbed a bank?

He could join any labor/trade union in the country
The temptation to jump in a tractor and start smashing shit on the job site may prove to be too great a temptation though
I was sad to hear his brother jumped off a bridge and killed himself, supposedly his brother was not retarded and had a real job after wrestling. When they showed clips of him wrestling, he actually looked like a legitimate pro wrestler in terms of being in shape.

That is accurate for basically all those Ultra-violence morons. CZW in general didn't have a quality performer for a few years. Fucking bums and ham and eggers.

Do you think pro wrestlers who are now successful but maybe wrestled a CZW match when they were nobodies regret it now, like a legitimate actress regrets the gang bang porno she did to pay her student loans?
Do you think pro wrestlers who are now successful but maybe wrestled a CZW match when they were nobodies regret it now, like a legitimate actress regrets the gang bang porno she did to pay her student loans?

Maybe, I remember seeing Chris Hero being there and wondering, WTF is he doing there? He can actually perform, but sometimes you just need a consistent gig when you're starting out. And I don't remember Hero ever doing much deathmatch stuff or at all.

Moxley in general is lucky he's 6'2" and can talk, otherwise he'd probably be a deathmatch jabroni as well.
I was sad to hear his brother jumped off a bridge and killed himself, supposedly his brother was not retarded and had a real job after wrestling. When they showed clips of him wrestling, he actually looked like a legitimate pro wrestler in terms of being in shape.


The way they described it, I don't even know if he intended to kill himself, or thought he could make the jump "Fugitive" styles and get away from the cops. It sounded like a spur of the moment panic move.

Anyways, interesting guy, but without the David Arquette thing, I doubt he gets the time of day for a doc. He's a bingo hall bum.
The way they described it, I don't even know if he intended to kill himself, or thought he could make the jump "Fugitive" styles and get away from the cops. It sounded like a spur of the moment panic move.

Anyways, interesting guy, but without the David Arquette thing, I doubt he gets the time of day for a doc. He's a bingo hall bum.

Yeah I was thinking that too but Gage said he apparently left a suicide note so I don't know what to make of it. I'd love to know more.

And yeah he is a true bingo hall bum.
I've seen the Nick Mondo documentary "The Trade" and it seems he looks back on his CZW career as a period of his life that he's not all that fond of (not surprising considering the experience he went through after his career ending injury).

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