Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread Vol. 2

Derail? You posted an unrelated civil case in response to a criminal case and say I am derailing? Come on mate, you aren't even subtle. You're running from the fact you used a bloke who picked a fight and lost as some sort of upstanding victim. He picked a fight with the cops because he thought he could talk shit without consequences. The judges and his own council basically pointed this out to him and it was dropped.

I responded to everything you said before I pointed out the fear mongering title wasn't even the correct use of the word treason. Again you shared something that somebody else posted without even understanding the specifics of it. Did you look into any of those cases or just take it on blind faith? Same with the fact old matey has multiple cases getting thrown out or being heard at the same time.

If I wanted to nit pick I would argue the only people who fit the definition of treason were the violent protesters. I believe in the right to peacefully protest, but if anyone fits that definition it's the people taking over city streets, attacking government officials and assaulting Police and members of the ADF. Once your freedom of movement impacts on someone else's freedom to move, you aren't a protester you are a pest. Blocking off city streets and damaging property is wrong if you are an anti covid protester or protesting animal rights. Same dumb shit, different causes.

Such quality information within this lovely substack you referenced. It's almost as if he is a true crime writer or something.

Over the last four years, I have examined many official representations of reality and posited the theory that they are the fraudulent misrepresentations of two or more persons in positions of power or undue influence. By definition, two or more persons committing an act of fraud are participating in a criminal conspiracy.
From the referenced article:

The conclusion from all this: The claim that the RKI made the upgrade - and thus the basis for lockdown and state of emergency - on the basis of scientific advice is no longer tenable. The upgrade occurred abruptly, without a documented discussion and consultation process, at the direction of an unnamed actor.

This also means: It is now clear that the courts in Germany, which in their judgments on the legality of the Corona measures relied on the fact that the RKI's risk assessment was scientifically based - and did not critically examine this risk assessment in the respective proceedings - , have committed a mistake that still needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

That's your big treason argument? That scientists basically upgraded their risk assessment in line with the rest of the world and more than people think they should of, therefore said risk assessment isn't valid and was the basis of court challenges because someone said it was based on science..

Defition of Based is:
use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something. I just won this legal challenge in 30 seconds on google. The science formed a foundation for the risk assessment. Any 3rd rate lawyer gets that thrown out in no time. Great big nothing burger as usual in the legal realm for these covid lawsuits. They got an FOI through but that's where it all ends.

It's shit science and public policy(already established that happened everywhere), but it's not treason. It's just the crap we saw in every other country during covid all 99% agree it was shit.

Nobody is going to be up on treason trials. You know it, I know it, the people writing this shit know it. But using words like treason until you actually know the definition of it, makes this look stupider every time you use it in this context.

Fuck me what the hell is that wall of crap and a touch of slight of hand. I own some responsibility as the gap was meant to be bigger to separate the post in two.
Still its more evidence of potential corruption because the if there was zero elevation of all cause mortality (which is the case except where malfeasance was used to murder)

"Nobody is going to be up on treason trials. You know it, I know it, the people writing this shit know it. But using words like treason until you actually know the definition of it, makes this look stupider every time you use it in this context."

- I disagree, it will depend on what comes out in the future.


"- intentionally assists, by any means whatsoever, an enemy, at war with the Commonwealth"
"Levied war, or undertook an act preparing for war, against the Commonwealth,


"intentionally assists, by 'any means whatever', another country or organisation that is 'engaged in armed hostilities' against the Australian Defence Force (ADF)""
Instigated a non-citizen to invade the Commonwealth, or one of its territories."

If it comes out that this is a conspiracy to help shuttle in a one world government or Albanese and Morrison and co were acting against the interests of our country's that can be seen an attack on the Commonwealth

"It's shit science and public policy(already established that happened everywhere), but it's not treason. It's just the crap we saw in every other country during covid all 99% agree it was shit."

Your opinion, you're entitled to it but I disagree.
One country perhaps but all, no chance.
Add in all the fraud and its impossible to be so incompetent.

Some of the slight of hand is to change

"He picked a fight with the cops because he thought he could talk shit without consequences. The judges and his own council basically pointed this out to him and it was dropped."


“It may be that the arrest was executed in a way that is not in strict accordance with the manual, but whether it could be said to be unlawful and whether it could be said to be done without any regard to the probable consequences and criminal intent, in my view a jury properly instructed could not convict Mr Barrett of those offences.”


"and continued to film the police shortly after.

It was then Barrett grabbed him from behind and tackled him to the ground, causing Peterson-English’s head to hit the floor and knocking him unconscious."

Whether he was a dickhead in the past is irrelevant, he was doing nothing but videoing the cops. Some other slight of hand was diverting the attention to this bloke from the old lady smashed over and pepper sprayed while lying defensively on the ground or the cups or coffee. (And the multitude of other episodes.

"Why are you linking random civil court cases? It's irrelevant. The dude tried to sue Pfizer etc, like he tried to and was sued by multiple people throughout his whole career.
He is a part of multiple law suits that wouldn't stand up under the US lawsuit system.The others have also been thrown out with different judges. He is the issue here as opposed to a single case. Probably wouldn't have been my choice to hear on it though, but it only takes a little bit of research to see they are getting thrown out as he isn't able to show how he has been aggrieved by these things and has no grounds."

Your entire paragraph is bullshit as you know, once again you stating something doesn't make it so and neither does your word count.
Its very relevant on the lack of divide between our judiciary and the politics. The claimant has injected thousands with a deug that is by all definition of the word a gene therapy along with his children and himself yet is told he has no standing.
That you pretend you cannot see this travesty says a lot about you and your bias.

If you actually gaf watch, or not because its been shared before and explains why they chose to terminate different the first case

Less is more little liar.
You learn something new everyday, i had thought the endo tooxin was a byproduct for cost cutting or a deliberate mechanism of harm. Seems therw may be more to the story.

"Details of Endotoxin in LNPs
Moderna and BioNTech both have to pay royalties to the US Government under Licence conditions for a 2017 Patent. Read some fine print on Furin Cleavage Site."

"The Patent in question is interesting in many respects, however today I will cover just the fact that it covers the Furin Cleavage Site that was deliberately added to Covid19 Wuhan strain and the fact that it points out that the Spike Protein is not reactogenic and needs an Adjuvant"

Now the dangers of endotoxin in the human body have been known for a long time yet they didn't just "blend" the plasmids to ensure maximum disruption of the bacteria it appears they may have used it like aluminium in the traditional autism vaxxes.

"It mentions a number of options using Endotoxin Lipid A and more interestingly, LNPs with Endotoxin deliberately incorporated into the walls"

The bloke has a PhD for a reason and and armchair reading like myself will struggle to have the time to understand it. More than very very bad for you anyway. You want to know more about the endotoxin risks and myriad mechanisms of harm have a read.

"Coincidently" the blending will ensure the DNA will almost be written unto the persons genome due to billions if not trillions of tiny parts of DNA within the rancid soup of the vaxx.
Obviously forcing the information from them via legal action just means how much the CDC care about the people

"'Safe and Effective': CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports
The agency was forced by a federal judge to disclose the reports."

Now some may consider the following a lark and nothing to worry about but that'll just tell you they have never had any of the conditions.

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.

The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported.

Another stated, “Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis.”

Just shy of 10% hey, what was that covid death rate again? Goes off age but like 0.001 for a kid you mandated to stop the spread to granny with a gene therapy that was never tested to stop the spread. A gene therapy that had little difference in nasal viral loads.
(Guess what can cause anaphylaxis and unconsciousness, yet endotoxin)

The CDC, for years, declined to make the V-safe data public, instead publishing studies that described the reports as providing reassurance about the safety of the vaccines. However, according to data released in 2022, nearly 8 percent of the 10 million users required medical attention or hospital care after vaccination,

Canada WEF pos Trudeau would be very happy, he could save on the assisted suicide drugs

"Multiple people said things were so bad that they were struggling with suicidal thoughts."

Nothing says science like hiding the data

"The free-text portion of the surveys was the only place for people to report adverse events, including heart inflammation, even though the CDC knew the vaccines might cause those events, previously released documents show. Other documents show that the CDC became aware of the vaccines possibly causing myocarditis, or heart inflammation, and a related condition called pericarditis early in 2021 but hid the knowledge from the public."

But don't worry it was just bad science and not deliberately done. The same in all the countries, hell of a co incidence.

"A CDC spokesperson declined to answer many questions, including those related to the dates of entries."

Personally I cannot see how Dr Yeadon isn't correct, these products were designed to harm and this shows in how many known mechanisms of harm were in them.
Lol, all that to say nothing. You're correct in that I mixed up the papers. You introduced the myocarditis paper into it and I was thinking of the other. My apologies, in saying that I have no problems at all using the vaers data because its there to raise awareness to safety signals.

The rest is bullshit. Lol I could have continued on for near for a long time if I had wanted on the links and studies for ivermectin to be used as an antiviral.
VAERS data is fine for raising awareness. It’s fine for spotting trends and doing further investigation. It’s not fine as a main data source.
Since literally anyone—me, you, Big Pharma shills, COVID conspiracy trolls, anyone—can create a record in VAERS, it’s a totally unreliable data source. What Rose, Kirsch, McCullough, and friends were doing is saying, “The COVID vax is fucking people up! Look at these numbers!”—and then post VAERS data. Totally unreliable.

Yesterday we discussed Unscientific Jessica’s retracted paper on lessons learned from the vax campaign. I did some more digging on this, and it seems the real situation is quite different than what she represented. Shocker.

The paper was actually published, in Cureus. John P. Moore, a microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and Gregg Gonzalves, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health, wrote a letter in which issues were raised. Copypasta follows in italics, source is here.

“The authors utterly lack relevant professional qualifications that would enable them to assess the scientific publications they draw on and/or attempt to criticize. The authors self-describe their affiliations under the rubric of “Independent Research”, or list private foundations, or in one case report an academic discipline unrelated to biology. In short, the authors cannot draw on years of training in biological science, but appear to be self-taught via the “University of Google.”

They went on to raise several issues, which I list below.

So Cureus wrote a letter to Rose, et al and laid out objections and gave them a deadline to respond, otherwise the paper would be retracted. The objections:

  1. We find that the article is misrepresenting all-cause mortality data
  2. We find that the article appears to be misrepresenting VAERs data
  3. The article states that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine saved two lives and caused 27 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, and the Moderna vaccine saved 3.9 lives and caused 10.8 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, though there does not appear to be convincing evidence for this claim.
  4. Incorrect claim: Vaccines are gene therapy products.
  5. The article states that vaccines are contaminated with high levels of DNA. Upon review we found that the cited references are not sufficient to support these claims.
  6. The article states that SV40 promoter can cause cancer because SV40 virus can cause cancer in some organisms and inconclusively in humans. However, we find that this is misrepresenting the cited study (Li, S., MacLaughlin, F., Fewell, J. et al. Muscle-specific enhancement of gene expression by incorporation of SV40 enhancer in the expression plasmid. Gene Ther8, 494–497 (2001).
  7. The article states that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines did not undergo adequate safety and efficacy testing, which the journal considers to be incorrect
  8. The article incorrectly states that spike proteins produced by COVID-19 vaccination linger in the body and cause adverse effects.
And Kirsch—I assume he was the Steve that was going to “sue big time”—threw in the fucking towel. His response:

“It doesn’t do any good to show them these reasons are all bogus. The laundry list of items is simply a placeholder to make it look like the journal is following the science….Nothing we can say on appeal will make any difference…
The decision was made to retract the paper and facts don’t matter. It’s about supporting the narrative. When they write “in our view can’t be remedied with a correction” it means “don’t even bother arguing with us, your paper is retracted.”

That poor apathetic bastard did his best Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh impression <lol>
“Deeeeep siiiigh….nothing we can dooooo”
One thing they could do is try defending their fucking research lmao. But he didn’t, because they can’t.

I looked closely at Rose’s blog post, to make sure it was this retraction she was talking about—and it is! Her story is that she just refreshed her computer screen and all of a sudden her paper was retracted, with no warning, because “something something elites, something something narrative.” But that’s not what happened.

So why is Unscientific Jessica lying her ass off?
I’ll tell you why: because she is just as unreliable and bogus as her data is. That’s why.

Public Comments Now Being Accepted​

Everyone (worldwide) is encouraged to submit a public comment to the Office of Global Affairs regarding the proposed "Pandemic Treaty" and the amendments to the IHR. Please do so A.S.A.P.​



I DEMAND that the United States delegation reject the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” and do everything in its power to encourage all other nations to also reject the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” in its entirety.

Searching for “pathogens with pandemic profiteering potential” to be brought into a WHO Coordinated Laboratory Network and Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System is blatantly similar to the proliferation of biological weapons and must be prevented at all costs.

Shortening the time for regulators to authorize products for permanent or emergency use while setting up and running a multi-billion dollar Global Distribution and Logistics Network is obviously a facade that would enable the Conference of the Parties to operate the new OPEC: An Organization of Pandemic Emergency Corporations that would waste tens of billions of dollars in order to increase the profits of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex under the guise of “equity” and prevention.

This is obviously NOT the best way to prevent the next pandemic.

This IS a blatant attempt to profit from endless early action alerts, Public Health Emergencies of International Concern and Pandemic Emergencies.

I DEMAND that the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” be rejected and the INB negotiations be terminated IMMEDIATELY.
Last edited:
Fuck me what the hell is that wall of crap and a touch of slight of hand. I own some responsibility as the gap was meant to be bigger to separate the post in two.
Still its more evidence of potential corruption because the if there was zero elevation of all cause mortality (which is the case except where malfeasance was used to murder)

"Nobody is going to be up on treason trials. You know it, I know it, the people writing this shit know it. But using words like treason until you actually know the definition of it, makes this look stupider every time you use it in this context."

- I disagree, it will depend on what comes out in the future.


"- intentionally assists, by any means whatsoever, an enemy, at war with the Commonwealth"
"Levied war, or undertook an act preparing for war, against the Commonwealth,


"intentionally assists, by 'any means whatever', another country or organisation that is 'engaged in armed hostilities' against the Australian Defence Force (ADF)""
Instigated a non-citizen to invade the Commonwealth, or one of its territories."

If it comes out that this is a conspiracy to help shuttle in a one world government or Albanese and Morrison and co were acting against the interests of our country's that can be seen an attack on the Commonwealth

"It's shit science and public policy(already established that happened everywhere), but it's not treason. It's just the crap we saw in every other country during covid all 99% agree it was shit."

Your opinion, you're entitled to it but I disagree.
One country perhaps but all, no chance.
Add in all the fraud and its impossible to be so incompetent.

Some of the slight of hand is to change

"He picked a fight with the cops because he thought he could talk shit without consequences. The judges and his own council basically pointed this out to him and it was dropped."


“It may be that the arrest was executed in a way that is not in strict accordance with the manual, but whether it could be said to be unlawful and whether it could be said to be done without any regard to the probable consequences and criminal intent, in my view a jury properly instructed could not convict Mr Barrett of those offences.”


"and continued to film the police shortly after.

It was then Barrett grabbed him from behind and tackled him to the ground, causing Peterson-English’s head to hit the floor and knocking him unconscious."

Whether he was a dickhead in the past is irrelevant, he was doing nothing but videoing the cops. Some other slight of hand was diverting the attention to this bloke from the old lady smashed over and pepper sprayed while lying defensively on the ground or the cups or coffee. (And the multitude of other episodes.

"Why are you linking random civil court cases? It's irrelevant. The dude tried to sue Pfizer etc, like he tried to and was sued by multiple people throughout his whole career.
He is a part of multiple law suits that wouldn't stand up under the US lawsuit system.The others have also been thrown out with different judges. He is the issue here as opposed to a single case. Probably wouldn't have been my choice to hear on it though, but it only takes a little bit of research to see they are getting thrown out as he isn't able to show how he has been aggrieved by these things and has no grounds."

Your entire paragraph is bullshit as you know, once again you stating something doesn't make it so and neither does your word count.
Its very relevant on the lack of divide between our judiciary and the politics. The claimant has injected thousands with a deug that is by all definition of the word a gene therapy along with his children and himself yet is told he has no standing.
That you pretend you cannot see this travesty says a lot about you and your bias.

If you actually gaf watch, or not because its been shared before and explains why they chose to terminate different the first case

Less is more little liar.

You still can't understand that the commonwealth refers to the Government or its representatives?It's the literal Government who are a representative of our Queen/King and mentions that representative multiple times. It has nothing to do with the Australian people. You can't commit treason against the countries people. It's impossible by definition , you can only commit treason by being a citizen and working against your own or another Government. Try another word that actually means what you are saying, recognise fear porn article titles. If they can't use the right word, they probably should be looked at closely as the opinion may also be flawed.

That entire shitty German article is just saying lockdowns etc were bad, they based it on more than just science and they didn't write down exactly why they progressed to high as opposed to the original classification of medium. We all know why, they copied everyone else and were guided by the Government. It's not a surprise. It's barely worth mentioning in 2024 unless you need to get some more content out there or are calling for donations (just like within that article). They paid $15,000 German dollery doos to work that out, but don't understand the definition of the word based.... High hopes for that court challenge. They spend money on frivolous shit almost to the same level of the government.

Mate did you even follow that story with the bloke taken down by the cops?

He went up to them for over an hour, barked like a dog and was screaming like he was in the exorcist in their faces. All after he was simply given a ticket for not wearing a mask and sent on his way earlier. He even refused medical attention and an ambulance immediately after. He is right in a cops face as he is taken down.

The video in the article starts of with the guy filming saying "surprise he is back". Do you even watch, read or understand anything you post?

The Victorian doctor you are referencing in the lawsuit for Pfizer has multiple active cases against different entities before the courts.
He has had matters withdrawn and heard by different judges.
He has been involved in similar civil litigation throughout his career, both as the applicant and respondent.

Whilst it wouldn't be my choice of someone to preside over the case, did you ever think that maybe his team and cases are just kinda shit overall regardless of whether you agree with his position? I know his thing is Ivermectin, but come on. You can't just back everyone blindly because they agree with your position. It's not a vast conspiracy, we just don't have the same level of civil litigation within our country as for example the US. Go read through the filings for a change. It's available and you can see why it's getting dropped.

Classic @mon. Can write double what I do, link 2-3 random articles(clearly hasn't read) and yet I wrote too much and should write less.
This isn't your personal covid blog mate. The rest of us can post here.
VAERS data is fine for raising awareness. It’s fine for spotting trends and doing further investigation. It’s not fine as a main data source.
Since literally anyone—me, you, Big Pharma shills, COVID conspiracy trolls, anyone—can create a record in VAERS, it’s a totally unreliable data source. What Rose, Kirsch, McCullough, and friends were doing is saying, “The COVID vax is fucking people up! Look at these numbers!”—and then post VAERS data. Totally unreliable.

Yesterday we discussed Unscientific Jessica’s retracted paper on lessons learned from the vax campaign. I did some more digging on this, and it seems the real situation is quite different than what she represented. Shocker.

The paper was actually published, in Cureus. John P. Moore, a microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and Gregg Gonzalves, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health, wrote a letter in which issues were raised. Copypasta follows in italics, source is here.

“The authors utterly lack relevant professional qualifications that would enable them to assess the scientific publications they draw on and/or attempt to criticize. The authors self-describe their affiliations under the rubric of “Independent Research”, or list private foundations, or in one case report an academic discipline unrelated to biology. In short, the authors cannot draw on years of training in biological science, but appear to be self-taught via the “University of Google.”

They went on to raise several issues, which I list below.

So Cureus wrote a letter to Rose, et al and laid out objections and gave them a deadline to respond, otherwise the paper would be retracted. The objections:

  1. We find that the article is misrepresenting all-cause mortality data
  2. We find that the article appears to be misrepresenting VAERs data
  3. The article states that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine saved two lives and caused 27 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, and the Moderna vaccine saved 3.9 lives and caused 10.8 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, though there does not appear to be convincing evidence for this claim.
  4. Incorrect claim: Vaccines are gene therapy products.
  5. The article states that vaccines are contaminated with high levels of DNA. Upon review we found that the cited references are not sufficient to support these claims.
  6. The article states that SV40 promoter can cause cancer because SV40 virus can cause cancer in some organisms and inconclusively in humans. However, we find that this is misrepresenting the cited study (Li, S., MacLaughlin, F., Fewell, J. et al. Muscle-specific enhancement of gene expression by incorporation of SV40 enhancer in the expression plasmid. Gene Ther8, 494–497 (2001).
  7. The article states that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines did not undergo adequate safety and efficacy testing, which the journal considers to be incorrect
  8. The article incorrectly states that spike proteins produced by COVID-19 vaccination linger in the body and cause adverse effects.
And Kirsch—I assume he was the Steve that was going to “sue big time”—threw in the fucking towel. His response:

“It doesn’t do any good to show them these reasons are all bogus. The laundry list of items is simply a placeholder to make it look like the journal is following the science….Nothing we can say on appeal will make any difference…
The decision was made to retract the paper and facts don’t matter. It’s about supporting the narrative. When they write “in our view can’t be remedied with a correction” it means “don’t even bother arguing with us, your paper is retracted.”

That poor apathetic bastard did his best Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh impression <lol>
“Deeeeep siiiigh….nothing we can dooooo”
One thing they could do is try defending their fucking research lmao. But he didn’t, because they can’t.

I looked closely at Rose’s blog post, to make sure it was this retraction she was talking about—and it is! Her story is that she just refreshed her computer screen and all of a sudden her paper was retracted, with no warning, because “something something elites, something something narrative.” But that’s not what happened.

So why is Unscientific Jessica lying her ass off?
I’ll tell you why: because she is just as unreliable and bogus as her data is. That’s why.

Woah there. Don't be actually looking into any follow up or references in these studies.
It's just the overlords blocking the truth. It's not the simple fact that drawing a graph to show vaccine deaths in MS paint and referencing Wikipedia hasn't cut it past the 3rd grade.
VAERS data is fine for raising awareness. It’s fine for spotting trends and doing further investigation. It’s not fine as a main data source.
Since literally anyone—me, you, Big Pharma shills, COVID conspiracy trolls, anyone—can create a record in VAERS, it’s a totally unreliable data source. What Rose, Kirsch, McCullough, and friends were doing is saying, “The COVID vax is fucking people up! Look at these numbers!”—and then post VAERS data. Totally unreliable.

Yesterday we discussed Unscientific Jessica’s retracted paper on lessons learned from the vax campaign. I did some more digging on this, and it seems the real situation is quite different than what she represented. Shocker.

The paper was actually published, in Cureus. John P. Moore, a microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and Gregg Gonzalves, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health, wrote a letter in which issues were raised. Copypasta follows in italics, source is here.

“The authors utterly lack relevant professional qualifications that would enable them to assess the scientific publications they draw on and/or attempt to criticize. The authors self-describe their affiliations under the rubric of “Independent Research”, or list private foundations, or in one case report an academic discipline unrelated to biology. In short, the authors cannot draw on years of training in biological science, but appear to be self-taught via the “University of Google.”

They went on to raise several issues, which I list below.

So Cureus wrote a letter to Rose, et al and laid out objections and gave them a deadline to respond, otherwise the paper would be retracted. The objections:

  1. We find that the article is misrepresenting all-cause mortality data
  2. We find that the article appears to be misrepresenting VAERs data
  3. The article states that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine saved two lives and caused 27 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, and the Moderna vaccine saved 3.9 lives and caused 10.8 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, though there does not appear to be convincing evidence for this claim.
  4. Incorrect claim: Vaccines are gene therapy products.
  5. The article states that vaccines are contaminated with high levels of DNA. Upon review we found that the cited references are not sufficient to support these claims.
  6. The article states that SV40 promoter can cause cancer because SV40 virus can cause cancer in some organisms and inconclusively in humans. However, we find that this is misrepresenting the cited study (Li, S., MacLaughlin, F., Fewell, J. et al. Muscle-specific enhancement of gene expression by incorporation of SV40 enhancer in the expression plasmid. Gene Ther8, 494–497 (2001).
  7. The article states that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines did not undergo adequate safety and efficacy testing, which the journal considers to be incorrect
  8. The article incorrectly states that spike proteins produced by COVID-19 vaccination linger in the body and cause adverse effects.
And Kirsch—I assume he was the Steve that was going to “sue big time”—threw in the fucking towel. His response:

“It doesn’t do any good to show them these reasons are all bogus. The laundry list of items is simply a placeholder to make it look like the journal is following the science….Nothing we can say on appeal will make any difference…
The decision was made to retract the paper and facts don’t matter. It’s about supporting the narrative. When they write “in our view can’t be remedied with a correction” it means “don’t even bother arguing with us, your paper is retracted.”

That poor apathetic bastard did his best Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh impression <lol>
“Deeeeep siiiigh….nothing we can dooooo”
One thing they could do is try defending their fucking research lmao. But he didn’t, because they can’t.

I looked closely at Rose’s blog post, to make sure it was this retraction she was talking about—and it is! Her story is that she just refreshed her computer screen and all of a sudden her paper was retracted, with no warning, because “something something elites, something something narrative.” But that’s not what happened.

So why is Unscientific Jessica lying her ass off?
I’ll tell you why: because she is just as unreliable and bogus as her data is. That’s why.
VAERS data is fine for raising awareness. It’s fine for spotting trends and doing further investigation. It’s not fine as a main data source.
Since literally anyone—me, you, Big Pharma shills, COVID conspiracy trolls, anyone—can create a record in VAERS, it’s a totally unreliable data source. What Rose, Kirsch, McCullough, and friends were doing is saying, “The COVID vax is fucking people up! Look at these numbers!”—and then post VAERS data. Totally unreliable.

Yesterday we discussed Unscientific Jessica’s retracted paper on lessons learned from the vax campaign. I did some more digging on this, and it seems the real situation is quite different than what she represented. Shocker.

The paper was actually published, in Cureus. John P. Moore, a microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and Gregg Gonzalves, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health, wrote a letter in which issues were raised. Copypasta follows in italics, source is here.

“The authors utterly lack relevant professional qualifications that would enable them to assess the scientific publications they draw on and/or attempt to criticize. The authors self-describe their affiliations under the rubric of “Independent Research”, or list private foundations, or in one case report an academic discipline unrelated to biology. In short, the authors cannot draw on years of training in biological science, but appear to be self-taught via the “University of Google.”

They went on to raise several issues, which I list below.

So Cureus wrote a letter to Rose, et al and laid out objections and gave them a deadline to respond, otherwise the paper would be retracted. The objections:

  1. We find that the article is misrepresenting all-cause mortality data
  2. We find that the article appears to be misrepresenting VAERs data
  3. The article states that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine saved two lives and caused 27 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, and the Moderna vaccine saved 3.9 lives and caused 10.8 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, though there does not appear to be convincing evidence for this claim.
  4. Incorrect claim: Vaccines are gene therapy products.
  5. The article states that vaccines are contaminated with high levels of DNA. Upon review we found that the cited references are not sufficient to support these claims.
  6. The article states that SV40 promoter can cause cancer because SV40 virus can cause cancer in some organisms and inconclusively in humans. However, we find that this is misrepresenting the cited study (Li, S., MacLaughlin, F., Fewell, J. et al. Muscle-specific enhancement of gene expression by incorporation of SV40 enhancer in the expression plasmid. Gene Ther8, 494–497 (2001).
  7. The article states that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines did not undergo adequate safety and efficacy testing, which the journal considers to be incorrect
  8. The article incorrectly states that spike proteins produced by COVID-19 vaccination linger in the body and cause adverse effects.
And Kirsch—I assume he was the Steve that was going to “sue big time”—threw in the fucking towel. His response:

“It doesn’t do any good to show them these reasons are all bogus. The laundry list of items is simply a placeholder to make it look like the journal is following the science….Nothing we can say on appeal will make any difference…
The decision was made to retract the paper and facts don’t matter. It’s about supporting the narrative. When they write “in our view can’t be remedied with a correction” it means “don’t even bother arguing with us, your paper is retracted.”

That poor apathetic bastard did his best Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh impression <lol>
“Deeeeep siiiigh….nothing we can dooooo”
One thing they could do is try defending their fucking research lmao. But he didn’t, because they can’t.

I looked closely at Rose’s blog post, to make sure it was this retraction she was talking about—and it is! Her story is that she just refreshed her computer screen and all of a sudden her paper was retracted, with no warning, because “something something elites, something something narrative.” But that’s not what happened.

So why is Unscientific Jessica lying her ass off?
I’ll tell you why: because she is just as unreliable and bogus as her data is. That’s why.

Lmfao, "I looked closely at Rose’s blog post"
"Her story is that she just refreshed her computer screen and all of a sudden her paper was retracted, with no warning, because “something something elites, something something narrative.” But that’s not what happened."


"As I sat in Jan Jekielek’s studio chair, our paper got retracted. In fact, when the episode comes out, you’ll see Jan refresh his browser live to witness the change to ‘retracted’ status. "

Suuuure you did.

“The authors utterly lack relevant professional qualifications that would enable them to assess the scientific publications they draw on and/or attempt to criticize.
.In short, the authors cannot draw on years of training in biological science, but appear to be self-taught via the “University of Google.”

"*****We find that the article is misrepresenting all-cause mortality data*****

*****We find that the article appears to be misrepresenting VAERs data*****

The article states that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine saved two lives and caused 27 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, and the Moderna vaccine saved 3.9 lives and caused 10.8 deaths per 100,000 vaccinations,
*****though there does not appear to be convincing evidence for this claim.****"
(All you need to do is apply the ratio of adverse reactions in the clinical trial data for the numbers given, this is the purpose of clinical trials)

*****Incorrect claim: Vaccines are gene therapy products.*****
(Its a fact by the company's own words)

*****The article states that vaccines are contaminated with high levels of DNA. Upon review we found that the cited references are not sufficient to support these claims.*****
(Independently verified by a hell of a lot of labs and also Canada health and the EU)

*****The article states that SV40 promoter can cause cancer because SV40 virus can cause cancer in some organisms and inconclusively in humans. *****
However, we find that this is misrepresenting the cited study (Li, S., MacLaughlin, F., Fewell, J. et al. Muscle-specific enhancement of gene expression by incorporation of SV40 enhancer in the expression plasmid. Gene Ther8, 494–497 (2001). ****"
Literally lololololololololololol

- ****"The article incorrectly states that spike proteins produced by COVID-19 vaccination linger in the body and cause adverse effects****"
245 days later

Lol if only we could apply their opinions on the other fields to himself but thats the hypocrisy. What a surprise, 1 well know industry shill acting as opposition(a hiv glycoprotein expert too, we will see if this develops going forward)

"Pfizer and Yale join forces for research and education
Medicine@Yale, 2005 - June July"
(Thats a hell of a lot of funding history)

While Greggy "an activist scientist" would appear to be in a compromised position, no pun intended he certainly retracted an opinion quickly that wasn't on Pfizer's good books

Lol Kirsch is correct, you could publish water is wet and if thats counter to the funding, sorry science it would be disparaged.

Sucharit Bhakdi is a microbiologist and far more experienced than either of these shills. They gain with their stance and he loses for his, I know which one I'm trusting with my life.

Don't worry, I see what you're doing.

How many, approximate time frames please?

I know you're American due to your try hard trump etc shit
You still can't understand that the commonwealth refers to the Government or its representatives?It's the literal Government who are a representative of our Queen/King and mentions that representative multiple times. It has nothing to do with the Australian people. You can't commit treason against the countries people. It's impossible by definition , you can only commit treason by being a citizen and working against your own or another Government. Try another word that actually means what you are saying, recognise fear porn article titles. If they can't use the right word, they probably should be looked at closely as the opinion may also be flawed.

That entire shitty German article is just saying lockdowns etc were bad, they based it on more than just science and they didn't write down exactly why they progressed to high as opposed to the original classification of medium. We all know why, they copied everyone else and were guided by the Government. It's not a surprise. It's barely worth mentioning in 2024 unless you need to get some more content out there or are calling for donations (just like within that article). They paid $15,000 German dollery doos to work that out, but don't understand the definition of the word based.... High hopes for that court challenge. They spend money on frivolous shit almost to the same level of the government.

Mate did you even follow that story with the bloke taken down by the cops?

He went up to them for over an hour, barked like a dog and was screaming like he was in the exorcist in their faces. All after he was simply given a ticket for not wearing a mask and sent on his way earlier. He even refused medical attention and an ambulance immediately after. He is right in a cops face as he is taken down.

The video in the article starts of with the guy filming saying "surprise he is back". Do you even watch, read or understand anything you post?

The Victorian doctor you are referencing in the lawsuit for Pfizer has multiple active cases against different entities before the courts.
He has had matters withdrawn and heard by different judges.
He has been involved in similar civil litigation throughout his career, both as the applicant and respondent.

Whilst it wouldn't be my choice of someone to preside over the case, did you ever think that maybe his team and cases are just kinda shit overall regardless of whether you agree with his position? I know his thing is Ivermectin, but come on. You can't just back everyone blindly because they agree with your position. It's not a vast conspiracy, we just don't have the same level of civil litigation within our country as for example the US. Go read through the filings for a change. It's available and you can see why it's getting dropped.

Classic @mon. Can write double what I do, link 2-3 random articles(clearly hasn't read) and yet I wrote too much and should write less.
This isn't your personal covid blog mate. The rest of us can post here.

I may remind you of him but I'm not your dad boy, he's gone let it go. In reality your dad was right and you wrong but thats my opinion.
You trying to force being right will never change the past and what happened between you. Using deceit to be right will never work because once people see it they apply the label of bullshit artist to you and you'll never get out of that box.

If you want closure look inside because if you showed the same manipulative traits you have over our entire history this would be why he wouldn't/couldn't listen to you. Everything you say is looked at with suspicion and not given and credibility.


This is classic you, your lies, gaslighting and mostly subtle bullshit. You word it like you have afull understanding but you just try to mislead and distort.

- "The Victorian doctor",
he is a pharmacist that was the claimant for the gmo case. He most definitely has standing after being coerced and manipulated into injecting a bioweapon into thousands including all his family. The conflicts of interest between the judge and Pfizer are out of this world yet nothing about that.
This is part of your manipulative character as you deparately try to divert attention from the point to a path that leads away.


- "He is right in a cops face as he is taken down."

No he wasn't. Apply that reasoning to yourself out, having a disagreement but at talking distance. I come up in your blind spot, pick you up and smash you head first into the concrete?

If he killed it would have been a manslaughter charge like the old lady that got killed when tasered.

This is another example- you desperately divert attention from the point undue and what should be illegal force to this side topic where you think you can make your pro narrative point.
The reason is because the old lady smasked over (and while defenseless, prone on the ground gets pepper sprayed)

You can sit here rehashing personal regrets through but unless there is a point I have things to do and there are better uses of my time picking out your deceit.
No doubt you'll take this badly but its not meant that way, I'm telling you the truth as I see it and showing you the respect I believe is owed by speaking it.
I may remind you of him but I'm not your dad boy, he's gone let it go. In reality your dad was right and you wrong but thats my opinion.
You trying to force being right will never change the past and what happened between you. Using deceit to be right will never work because once people see it they apply the label of bullshit artist to you and you'll never get out of that box.

If you want closure look inside because if you showed the same manipulative traits you have over our entire history this would be why he wouldn't/couldn't listen to you. Everything you say is looked at with suspicion and not given and credibility.


This is classic you, your lies, gaslighting and mostly subtle bullshit. You word it like you have afull understanding but you just try to mislead and distort.

- "The Victorian doctor",
he is a pharmacist that was the claimant for the gmo case. He most definitely has standing after being coerced and manipulated into injecting a bioweapon into thousands including all his family. The conflicts of interest between the judge and Pfizer are out of this world yet nothing about that.
This is part of your manipulative character as you deparately try to divert attention from the point to a path that leads away.


- "He is right in a cops face as he is taken down."

No he wasn't. Apply that reasoning to yourself out, having a disagreement but at talking distance. I come up in your blind spot, pick you up and smash you head first into the concrete?

If he killed it would have been a manslaughter charge like the old lady that got killed when tasered.

This is another example- you desperately divert attention from the point undue and what should be illegal force to this side topic where you think you can make your pro narrative point.
The reason is because the old lady smasked over (and while defenseless, prone on the ground gets pepper sprayed)

You can sit here rehashing personal regrets through but unless there is a point I have things to do and there are better uses of my time picking out your deceit.
No doubt you'll take this badly but its not meant that way, I'm telling you the truth as I see it and showing you the respect I believe is owed by speaking it.
Is that the best you have? Again because he believed the covid vaccine would cause him heart issues everything he thought must have been right?
You don't even know what he believed outside of that specific area. All I said is he shared the same shitty articles you do in this thread back then, so I had seen them before. I know all these people because I previously followed all this stuff off my own back. It's the same charlatans, peddling the same crap 4 years on.

Am I posting any differently than I did previously to these poorly researched opinion pieces ?

Back to the gaslighting... Again it's not the right word to use.
Gaslighting is the psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.
Know the definitions of the words you are using. Have I made you lose confidence and self esteem? Are you now dependent on me ?
Stop parroting other peoples articles and language without understanding what it means. I am not being subtle about anything. I am saying you don't understand or read anything you post in this thread. It's about as direct as I can be.

Again with this guy getting arrested by Police and defending him because "CoVid VaCCine?!@". They reviewed over an hour plus of different footage, had multiple witnesses come forward and this guys own legal team, basically come out and say this guy was there acting like an absolute idiot for over an hour, before he was arrested and taken to the ground. Is the takedown perfect? No but he had already been arrested, given a ticket, told to leave multiple times and kept coming up to the Police,causing issues for everyone and after it they still offered him medical assistance which he declined.

Disagreement? They have exhausted all options except to use physical force on him at that point. The cops don't have to challenge him to an honourable duel, they already arrested him, gave him a ticket and told him to leave and he is continuing to be violent towards them. Court was his next venue to air his issues at that point. That's what the court is for, but the videos were all shown in court and it went poorly for him. It's literally explained in the decision and why the charges were dropped. If they killed him? They took him to the ground with the stupid takedown they are taught and he hit his head because he fell over. He was so badly hurt he refused medical attention for some cuts until it involved claiming PTSD. Do the research on things you post.

Next you will be saying we need manslaughter charges for AFL footy... Come mate. It was just a crap takedown because cops don't get trained well enough because they have to spend all the time entertaining losers like this.

Same thing with the old lady. The full video shows them tell people what was happening and that they were moving forward, at that point it was time to leave. They moved forward she runs forward, was shoved and pepper sprayed and once they took back that bit of street, they looked after her. Same with the reporter who got sprayed. I actually met him he was a good guy and took to wearing a pink press vest because he had been sprayed before.

I was at these things dude. The legitimate people against these lockdown laws, think all these people are idiots because they prevented any actual legit protesting by employing violent measures and not working within the correct means to be heard. These idiots basically screwed it for everyone else by not understanding how to use the laws correctly.

Stop parroting other peoples articles and views and think critically. Don't defend people just because they have an opinion you agree with. I am more critical of these people because of my views of this stuff. If we still had people saying the vaccine was a cure all, I would be going just as hard on them.
Is that the best you have? Again because he believed the covid vaccine would cause him heart issues everything he thought must have been right?
You don't even know what he believed outside of that specific area. All I said is he shared the same shitty articles you do in this thread back then, so I had seen them before. I know all these people because I previously followed all this stuff off my own back. It's the same charlatans, peddling the same crap 4 years on.

Am I posting any differently than I did previously to these poorly researched opinion pieces ?

Back to the gaslighting... Again it's not the right word to use.
Gaslighting is the psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.
Know the definitions of the words you are using. Have I made you lose confidence and self esteem? Are you now dependent on me ?
Stop parroting other peoples articles and language without understanding what it means. I am not being subtle about anything. I am saying you don't understand or read anything you post in this thread. It's about as direct as I can be.

Again with this guy getting arrested by Police and defending him because "CoVid VaCCine?!@". They reviewed over an hour plus of different footage, had multiple witnesses come forward and this guys own legal team, basically come out and say this guy was there acting like an absolute idiot for over an hour, before he was arrested and taken to the ground. Is the takedown perfect? No but he had already been arrested, given a ticket, told to leave multiple times and kept coming up to the Police,causing issues for everyone and after it they still offered him medical assistance which he declined.

Disagreement? They have exhausted all options except to use physical force on him at that point. The cops don't have to challenge him to an honourable duel, they already arrested him, gave him a ticket and told him to leave and he is continuing to be violent towards them. Court was his next venue to air his issues at that point. That's what the court is for, but the videos were all shown in court and it went poorly for him. It's literally explained in the decision and why the charges were dropped. If they killed him? They took him to the ground with the stupid takedown they are taught and he hit his head because he fell over. He was so badly hurt he refused medical attention for some cuts until it involved claiming PTSD. Do the research on things you post.

Next you will be saying we need manslaughter charges for AFL footy... Come mate. It was just a crap takedown because cops don't get trained well enough because they have to spend all the time entertaining losers like this.

Same thing with the old lady. The full video shows them tell people what was happening and that they were moving forward, at that point it was time to leave. They moved forward she runs forward, was shoved and pepper sprayed and once they took back that bit of street, they looked after her. Same with the reporter who got sprayed. I actually met him he was a good guy and took to wearing a pink press vest because he had been sprayed before.

I was at these things dude. The legitimate people against these lockdown laws, think all these people are idiots because they prevented any actual legit protesting by employing violent measures and not working within the correct means to be heard. These idiots basically screwed it for everyone else by not understanding how to use the laws correctly.

Stop parroting other peoples articles and views and think critically. Don't defend people just because they have an opinion you agree with. I am more critical of these people because of my views of this stuff. If we still had people saying the vaccine was a cure all, I would be going just as hard on them.

As I said, it was an observation not an attack. If I wanted to attack you it would have been completely different, both the tone, intensity and the direction.

I may read your great wall of text later but I doubt it because theres always slyness hidden in the details and never straight.

An observation that maybe you should reflect on., or not. Your life your issues.
We have a few studies now that have been posted. The first was a Thai study
that showed a significant percentage with some form of heart damage.

The second was initially one Scandinavian study but a second more comprehensive one showed a 100% alteration to baseline normap function.

The lessot harms shown study

"Saudi study reports 27% of those injected with experimental mRNA C19 “vaccines” suffered cardiac issues"


Significant associations were found among demographic variables, vaccination behaviors, health diagnoses, and perceptions of self-reported physician-diagnosed cardiac complications post mRNA vaccination in Saudi Arabia.

Key findings included a high mRNA vaccine uptake with a frequency of 747 (92.79%) and a mere frequency of 218 (27.11%) reporting cardiac complications post vaccination. The study highlighted diverse influences on vaccine decisions, with a frequency of 384 (47.76%) expressing neutral confidence in vaccine safety."

With the Israeli study showing zero myocarditis elevation in unvaxxed young men the potential heart damage to hundreds of millions is a large unknown. Now imagine that the damage inducing protien is now an inherited trait passed down intergenerationally.

But don't worry, it's safe and effective. Just ask the potentially criminally complicit and the people that are that far from being vaxxed they're a year or two unvaxxed.
As I said, it was an observation not an attack. If I wanted to attack you it would have been completely different, both the tone, intensity and the direction.

I may read your great wall of text later but I doubt it because theres always slyness hidden in the details and never straight.

An observation that maybe you should reflect on., or not. Your life your issues.
All I am doing is pointing out the flaws in your posts and articles. The issue is you struggle when somebody actually reads the posts because you haven't read them yourself.
You share things from other people you have taken off face value without actually going through it. It's why you can never actually defend a post without just posting more unread articles. It's why so many people with differing opinions, come in and can tear these posts apart. Most just don't waste the time anymore because everyone has kinda just got bored of it.

Your linked posts use as much science as they did to decide that rewearing an unwashed piece of cloth over your face would stop the spread of covid. It's the same crap just posted from the opposite side.
Mmmmm wasn't one of those industry shills from Yale,
Mmm didn't Yale have a massive link for almost 20 years with Yale.
Mmm have to wonder what they're making from it.

"Polymer nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination"

Coincidentally Queensland Australia has already approved the testing of aerosoled vaxxes.
Certainly a lot of potential for dosing without consent. So much for sex, weight age guides