GIFS of Weidman getting smoked! (Weedman celebrated after Anderson broke his leg) Destruction inside

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He checked the kick and it had the desired effect. Why wouldn't he cheer?

That's why he has KO loss after KO loss. WHen you finally understand that he shouldn't have been cheering for that freak accident and when he comes public to appollogize and say: I didn't broke his leg, it was 1/trillion freak accident, the curse will be broken.

Now he is in for another fight, another terrible KO loss awaits him.
That's why he has KO loss after KO loss. WHen you finally understand that he shouldn't have been cheering for that freak accident and when he comes public to appollogize and say: I didn't broke his leg, it was 1/trillion freak accident, the curse will be broken.

Now he is in for another fight, another terrible KO loss awaits him.

This is equivalent to seeing a fighter shatter his opponent’s jaw with a counter hook and saying it was a freak accident because breaking someone’s jaw with any given punch is statistically unlikely.

You can keep pretending Anderson slipped on a banana peel, but the reality is Weidman was the better fighter.
This is equivalent to seeing a fighter shatter his opponent’s jaw with a counter hook and saying it was a freak accident because breaking someone’s jaw with any given punch is statistically unlikely.

You can keep pretending Anderson slipped on a banana peel, but the reality is Weidman was the better fighter.

When you throw a punch to your opponent's face with full force, you try to knock him out and sometimes you break his face
When you lift your leg 5cm off the ground, you do it to lower the impact of the low kick.
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When you throw a punch to your opponent's face with full force, you try to knock him out.
When you lift your leg 5cm off the ground, you do it to lower the impact of the low kick.

When you throw a punch you’re trying to cause as munch damage as possible. Whether you KO him or break his jaw and cause a stoppage is irrelevant. Just like if you were to throw a body shot and break his rib, you wouldn’t say it was an accident.

Checking a kick has the dual effect of lowering the impact and causing damage.
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Chris:"I knew I hurt him with it. I wasn't sure if it's broken, until he put his foot back down to the mat, then I knew right away it was over."
Journalist: "What's that moment like, what's going through your head when you know you did that to him?"
Chris: "It's over. I won. It's awesome...and then, then, then... Oh my God, I broke his leg, I feel bad for him."


Dominic just starched him, the gift that keeps on giving.











He disrespected a legend. Karma is a *****
Sherdog does not forget. Sherdog does not forgive.

Chris also faked touched Jacare.


And also pounded on Munoz for like 5 extra shots when he was clearly out.

Also tried to get Mousasi DQed
great thread
When you throw a punch you’re trying to cause as munch damage as possible. Whether you KO him or and cause a stoppage is irrelevant. Just like if you were to throw a body shot and break his rib you wouldn’t say it was an accident.

Checking a kick has the dual effect of lowering the impact and causing damage.

Checking kicks has the effect of lowering damage, preventing your knee from blowing out.
In that case prime Anderson got tapped by Ryo Chonan and Daiju Takase. Anderson Silva’s a can confirmed.
And prime GSP got tapped out by prime Matt Serra, and prime Jon got his ass beat by prime Matt Hamill. Fedor the only one not to lose in his prime.
Chris is a bum now, but he believes hes still great (which he never was).
Chris fans are salty

He is in his prime, 35, he will be back soon to grab some knees to his forehead.
Funny that you’re the same idiots who thought it was cool that Masvidal not only threw unnecessary punches after a ko (BUT ITS SO FUNNY CUZ HIS ENGLISH IS TERRIBLE AND HE SAID SUPER NECESSARY). Then, as the guy laid there stiff he not only celebrates, but actually mocks the other guy. Also, let’s not forget, this was not just a standard KO. This was one of the most brutal KOs in the sport’s history. He didn’t know if he would survive, and still thought it cool to crack jokes at his expense. But hey, he’s on top now, so we can’t insukt him.

A lot of you are not only stupid but retarded too.
When you throw a punch to your opponent's face with full force, you try to knock him out and sometimes you break his face
When you lift your leg 5cm off the ground, you do it to lower the impact of the low kick.
I literally get dumber by reading your posts
Funny that you’re the same idiots who thought it was cool that Masvidal not only threw unnecessary punches after a ko (BUT ITS SO FUNNY CUZ HIS ENGLISH IS TERRIBLE AND HE SAID SUPER NECESSARY). Then, as the guy laid there stiff he not only celebrates, but actually mocks the other guy. Also, let’s not forget, this was not just a standard KO. This was one of the most brutal KOs in the sport’s history. He didn’t know if he would survive, and still thought it cool to crack jokes at his expense. But hey, he’s on top now, so we can’t insukt him.

A lot of you are not only stupid but retarded too.
“Super necessary” is a dumb slang used in Miami.

Now go watch soccer
Weidman is a millionaire who could’ve retired years ago, have his life settled with that money and open a business.

But nope, he chose to continue fighting. Almost as if he’s begging for a brain damage. <Huh2>
Funny that you’re the same idiots who thought it was cool that Masvidal not only threw unnecessary punches after a ko (BUT ITS SO FUNNY CUZ HIS ENGLISH IS TERRIBLE AND HE SAID SUPER NECESSARY). Then, as the guy laid there stiff he not only celebrates, but actually mocks the other guy. Also, let’s not forget, this was not just a standard KO. This was one of the most brutal KOs in the sport’s history. He didn’t know if he would survive, and still thought it cool to crack jokes at his expense. But hey, he’s on top now, so we can’t insukt him.

A lot of you are not only stupid but retarded too.
This is equivalent to seeing a fighter shatter his opponent’s jaw with a counter hook and saying it was a freak accident because breaking someone’s jaw with any given punch is statistically unlikely.

You can keep pretending Anderson slipped on a banana peel, but the reality is Weidman was the better fighter.
Weedman got lucky
Ok so all I got from this thread is OP is a salty bitch.
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