FINALLY, an OTC "Testosterone Booster" checks out:


Doctor of Doom
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Feb 22, 2005
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Unless you know specifically what to look for most of you have already realized that very FEW OTC Testosterone boosting supplements will actually do what they say they do. Well, now we have one that does, or rather, now we've confirmed that one does.

In a Baylor University study, NovadexXT by Gaspari Nutrition at the doses of 4 per day (72mg) for eight weeks increased free testosterone, dehydrotestosterone, total testosterone, while improving the testosterone to estrogen ratio and also decreased bodyfat. It also had no effect on PSA (for those concerned with signs of prostate enlargement or cancer).

(International Journal of Sports Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 17: 92-108, 2007)

Now here's the interesting thing about this. Recently some chemists have stated that we no-longer have a "prosteroid underground" as much as we have a "steroid underground" for the reason that most of the ingredients circulating are actually synthetic, thus, qualifying them as steroids. I wonder if this is one of the signs of truth to the notion, because the "prosteroids" are the ones with the bullshit stigma attached to them.

Now there have been other products that are verifiable, and there still are, but some of them those of us in the Industry know they practically just ARE anabolics.
Most people use it post-cycle. Never heard of anyone using it for a cycle. And yeah, the are several "test-boosters" that are legal and work really well. And, yes, they are anabolic steroids.

My "dealer," aka, the guy who works at the sports nutrition store thst I shop at, told me that Novadex XT will cause a fase positive on a drug test. I guess it's real close to a SERM that juicers use. Again, I'm not saying this is true, only that this is what I have heard.
What kind of drug test? If it's a steroid test, then it'd make sense a steroid would show up. A Doctor here looked at Novadex the day before yesterday and said it's the binding chemical that does a lot of the work in it. But he was in a hurry or I would have asked him to explain to me what he meant. He also mumbled something about the ineffieciency of oral dosing. So from that I ascertain that either he's talking out the side of his mouth, or it could be more powerful used say, sublingually or liquified.
King Kabuki said:
What kind of drug test? If it's a steroid test, then it'd make sense a steroid would show up. A Doctor here looked at Novadex the day before yesterday and said it's the binding chemical that does a lot of the work in it. But he was in a hurry or I would have asked him to explain to me what he meant. He also mumbled something about the ineffieciency of oral dosing. So from that I ascertain that either he's talking out the side of his mouth, or it could be more powerful used say, sublingually or liquified.

Yeah, I mean steroid test. Nolvadex and Clomid are both orals, and I'm pretty sure this stuff is supposed to immitated those types of drugs (again, this is just hearsay-- but hearsay from guys that talk to Gaspari on the phone and shit).
I'm surprised so many of you guys have nothing to say about this.
I was hoping to hear more about it but nobody has anything to say really. I have no input except it sounds pretty interesting.
It's just that how many times do we see "yeah that doesn't work, yeah that isn't going to boost your test". I think it's pretty ground-breaking that we finally have one confirmed, albeit it's also confirming that most of this shit really is just lower-level steroids. I wonder if that scared everyone off. lol
King Kabuki said:
I'm surprised so many of you guys have nothing to say about this.

Will it make my arms huge and chisel my face?:icon_chee

on a serious note, just a question i had, would otc test. boosting supplements have similar side effects to those of true anabolics? im not looking to get into either, but just curious.
The hormonal system is usually one i just leave alone, i figure unlike most other situations my nuts know whats best to do in this instance.

KK how did you get such experinace in this field anwyays?
What side-effects? If you're talking about the bullshit side-effects people spout like that they'll shrink your balls, give you tits, make you kill your family, etc. etc. Then no, and neither will Anabolics.

If you mean more acne, possible hair loss, that's just a result of testosterone boosting in general. I've not seen that happen to anyone using the less powerful substances, but I wouldn't rule it out.

The hormonal system is usually one i just leave alone, i figure unlike most other situations my nuts know whats best to do in this instance.

KK how did you get such experinace in this field anwyays?

Your nuts start failing you after the age of 25 brotha.

The endocrine system needs as much care as anything else. I got into it because I read my ass off and as someone with a competitive mind, I wanted to know exactly what was being forbidden to me and why. Plus, where I work we get asked about the shit routinely, so I wanted to know more. I still don't know a whole lot about a lot of the specific drugs and what they do, I more just know the physiology of the endocrine system and what happens when you do what to it. That was my primary concern. So I worked it backwards.

I dabble in a lot of aspects of Health Care because my entire Family is rooted in it. Mother was a Dental Office Manager so I hung around dentists a lot. My Aunt is an Emergency Room tech, my Grandmother is an RN who worked in Hospice, and does home-care now. My Father drove an Ambulance in the Army, and my Grandfather was an X-ray tech and a field medic in the Navy (Corpsman). Wow, that's really fucken wierd now that I think about it. But yeah, when studying these things I take to it pretty quickly. I don't talk about this a whole lot but I have logged classroom hours in pursiot of bring a Registered Dietician, just going about it very slow, and understudied psychology in college. That's the reason I don't find it too difficult to hang with guys like Rjkd12 and Terumo in conversations despite their Medical degrees. They lose me a lot, but I keep up alright I think. Rj said once that he doesn't ever consider the degree too defining..."for all I know you could know as much as any physiologist out there."

I don't, but I dabble.
would it be based more how the individuals body handles to test boosting? or does everyones pretty much react in the same way?
The relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer is strong.

Not really. Gimme a minute and I can cite studies on that.
Your nuts start failing you after the age of 25 brotha.

Thank god i'm only 24

wouldn't a healthy diet be enough to help optimize T levels?
would it be based more how the individuals body handles to test boosting? or does everyones pretty much react in the same way?

There's not much difference in ways people handle it, though there are special cases in every scenario. Exceptions to the rules.

deadlyshaolin, this is for you home-skillet:

Researches from the UCLA Medical Center found no effect on prostate metabolism or size in older men receiving testosterone supplements for 6 months:

(JAMA, 296: 2531-2361, 2006)

Also, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler of Harvard Medical School cited in his writing that the perceived link between testosterone boosting and prostate cancer was based on one subject in a study published in 1941. Castration caused a decrease progression in prostate cancer whereas testosterone supplementation caused growth. Since then, numerous studies have reported no link between testosterone levels and specific risk of prostate cancer:

(European Urology, 50: 935-939, 2006)

I also have something few people have ever seen. A long-term study of Powerlifters and muscle morphology comparing steroid users to non. After 10 years if memory serves me there were no endangerments of prostates. I can e-mail that one to you if you'd like to see it.
wouldn't a healthy diet be enough to help optimize T levels?

Optimize? Depends on how you define the term. Maintain? Possibly. Restore? I'm not so sure. Recently one of the biggest break-throughs I've read is that supplementation of Zinc preserves testosterone levels in young male athletes. I mean like 19 years old, and the study was done with Wrestlers. The Zinc supplementation was profound, something like 2.5mg per lb of bodyweight or something. I was going to post it here but I forgot to, and I'd have to look for it. That's good info when it comes to maintaining. But much like estrogen in females, once the male body stops producing testosterone and depletion sets in, I've not been made aware of anything that ceases this that isn't either a secretagogue or a direct hormone replacement.
Interesting. I'll give it a shot. Does GNC sell it, and what is the price?
Interesting. I'll give it a shot. Does GNC sell it, and what is the price?

GNC does sell it, I'm not sure the retail price of the top of my head because we have it a bit cheaper than it's normally sold for. Franchise pricing.
so its safe to use and it works? not to be a prick, but how credible do you find the study? i know companies can twist and pay for desirable outcomes, so i was just curious.
so its safe to use and it works? not to be a prick, but how credible do you find the study? i know companies can twist and pay for desirable outcomes, so i was just curious.

The Government is more prone to twist and pay for desirable outcomes than the Company.

University studies are typically reliable BECAUSE no one pays for them from the outside. They're peer-reviewed and usually function outside the scope of influence and bias. Baylor is a duly credible one as well, so if there were going to be a biased one, it wouldn't be likely to come out of Baylor.

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