Crime edit second arrest made Hate Crime in San Francisco Elderly Asian Man Attacked while collecting Cans

I don't think that's a hate crime. I didn't see anything in the video to suggest he was robbed because he was Asian, looks more like he was robbed because he went into a neighborhood he shouldn't be in.
This is America.. The first world. The street you "aren't supposed to be on" shouldn't exist. We are not a primitive tribal nation, and excusing primitive tribal behavior such as "you aren't allowed on this street" cannot just be tolerated. That goes for all races in different ways.
Don't worry guys, all of Africa will be speaking Chinese soon anyway. They will have a new master soon.
Look at all the people standing around, does that look like the type of neighborhood you should be in alone when you don't know anyone there?

What in particular is wrong with that neighborhood? Are you suggesting that black neighborhoods should just be avoided, because there are black people in them? Sounds like that's what you're saying, because other than there just being black people around, I don't see any "warning" signs that a person would avoid, other than, well, what you're suggesting...
What in particular is wrong with that neighborhood? Are you suggesting that black neighborhoods should just be avoided, because there are black people in them? Sounds like that's what you're saying, because other than there just being black people around, I don't see any "warning" signs that a person would avoid, other than, well, what you're suggesting...

To be honest, yes. That is exactly why I would not go there. I live in Philly, it is bad here.
The sad part is how many Asians, so eager to virtue signal in order to please their rabid white leftist overlords, will sell out their own in a heartbeat.

fortunately, more and more are waking up and recognizing just how poisonous leftist ideology is.
Lots of people are forgetting the obvious fact that only white people can be racist. Move along.
Who the fuck targets old timers for shit like this?!

Real “street cred” right there you idiots.
That's heart breaking. That old man is just doing what he can to get by.
Just get a room and fuck already you two. Jesus
fortunately, more and more are waking up and recognizing just how poisonous leftist ideology is.

Are they though? Asians by large vote democratically and that's just the ones who follow politics. Most Asians ignore it all together.
Remember, this is the state where the Democrats dominate the popular vote that they love to brag about.

The camera man didn't commit a crime though, unless it's suddenly a crime to not help someone. Or is it a crime to film someone?ck neighbourhoods or they will get attacked?

Complicit, IMO.
lol that's the exact same thing I'd say if a black guy went into some backwoods neighborhood in Alabama and gets the 2nd amendment treatment from a couple good ol' boys.

The camera man didn't commit a crime though, unless it's suddenly a crime to not help someone. Or is it a crime to film someone?ck neighbourhoods or they will get attacked?

If black bloods go into black crip neighborhoods and end up getting attacked, I'll say the exact same thing. That's not racism, you should be aware of your surroundings and know where you shouldn't go. Look at all the people standing around, does that look like the type of neighborhood you should be in alone when you don't know anyone there? Hell no, I'm black and wouldn't go into that neighborhood.
I think if the Asian dude named the camera man in a civil suit as complicit cause he didn’t step in to attempt to stop it and egged on his attackers the Asian dude would win.
I think if the Asian dude named the camera man in a civil suit as complicit cause he didn’t step in to attempt to stop it and egged on his attackers the Asian dude would win.

You don't have a duty to help but egging a person on to commit a criminal or tortious act opens you up to liability.
"Now now, who cares that an innocent Asian man got the shit kicked out of him. The real story is to not pay attention to the black mens' race, because it's racists and my white guilt won't allow it".

"Now now, who cares that an innocent Asian man got the shit kicked out of him. The real story is to not pay attention to the black mens' race, because it's racists and my white guilt won't allow it".


lol you think I have white guilt? I'm opposed to affirmative action, think making "diversity" a goal is racist, and think "hate crime" laws should be repealed.
"Now now, who cares that an innocent Asian man got the shit kicked out of him. The real story is to not pay attention to the black mens' race, because it's racists and my white guilt won't allow it".

I didnt see him get touched in the video. Where did he get the shit kicked out of him?