Social Gina Carano sues Disney for wrongful termination, funded by Elon Musk

I doubt that's what it will come down to, but Disney employs thousands. Not just stars. I don't think it would be too hard to find an employee with a far worse social media history than her.

That said, I don't think she has much of a case. They can fire you for practically anything. As long as they pay you what you're owed, it's pretty much settled, unless Disney fired you for reporting a rape or some shit. There's no actual lawful standard for terminating a contract in this manner. Actors get fired all the time for all sorts of reasons laid out in the contract they sign, which I'm going to guess includes something vague along the lines of "representing the company in a negative manner". They could fire her for being too fat for her role, if they wanted to. If they deem you "bad for business" for whatever reason, you're done. They fired Johnny Depp for PR reasons, that was actually built on lies. Last I checked, he ain't suing them.

Her argument is that they discriminated against her for her sex. That men have done the same and not gotten fired. That's pretty easy to prove or disprove. She could win imo.
Her argument is that they discriminated against her for her sex. That men have done the same and not gotten fired. That's pretty easy to prove or disprove. She could win imo.
I don't know. Who are the men she's talking about, and did they post the exact same content?

That's where it all get's muddled. It's one thing if indeed there were males they didn't fire for the exact same offense, but I have a feeling that she's arguing "Well, they can say silly stuff on the net, but I can't?"

I think it's gonna come down to the contract she signed, which likely includes extremely vague wording on violating company policy, that is worded in such a way that they can just pick and choose.
I don't agree with Disney booting her out, but I'm not convinced she can win the argument since I think she's just on a contract, not a permanent employee, so there's no obligation to continue with her.

With that said, I'm not a lawyer and I'm posting on an MMA site, what the hell would I know.
Gina needing a handout? Times must be tough for a fat washed up MMA fighter turned failed actress
You are such a good boy. Can I apply to the good boy awards or is it voluntary work?
It's no longer relevant provided we accept your bs. assertion that what Israel is doing is "ethnic cleansing.
No, it just isn’t relevant. You can call what Israel is doing whatever you want. But bombing the shit out of Gaza in retaliation, killing ten thousand people plus, isn’t “defending” Israel.

Defending Israel would have been stopping the October 7th Hamas attacks somehow. So in that context, yeah that’s relevant.
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Go woke, go broke.
This free fall has been ongoing.
Its more than that... this is their formula... start with CGI explosions, tiny bit of exposition, Shoe horn in "THE MESSAGE" more bigger CGI explosions, shred of totally unfathomable techno babel exposition, followed by arrival of big bad totally ridiculous and implausible monster who causes.... you guessed it!!! more even bigger CGI explosions... need I go on? No character arc, no meaningful plot, no heart , no soul, no brains....... total shit product... we could write better... I'm totally serious...
Its more than that... this is their formula... start with CGI explosions, tiny bit of exposition, Shoe horn in "THE MESSAGE" more bigger CGI explosions, shred of totally unfathomable techno babel exposition, followed by arrival of big bad totally ridiculous and implausible monster who causes.... you guessed it!!! more even bigger CGI explosions... need I go on? No character arc, no meaningful plot, no heart , no soul, no brains....... total shit product... we could write better... I'm totally serious...
Oh, you're absolutely right on that.
It's like they assumed that whatever they rolled out people would buy because, well, it's Disney.
Lost their touch.
But maybe because they have been focused on the wrong issues deciding to focus on DEI and less on the creative development end.
Recent stuff like what ?

Andor wasn't good?

The content probably isnt for you.
The Newer star wars movies haven't being done good.
The recent marvel movies arent that good either.
ahh this has been moved to the war room...

it was only a matter of time. God knows how it was in the heavies for so long, seeing how wild the thread got, hah
I'm not sure if sarcasm but I don't really disagree with anything you said
I’m being 100% Fr Man. The World is awakening to Human & Child Trafficking. Disney is a major piece to that Puzzle. Endless Wars, Endless Money Laundering, Rigged Election System, Rigged Justice System, Open Borders, Human Slavery…. We are literally in a War of Good vs Evil. The days of “R v D” are over, even “Conservative vs Liberal.” It’s literally are you American or Anti-American. Are you Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery. Are you Pro Freedom or Anti-Freedom.

Unless she had contract

An outfit like Disney would have it in their contract as to what unacceptable behavior is and she would have had no pull to be able to remove something like that. It isn't really a lawsuit but just a propaganda campaign to make her look good by fighting "libs". There is no world where she wins anything, otherwise her suit wouldn't be funded by Musk.
Yes, and? This doesn't address, rebut, or correct what I wrote on any level.

I'm not rebutting you.

I'm saying her detractors are trying to paint her as some kind of anti-Semitic right winger when all she did was like a post. A post that was misinterpreted on purpose.
I don't know. Who are the men she's talking about, and did they post the exact same content?

That's where it all get's muddled. It's one thing if indeed there were males they didn't fire for the exact same offense, but I have a feeling that she's arguing "Well, they can say silly stuff on the net, but I can't?"

I think it's gonna come down to the contract she signed, which likely includes extremely vague wording on violating company policy, that is worded in such a way that they can just pick and choose.

I agree it's an uphill battle to win her case but she can possibly win for libel. Below is what Disney said about her Twitter posts. If anyone actually looked at what she posted, this is a mischaracterization.

"...her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable..."
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Her argument is that they discriminated against her for her sex. That men have done the same and not gotten fired. That's pretty easy to prove or disprove. She could win imo.

No she can’t. She has no chance whatsoever.
  • First she would need to establish that men engaged in the same behavior. And much as it pains a lot of people in this threat to admit it, posting distasteful right-wing stuff on social media and posting distasteful left-wing stuff on social media are not equivalent because no employer is obligated to treat all political opinions equally. Political affiliation is not a protected class in the US. For her claim to have any merit she would actually have to find another Disney actor who posted controversial right-wing stuff and didn’t get into trouble.
  • The fact that she got two previous warnings to stop doing that sort of thing and did it a third time, while other Disney employees got one warning and stopped, also completely undercuts her case.
No she can’t. She has no chance whatsoever.
  • First she would need to establish that men engaged in the same behavior. And much as it pains a lot of people in this threat to admit it, posting distasteful right-wing stuff on social media and posting distasteful left-wing stuff on social media are not equivalent because no employer is obligated to treat all political opinions equally.

It doesn't matter how the employer feels about it at this point. It matters how the courts feel about it. Those are two very different things.
some weak sauce conspiracies
1) holocaust extremely exaggerated
2) trunk is a zionist shill
3) obv the masks r gay
You realize this whole thing is about Carano being anti-Semitic, right?

But...she isn't? And didn't say or post anything anti-semetic? Wut?

Dont think shes gonna have much of a case here. I guess the only real angle is that Pedro Pascal was posting holocaust memes comparing Trump to Hitler or something like that. I still dont see much happening. Disney is a lot of things, but they arent stupid. Whatever contract she signed is gonna be skin-tight and I'm sure theres a litany of ivy league lawyers that can defend it.