Social Democrat Says There’s A Direct Link Between Slavery And COVID

Simple Southerner

Leave One Wolf Alive And The Sheep Are Never Safe.
May 12, 2018
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Democratic texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said Thursday there is a connection between slavery and the pandemic.

Lee was trying to garner support for H.R. 40, which would establish a commission to study reparations.

She insisted the commission be established by vote or executive order, arguing black people built the country. The congresswoman then linked slavery and COVID.

There is no doubt we have been impacted, that DNA in the trajectory of slavey to today. For example, COVID. Black African-Americans have gotten COVID at a rate of nearly 1.5 times higher than that of white people, or hospitalized at a rate of nearly four times higher and three times likely to die. COVID hit us very desperately.”

Lee then cited a Harvard study from 2021 that argued reparations would narrow the wealth gap and allow people more access to better health care, housing and more.

Reparations for African Americans could have cut COVID-19 transmission and infection rates among Blacks and the population at large. Reparations are curative, they’re not punishment.”

The COVID death rate was higher for black Americans compared to white Americans during the first few months of the pandemic, though recent datashows white Americans now have a higher death rate.

The Washington Post did an analysis on COVID deaths and racial disparities and found the death rates narrowed between the two racial groups simply because whites began dying at a much higher rate.

The Looney left strikes again lol

No, you cant have more of my money for this. I don't give a fuck about it. Rep. Lee can fuck off, the political Dems, Libs and Progs aligned with this can fuck off, the forum brethren aligned with this can fuck off.
That's an interesting take.

I've literally just finished reading a fascinating article which states that South Asians and white Europeans have a gene that makes them for more susceptible to serious hospitalisation from Covid 19 as opposed to blacks. Only 2% of blacks have this gene Vs 15% of whites and 60% of South Asians.

They believe this is one of the key reasons the death rates in Africa are so low.
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I wonder what the threshold is for some before they're willing to tell race hustlers to sit down and shut the fuck up? Or are they going to dick tuck forever and play second fiddle to those willing to to take advantage of them just because they're told they're the wrong race?
Her argument was based off of

It's ... a paper ... I guess. Not a very compelling one.

  1. Focuses on the initial wave of covid in spring 2020, even though there has been a much larger long tail since then
  2. Compares Louisiana to South Korea in covid response and income inequality
  3. They use New York City as the basis for racial % breakdown of covid recipients

I did enjoy this passage:
Contrary to the way it is often depicted popularly, R0 is not an intrinsic property of a particular pathogen (nor are mortality rates (Richardson et al., 2017a)). Rather, the reproduction ratio encapsulates social structure, behavior, and differential risk in a population (Arthur et al., 2017). Such risk is often structural (Farmer, 2004), however, and modeling studies seldom capture oppressive social forces including institutionalized racism and sexism in their emphasis on ‘objective,’ well-defined parameters. While some scholars attribute this to the inherent conservatism of causal reasoning (Schwartz et al., 2016; Ruhm, 2018), it may be more justly described as a form of symbolic violence, referring to the ways naturalized symbols and language sustain relations of oppression (Swartz, 1997; Žižek, 2008; Maxwell, 2014; Richardson et al., 2017b). In the case of epidemic modeling, we are rarely presented with racial-justice interventions as ways of preventing and containing outbreaks. And because real racial-justice interventions have been inadequately explored empirically in an anti-Black world, we need to turn to creative means of imagining alternatives (McKittrick, 2015; Mignolo and Walsh, 2018).

Since reparations had not been enacted, however, ‘reopening’ American society early (after coronavirus-forced shutdowns) had a disproportionate adverse mortality effect on Black people, an effect that was predictable (Hsiang et al., 2020). Therefore, de facto, it resembled a modern Tuskegee experiment, since massive wealth redistribution could have averted these deaths, just as penicillin to treat syphilis would have averted deaths in the nearby state of Alabama (Alsan and Wanamaker, 2017; Brandt, 1978). As the APM Research Lab reported in August 2020, “If they had died of COVID-19 at the same rate as White Americans, about 18,000 Black, 6000 Latino, 600 Indigenous, and 70 Pacific Islander Americans would still be alive” (APM Research Lab, 2020)—and this was before even 5% of the national population had been infected. The appalling evidence of racism embodied as disproportionate COVID-19 incidence and mortality for Black Americans should add to moral, historical, and legal arguments for reparations for descendants of people enslaved in the U.S.
It's really the only card she has to play. I no longer even feel bad for black Democrats. If they want these people who think they can't arrange photo IDs for themselves, can't make COVID decisions for themselves, want them aborting babies more than white mothers, don't care about them dying in Chicago and Compton, use them every four years and throw them away...

Maybe they deserve it.
Her argument was based off of

It's ... a paper ... I guess. Not a very compelling one.

  1. Focuses on the initial wave of covid in spring 2020, even though there has been a much larger long tail since then
  2. Compares Louisiana to South Korea in covid response and income inequality
  3. They use New York City as the basis for racial % breakdown of covid recipients

I did enjoy this passage:
Contrary to the way it is often depicted popularly, R0 is not an intrinsic property of a particular pathogen (nor are mortality rates (Richardson et al., 2017a)). Rather, the reproduction ratio encapsulates social structure, behavior, and differential risk in a population (Arthur et al., 2017). Such risk is often structural (Farmer, 2004), however, and modeling studies seldom capture oppressive social forces including institutionalized racism and sexism in their emphasis on ‘objective,’ well-defined parameters. While some scholars attribute this to the inherent conservatism of causal reasoning (Schwartz et al., 2016; Ruhm, 2018), it may be more justly described as a form of symbolic violence, referring to the ways naturalized symbols and language sustain relations of oppression (Swartz, 1997; Žižek, 2008; Maxwell, 2014; Richardson et al., 2017b). In the case of epidemic modeling, we are rarely presented with racial-justice interventions as ways of preventing and containing outbreaks. And because real racial-justice interventions have been inadequately explored empirically in an anti-Black world, we need to turn to creative means of imagining alternatives (McKittrick, 2015; Mignolo and Walsh, 2018).

Since reparations had not been enacted, however, ‘reopening’ American society early (after coronavirus-forced shutdowns) had a disproportionate adverse mortality effect on Black people, an effect that was predictable (Hsiang et al., 2020). Therefore, de facto, it resembled a modern Tuskegee experiment, since massive wealth redistribution could have averted these deaths, just as penicillin to treat syphilis would have averted deaths in the nearby state of Alabama (Alsan and Wanamaker, 2017; Brandt, 1978). As the APM Research Lab reported in August 2020, “If they had died of COVID-19 at the same rate as White Americans, about 18,000 Black, 6000 Latino, 600 Indigenous, and 70 Pacific Islander Americans would still be alive” (APM Research Lab, 2020)—and this was before even 5% of the national population had been infected. The appalling evidence of racism embodied as disproportionate COVID-19 incidence and mortality for Black Americans should add to moral, historical, and legal arguments for reparations for descendants of people enslaved in the U.S.
Wait a minute, I thought burning down neighborhood, tolerating smash and grab, different academic entry standards, cashless bail, affirmative action, were framed as reparations. Are they not? Did CNN and the hotties on The View lie?
It's really the only card she has to play. I no longer even feel bad for black Democrats. If they want these people who think they can't arrange photo IDs for themselves, can't make COVID decisions for themselves, want them aborting babies more than white mothers, don't care about them dying in Chicago and Compton, use them every four years and throw them away...

Maybe they deserve it.
yep, reap what you sow
It's really the only card she has to play. I no longer even feel bad for black Democrats. If they want these people who think they can't arrange photo IDs for themselves, can't make COVID decisions for themselves, want them aborting babies more than white mothers, don't care about them dying in Chicago and Compton, use them every four years and throw them away...

Maybe they deserve it.

"The bigotry of low expectations" is a hallmark sentiment of the Dems/left.

Articles like this are a promotion of the slave mentality.
It's really the only card she has to play. I no longer even feel bad for black Democrats. If they want these people who think they can't arrange photo IDs for themselves, can't make COVID decisions for themselves, want them aborting babies more than white mothers, don't care about them dying in Chicago and Compton, use them every four years and throw them away...

Maybe they deserve it.

yhea because voting republican will solve their problems...clown shoes

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