Crime Donald Trump Held in Contempt


Gold Belt
Sep 26, 2016
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A New York judge held former U.S. President Donald Trump in contempt of court and fined $10,000 per day until he complies for not producing documents subpoenaed in the state attorney general's civil probe of his business practices.

Trump's attorney says she tried to comply with the subpoena, calling the contempt motion "inappropriate and misleading."
We got em boys!!

important note: Contempt can lead to a judgement in the plaintiff's direction, i.e. judge says "well if you won't comply I will assume you are guilty"
Probably politically motivated, but I don't care.

Transparency in politics should be at the top of our demands, followed closely by getting money out of politics. Seems this ruling gets you Yanks closer to both, so it's a win.
Probably politically motivated, but I don't care.

Transparency in politics should be at the top of our demands, followed closely by getting money out of politics. Seems this ruling gets you Yanks closer to both, so it's a win.
Probably motivated by the fact that Trump is a habitual line stepper when it comes to providing info he's been order to provide.

10k a day is gonna get irritating really fast lol.
He wasn't in contempt, how could he be in contempt. Hes an honest guy, very much one of the most honest guys. no one has been more honest than he. This was an attack by the radical left. They are so mean. so terribly mean
Probably motivated by the fact that Trump is a habitual line stepper when it comes to providing info he's been order to provide.

10k a day is gonna get irritating really fast lol.
300 000 a month. That's the cost of keeping two high class escorts' mouths shut