Did Izzy’s Gyno disappear? UFC 259 Embedded

I find it hard to believe that any of these explanations apply to a healthy 31 year old elite athlete. I believe he is claiming it was too much weed, but I think that amount he would need to smoke would also negatively affect his performance.

how the fuck would he know what caused it?
I find it hard to believe that any of these explanations apply to a healthy 31 year old elite athlete. I believe he is claiming it was too much weed, but I think that amount he would need to smoke would also negatively affect his performance.

Besides weed, antibiotic use is common for contact sport athletes (for instance I know they were common in judo and wrestling when I did them because people always getting cuts and then rolling on the ground where people have brought in microbes on their feet), so I'd be surprised if they weren't common with MMA. Kidney problems come with severe dehydration (its one of the reasons organizations like amateur wrestling are so concerned about severe weight cuts). Amphetamines are a PED, but very commonly used because they only show up in blood for a few days (they can be detected for months in hair, but that typically isn't tested). And alcohol is probably even more common than marijuana among fighters.

One factor is genetics -- two different people can drink the same amount of alcohol or use the same amount of weed and one will get gyno and the other won't. Plus the effects are additive -- someone could use dossages of each of those potential risk factors that wouldn't cause gyno, but the cumulative effect would still be gyno.

Think about it. If steroids were the only way for a health young athlete to develop gyno, then USADA and every other sporting organization in the world would use gyno as proof even without a blood test, in the same way that say someone who had Wolverine's metal claws surgically attached would be accepted as visual proof of cheating. But the organizations don't accept it as proof. Why not? Because there non-PED causes of gyno even in healthy young athletes.
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He had surgery, look at the divet on the top of his nipple lol.
Izzy's surgeon did a better job than Nasrat
Will it make a reappearance this weekend? Or has he stopped smoking weed to make it go away?

If it is indeed gone for now, how do you think that will play a factor in the fight?

I'm not sure a flat chested non-tittified Israel can match Polish Pectoral Power of Jan.

It's on the right side?
It is single, a Scorpio, and loves flamboyant dancing. I think you’ve got a real shot with it! Go get em tiger!

edit: you changed the thread title so my stupid joke doesn’t make sense anymore. :(
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Crooked tit Izzy will be 3 division champion.
Is it from some type of meds?
Most people in here suspect it's from steroids, though it *can* absolutely be from other things as well.

If it was from steroids, it'd mean that Israel and whoever helped him with the roids are about as "knowledgeable" on that as a hobbyist bodybuilder in the eighties, which is ridiculously unlikely, but since a ton of sherdoggers absolutely despise Izzy, they'll conveniently ignore that.
Don't worry TS - Izzy will even things out when he goes to HW to get Boned.

Most people in here suspect it's from steroids, though it *can* absolutely be from other things as well.

If it was from steroids, it'd mean that Israel and whoever helped him with the roids are about as "knowledgeable" on that as a hobbyist bodybuilder in the eighties, which is ridiculously unlikely, but since a ton of sherdoggers absolutely despise Izzy, they'll conveniently ignore that.

I have pretty large pecs that could easily turn into tits if I stopped working out. My left side is lower and a little larger than my right. This is likely because my chest structure is slightly angled to the right. You could see my left chest bone kind of poke out when I was a skinny child.

Could Izzy have some sort of similar structural issue?