Does weed help you fight?

I was having a debate with someone how weed makes you more passive and would hurt your abilities in a street fight. They brought up the Diaz brother.

Personally it makes me FAR more passive paranoid, fearful and tired. I enjoy it, but not for fighting. A little bit of alcohol has actuality helped me in a street fight.

How would smoking weed effect you if you got into a self defense situation?

Nope. Weed makes you flop like a fish out of water...

That's interesting it has no effect on you. In my case a huge factor. I'm far less aggressive on it.

I can tell you this, it made me a far worse football player

Getting a WR blowing by you for a skinny post, taking a good enough angle to actually recover and then sliding 12yds out of bounds when he stutter-steps at the boundary but you can’t stop and you feel like you are flying in a video game is actually fun but not funny when you wanted to win lol
I can tell you this, it made me a far worse football player

Getting a WR blowing by you for a skinny post, taking a good enough angle to actually recover and then sliding 12yds out of bounds when he stutter-steps at the boundary but you can’t stop and you feel like you are flying in a video game is actually fun but not funny when you wanted to win lol

I totally feel your pain here bro. Even when I was an everyday smoker, playing competitive rugby for me was a nightmare stoned. Other guys that I've played with over the years have said the same thing. Reaction times slightly off. Everything slightly off. Might be a practice makes perfect thing though. Death or dishonor mindset takes a backseat for me for sure. Played friendly games half/pretty drunk plenty of times. Been blazed during some of those friendlies too. Whether just drunk or drunk/stoned - Definitely don't play better, cardio suffers for one. Did go to training on the tail end of a heavy mushroom trip once. That wasn't too bad actually. From what I remember, was hesitant at first, but got into it after a bit and did pretty good. Competitive spirit was there without the super agro some of our trainings could turn into. Probably didn't want to teach me anything that day, but maybe I might have done alright.
You ain’t lived till you’ve smoked crack and gone out to the ring under the lights a'la Bert Cooper.
Stoned sparring was my worst session ever. I was so slow. Bjj roll was fine but my instructor made fun of me for smelling like a dispensary.
It totally depends on the person. Some can’t even do little chores without weed. So it is basically up to how much you consume it
If you're high 24/7 you'd probably fight better when high.
i think weed helps you fight if you smoke on a regular. you won't have anxiety and you'll be full of rage and adrenaline instead of the opposite.
I was having a debate with someone how weed makes you more passive and would hurt your abilities in a street fight. They brought up the Diaz brother.

Personally it makes me FAR more passive paranoid, fearful and tired. I enjoy it, but not for fighting. A little bit of alcohol has actuality helped me in a street fight.

How would smoking weed effect you if you got into a self defense situation?
The only thing that will allow that is to reduce the pain a little, but not more than that. So my answer is no.
  • Pain tolerance increase
  • Anxiety decrease (for most people, most strains)
  • Focus increase
  • Reflex speed decrease
  • Blurred vision
  • Decision speed decrease
  • Reversion to instinct/reflex
  • Short term memory inconsistency
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
No. I need to keep the few brain cells I already have.
It can make one more creative but it reduces reaction time.
It depends on a type or weed, your mood and circumstances. I wouldn't like to have a fight after weed
Depends how you get smoking weed for some it'd be a boost others a hindrance
Would hurt me personally, smoking.

Drinking always makes a lot of people aggressive and less afraid of consequences. I think being sober fighting is the best or not fighting at all and getting along.
When I had my one fight, I woke up and started smoking pretty much all day until it started at like 7pm.
I gassed out hard in the 3rd round and got tko'd.

Mentally I felt fine because I did all my training stoned, so it just felt normal.

Probably wouldn't recommend fighting high unless you are always stoned 24/7 , have good cardio regardless and your fight would be the first time you've been sober in a while.

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