Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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Highly effective.

Two of my parents' circle of friends got hospitalised with covid last week - both fully vaccinated. One died last night, he was 80 so he had a good innings to be fair and it sounds like he didn't suffer too much. The other is 68, he's on a ventilator but stable apparently.

It's almost like this virus is gonna hit the people it's going to hit, either way, right?

just wondering how long ppl are going to trust politicians, medical industry and msm who have obviously been paid off to fix/set/work the numbers to support the pharma agenda
Just seen this one, though it would be interesting to share. A 2-minute video with Fauci explaining how there's a need for some "major disruption" to happen so they could roll out mRNA vaccines instead of the standard technology. Unreal, they even mention "it's not far off to believe that we could have a novel virus coming out of China somewhere". October 2019.


Then after that interview........

Ted Nugent says he’s “never been so scared in all my life” than battling COVID-19
"It was really scary. I didn't think I was gonna make it"

Ted Nugent has opened up on his recent battle with COVID-19, saying he’s “never been so scared in all my life”.

Nugent announced earlier this month that he had contracted the virus, before denying that he had previously called coronavirus a hoax. The controversial right-wing singer has attracted criticism for his views on the ongoing pandemic over the last year.

Reflecting on his experience with COVID in a new edition of his Ted Nugent’s Spirit Campfire show, he said: “I never am a sympathy guy. I’m a tough guy. I’d rather err on the side of ‘tough guy.’ Five [or] six days ago, it was really scary. I didn’t think I was gonna make it. I literally couldn’t function for about 20 hours, and then they came and they rescued me… I’ve never been so scared in all my life.

“I’ve had the flu three or four times in my life,” he continued. “I’m in bed and I’m giving birth to swampage — I mean, I go through six boxes of Kleenex an hour. Okay, that’s the flu, and you’ve got a headache and you’ve got body aches. Maybe you’ve got some diarrhea, and just overall pain.”

Nugent added: “I don’t struggle to express myself. The six-foot-two, 225-pound headache [this time] was like nothing I have ever experienced. I mean, from my tip of my toes to the top of my hair, I literally was dizzy and weak and struggled to get up to go to the bathroom. And I would lay in the bathtub a couple of times a day with the water as hot as I could take it just to divert.”

After reporting that he had contracted COVID, Nugent denied saying that the virus was “not a real pandemic,” and hit out at press reports that detailed his stance on coronavirus.

“Saying that I claimed COVID-19 was a hoax. False,” he told fans on Facebook Live. “I’ve always said… We have actually footage of me saying, if not hundreds, thousands of times… Of course there’s a Chinese virus. Hello? Who thinks that I claimed there’s no Chinese… There’s a Chinese virus. They call it COVID-19. I’m well aware of that.”

The singer also recently responded to allegations of racism, calling himself “the anti-racist”.
Then after that interview........

Ted Nugent says he’s “never been so scared in all my life” than battling COVID-19
"It was really scary. I didn't think I was gonna make it"

Ted Nugent has opened up on his recent battle with COVID-19, saying he’s “never been so scared in all my life”.

Nugent announced earlier this month that he had contracted the virus, before denying that he had previously called coronavirus a hoax. The controversial right-wing singer has attracted criticism for his views on the ongoing pandemic over the last year.

Reflecting on his experience with COVID in a new edition of his Ted Nugent’s Spirit Campfire show, he said: “I never am a sympathy guy. I’m a tough guy. I’d rather err on the side of ‘tough guy.’ Five [or] six days ago, it was really scary. I didn’t think I was gonna make it. I literally couldn’t function for about 20 hours, and then they came and they rescued me… I’ve never been so scared in all my life.

“I’ve had the flu three or four times in my life,” he continued. “I’m in bed and I’m giving birth to swampage — I mean, I go through six boxes of Kleenex an hour. Okay, that’s the flu, and you’ve got a headache and you’ve got body aches. Maybe you’ve got some diarrhea, and just overall pain.”

Nugent added: “I don’t struggle to express myself. The six-foot-two, 225-pound headache [this time] was like nothing I have ever experienced. I mean, from my tip of my toes to the top of my hair, I literally was dizzy and weak and struggled to get up to go to the bathroom. And I would lay in the bathtub a couple of times a day with the water as hot as I could take it just to divert.”

After reporting that he had contracted COVID, Nugent denied saying that the virus was “not a real pandemic,” and hit out at press reports that detailed his stance on coronavirus.

“Saying that I claimed COVID-19 was a hoax. False,” he told fans on Facebook Live. “I’ve always said… We have actually footage of me saying, if not hundreds, thousands of times… Of course there’s a Chinese virus. Hello? Who thinks that I claimed there’s no Chinese… There’s a Chinese virus. They call it COVID-19. I’m well aware of that.”

The singer also recently responded to allegations of racism, calling himself “the anti-racist”.
So a old guy got over COVID? impressive. Obviously it's a funny vid
Then after that interview........

Ted Nugent says he’s “never been so scared in all my life” than battling COVID-19
"It was really scary. I didn't think I was gonna make it"

Ted Nugent has opened up on his recent battle with COVID-19, saying he’s “never been so scared in all my life”.

Nugent announced earlier this month that he had contracted the virus, before denying that he had previously called coronavirus a hoax. The controversial right-wing singer has attracted criticism for his views on the ongoing pandemic over the last year.

Reflecting on his experience with COVID in a new edition of his Ted Nugent’s Spirit Campfire show, he said: “I never am a sympathy guy. I’m a tough guy. I’d rather err on the side of ‘tough guy.’ Five [or] six days ago, it was really scary. I didn’t think I was gonna make it. I literally couldn’t function for about 20 hours, and then they came and they rescued me… I’ve never been so scared in all my life.

“I’ve had the flu three or four times in my life,” he continued. “I’m in bed and I’m giving birth to swampage — I mean, I go through six boxes of Kleenex an hour. Okay, that’s the flu, and you’ve got a headache and you’ve got body aches. Maybe you’ve got some diarrhea, and just overall pain.”

Nugent added: “I don’t struggle to express myself. The six-foot-two, 225-pound headache [this time] was like nothing I have ever experienced. I mean, from my tip of my toes to the top of my hair, I literally was dizzy and weak and struggled to get up to go to the bathroom. And I would lay in the bathtub a couple of times a day with the water as hot as I could take it just to divert.”

After reporting that he had contracted COVID, Nugent denied saying that the virus was “not a real pandemic,” and hit out at press reports that detailed his stance on coronavirus.

“Saying that I claimed COVID-19 was a hoax. False,” he told fans on Facebook Live. “I’ve always said… We have actually footage of me saying, if not hundreds, thousands of times… Of course there’s a Chinese virus. Hello? Who thinks that I claimed there’s no Chinese… There’s a Chinese virus. They call it COVID-19. I’m well aware of that.”

The singer also recently responded to allegations of racism, calling himself “the anti-racist”.
If not for all covid hoopla he wouldnt have been scared. I had pneumonia and no taste a month before first covid case here in Indiana, couldnt take a deep breath for a month without chest pain, but never freaked out. Then covid was here with every flu symptom, was like damn i just had the china flu.
Long story short, we all get sick and luckily we're equipped with bodies that heal rather impressively. I will never be convinced that a vaccine is better than getting sick naturally, atleast with coronaviruses that will never be eradicated
If only the vax would eliminate this shit and not just slow down variants or lessen viral loads that spread. Big pharma has pretty much backtracked every claim they made when the vax came out, especially funny since this time last year there was no vax and still same # of people still crowding hospitals and dying
What really irks me is the tone and the way they're talking about it. So smug and relaxed, we must be nothing but cattle in their eyes. Probably even lower than that, I'm really struggling to understand how anyone can still think these people care about anyone's health and well-being.

The "patch" the one guy is talking about right at the end, is coming.

Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record
The tags are incorporated in only some of the array of sugar-based microneedles on a patch. When the needles dissolve in about two minutes, they deliver the vaccine and leave the pattern of tags just under the skin, where they become something like a bar-code tattoo.

Instead of ink, this highly specific medical record consists of copper-based quantum dots embedded in biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. Their near-infrared dye is invisible, but the pattern they set can be read and interpreted by a customized smartphone.

It's the inevitable next step if we allow the passports to stand.
What really irks me is the tone and the way they're talking about it. So smug and relaxed, we must be nothing but cattle in their eyes. Probably even lower than that, I'm really struggling to understand how anyone can still think these people care about anyone's health and well-being.
This is peak hubris, nothing more, nothing less.

It’s a mental illness, just like dozens of other neurosis holding mankind hostage.
If only the vax would eliminate this shit and not just slow down variants or lessen viral loads that spread. Big pharma has pretty much backtracked every claim they made when the vax came out, especially funny since this time last year there was no vax and still same # of people still crowding hospitals and dying
I mean if it did what other vaccines do, you really wouldn't have a problem with people going out to get it.

I just don't see the point of healthy humans getting it, if you give it to the elderly and the more vulnerable yea, but if the vaccine is that shit it doesn't help them if everyone else doesn't get it....

Well the vaccine is not doing its job very well.
Lol it's so obvious and retarded and preposterous I almost can't believe anymore.

Poison a dude with a so called vax and when he dies blame it on the virus that the poison was supposed to prevent Lolollololololololol
Seems like they are blaming the unmasked on this one.

Imagine being so dejected and demoralized as to stay in California and subject your child to this.
I will never ever understand the point of the covid jab for kids. Anyone under 18 or even up 25/30 tbh.

Stories like this is what piss me off the most, a kids lost his friggen life here....
I mean if it did what other vaccines do, you really wouldn't have a problem with people going out to get it.

I just don't see the point of healthy humans getting it, if you give it to the elderly and the more vulnerable yea, but if the vaccine is that shit it doesn't help them if everyone else doesn't get it....

Well the vaccine is not doing its job very well.
This conveys an absolute failure to comprehend the virtue of vaccines.

The vaccine suppresses transmission of the disease by increasing the resistance of every person from contracting the disease. The disease spreads geometrically. The vaccine can't do its job if "healthy" individuals don't take it. Because they aren't healthy once they get sick, and this increases the risk to those vulnerable groups who are more likely to die or suffer serious side effects from the disease-- even if they are themselves vaccinated. The math is undeniable.
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