Media Even joe rogan and his rat pack think Sean won the fight

2004 account

For a fair sport/true mma fan, ain't no shill
Apr 29, 2018
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Joey Diaz says something very telling "when have you seen a bookie with a side job?"

My take:

This fight is what draws were invented for...but of course there are higher interests involved and a draw doesnt equal profit to those that stand to gain, right? I find it absurd that one fighter HAS to win the round, no round draws make it a broken system not made for mma. But yea they want it to be as subjective as possible so fights like these can be steered.

Also Dana has said numerous times before that they want to enter (which really means corner) the South African mma market, well this decision makes sense then doesnt it? Or are the ufc saints and we should give them the benefit of the doubt?

Listen, all I know is that Sean didn't lose that fight

How can you lose when you leave your opponent looking like sloth from the goonies? (Don't worry Rhonda, I'm not making fun of you this time)


* Here, I'll leave you guys this extra gem, after this latest Sean Strickland vs woke reporter debacle, I predict soon disney and ESPN will pressure or downright force Dana and the ufc into abiding by non hate speech rules, laws or regulations. Just watch, it's coming. I hate Dana but one thing I accept and coincide with is his stance on free speech, but he is just a puppet for the elite owned brand and that time is coming closer as we edge into this totalitarian new world order.

( I hope the mods don't move or delete this thread, they have been worse than usual with me, now like 4 out of 5 threads i make get immediately merged or sent to oblivion. If you have some integrity let us talk freely about this, this deserves its own thread. Im asking humbly)
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"Even Joe Rogan" as if Rogan has been a great MMA mind anytime in the last decade. Never mind citing Joey Diaz.
He has way more insight than you, I'd say he is an authority on the matter, and even has insider knowledge of all the inner mechanics and workings of the ufc. Yes Rogan has shilled before for rhonda and said outlandish hyperbole but ill trust his opinions over yours any day. Your argument is a fail bro, take this L

Edit: lol at those agreeing with you, cognitive dissonance is a mf
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It doesn't matter Du Plessis got the W in a very close fight, it could have gone Sean's way but it didn't so complaining for the decision is just spiled milk,lets move on already.

Also Strickland got pretty fucked over too, lets not act like he demolished Dricus.

Watching it in real time, I too thought Strickland won because of the higher output. But as this breakdown shows, DDP landed the heavier shots, takedowns, and showed more aggression while Sean never really pushed the action and was content to just throw jabs.

Dana and now Joe, I can't be agreeing with these types of dipshits. I also can't deny that I think Sean should have gotten the decision 100%.
neither can I but I try to put my ego aside and use my logic when its about something as important to me as the integrity of the sport of mma.

Dana is a scumbag and he can be wrong the majority of the time but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Yo my fam, you was been droppin' straight facts on this ting. That scrap with Sean Tarzan, mans know it shoulda been a draw, this was been certain. But you see how these higher-ups was move, right? They was all aboot that paper, a draw was not been filling their pockets of theirs the same, seen?

And yo, President Dana was on that hustle for the African market, man's he was playing 4D chess out here. These decision, they was not been just aboot the fights, they was aboot spreading the empire, styll. It was make mans wonder, are we givin' UFC too much ratings, thinkin' they was have been all goodie?

Also no caps, how's Sean gonna been take this L when he left dude lookin' mashed up? Nah, that ain't no loss, my fam.

But check into this, the whole vibes with Sean Tarzan and the "woke" reporter, that's just the commencement, you was right my #UFCFriend. Disney and ESPN, they're 'bout to press Dana and UFC big time like you say, force man to follow them non-hate speech rules and ting. It's a wave comin', #Trust. Dana might chat aboot free speech, but end of the day, he's just a pawn for them big league players.
This was why he start the (still) growing sport of Power Slap, my fam. This new world order biz, it's creepin', and we gotta stay woke to the play. 🤔💰🥊

As always,

Stay safe. Stay Awake.

#GANAB and #StopAmericanHate
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It doesn't matter Du Plessis got the W in a very close fight, it could have gone Sean's way but it didn't so complaining for the decision is just spiled milk,lets move on already.

Also Strickland got pretty fucked over too, lets not act like he demolished Dricus.

Don't enable it, it should've even a draw, that was the just decision.
Yo my fam, you was been droppin' straight facts on this ting. That scrap with Sean Tarzan, mans know it shoulda been a draw, this was been certain. But you see how these higher-ups was move, right? They was all aboot that paper, a draw was not been filling their pockets of theirs the same, seen?

And yo, President Dana was on that hustle for the New Zealand MMA market, man's he was playing 4D chess out here. These decision, they was not been just aboot the fights, they was aboot spreading the empire, styll. It was make mans wonder, are we givin' UFC too much ratings, thinkin' they was have been all goodie?

No caps, how's Sean gonna been take this L when he left dude lookin' mashed up? Nah, that ain't no loss, my fam.

But check into this, the whole vibes with Sean Tarzan and the "woke" reporter, that's just the commencement, you was right my #UFCFriend. Disney and ESPN, they're 'bout to press Dana and UFC big time like you say, force man to follow them non-hate speech rules and ting. It's a wave comin', #Trust. Dana might chat aboot free speech, but end of the day, he's just a pawn for them big league players.
This was why he start the (still) growing sport of Power Slap, my fam. This new world order biz, it's creepin', and we gotta stay woke to the play. 🤔💰🥊

As always,

Stay safe. Stay Awake.

View attachment 1025149
#GANAB and #StopAmericanHate
🤣🤣🤣 oh paddy my young Padawan, if you weren't such a troll I'd almost take you seriously.

Yo my fam, you was been droppin' straight facts on this ting. That scrap with Sean Tarzan, mans know it shoulda been a draw, this was been certain. But you see how these higher-ups was move, right? They was all aboot that paper, a draw was not been filling their pockets of theirs the same, seen?

And yo, President Dana was on that hustle for the New Zealand MMA market, man's he was playing 4D chess out here. These decision, they was not been just aboot the fights, they was aboot spreading the empire, styll. It was make mans wonder, are we givin' UFC too much ratings, thinkin' they was have been all goodie?

Also no caps, how's Sean gonna been take this L when he left dude lookin' mashed up? Nah, that ain't no loss, my fam.

But check into this, the whole vibes with Sean Tarzan and the "woke" reporter, that's just the commencement, you was right my #UFCFriend. Disney and ESPN, they're 'bout to press Dana and UFC big time like you say, force man to follow them non-hate speech rules and ting. It's a wave comin', #Trust. Dana might chat aboot free speech, but end of the day, he's just a pawn for them big league players.
This was why he start the (still) growing sport of Power Slap, my fam. This new world order biz, it's creepin', and we gotta stay woke to the play. 🤔💰🥊

As always,

Stay safe. Stay Awake.

View attachment 1025149
#GANAB and #StopAmericanHate
Feelz ya, fam....

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Watching it in real time, I too thought Strickland won because of the higher output. But as this breakdown shows, DDP landed the heavier shots, takedowns, and showed more aggression while Sean never really pushed the action and was content to just throw jabs.

Doesn’t he attribute the jab that started the swelling on DDP’s eye as a “light” strike? I wasn’t full focused as I was doing other shit but I’m pretty sure that’s what he said.

If, and I can’t say for certain, that’s the case, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
He has way more insight than you, I'd say he is an authority on the matter, and even has insider knowledge of all the inner mechanics and workings of the ufc. Your argument is a fail bro, take this L

Sure, sure. By the way, have you ever tried DMT bro?

I think there's an argument for Strickland winning. The whole concept of "damage" in the scoring system is impossible to really define and makes for dubious judging decisions.
Implying this a conspiracy by bookies isn't what I'd consider insightful.