Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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This is all about control and subjugation. The biggest threat the West faces are our own politicians. Its never been more clear than it is now.
Covid gives people Myocarditis after they have recovered from Covid. Nothing to see or question here folks.

Edmonton Oilers forward Josh Archibald is out indefinitely due to myocarditis and had COVID-19 over the summer, head coach Dave Tippett said Sunday. In late September, Oilers general manager Ken Holland confirmed Archibald was unvaccinated.

The forward is the second Edmonton player to have myocarditis, the inflammation of the heart muscle, after contracting COVID-19. Goaltender Alex Stalock is expected to miss this entire season after suffering the same fate.

Looks like his career may be over with his Myocarditis, what a shame.

This conveys an absolute failure to comprehend the virtue of vaccines.

The vaccine suppresses transmission of the disease by increasing the resistance of every person from contracting the disease. The disease spreads geometrically. The vaccine can't do its job if "healthy" individuals don't take it. Because they aren't healthy once they get sick, and this increases the risk to those vulnerable groups who are more likely to die or suffer serious side effects from the disease-- even if they are themselves vaccinated. The math is undeniable.
You have to be on Pfizer's payroll to write this. This doesn't make any logical sense at all.
You have to be on Pfizer's payroll to write this. This doesn't make any logical sense at all.
It makes perfect sense. Let's present it as simply as possible with a hypothetical expositioning risk ratios.

Person A is unvaccinated. His risk is 100%.
Person B is vaccinated. His risk is 18%.

This is the actual ratio in the delta-dominant phase published just last month.

If Person B shares space with Person A, and Person A remains unvaccinated, Person B's risk factor doesn't change. However, if Person A gets vaccinated, suddenly his risk drops to 18%. Thus, Person B no longer has an 18% chance of contracting the disease because the odds of his exposure has been reduced thanks to Person A's increased resistance. Now, Person B has a 3% risk.
This is all experimental medicine. A lot of people are probably going to die from it, and they're going to cover it up. They're forcibly using human beings as test subjects. These are crimes against humanity.
It makes perfect sense. Let's present it as simply as possible with a hypothetical expositioning risk ratios.

Person A is unvaccinated. His risk is 100%.
Person B is vaccinated. His risk is 18%.

This is the actual ratio in the delta-dominant phase published just last month.

If Person B shares space with Person A, and Person A remains unvaccinated, Person B's risk factor doesn't change. However, if Person A gets vaccinated, suddenly his risk drops to 18%. Thus, Person B no longer has an 18% chance of contracting the disease because the odds of his exposure has been reduced thanks to Person A's increased resistance. Now, Person B has a 3% risk.
I gotta see this study. I also gotta see how they determine anything about it being linked to a variant due to the fact that there is no variant test.

And I am completely content with my 100% risk as in actuality my survival rate is 99.8%. So 100% risk = 0.2%.

The elephant in the room for these experimental vaccines (gene therapies) is the side effects, we already know the short-term side effects which are catastrophic, we are yet to determine the long-term side effects, and rn the juice just isn't worth the squeeze in terms of risk/reward ratio.

Masks don't work. It's medical theater. This is what tyranny looks like, no exaggeration.

I'd say, at this point (for the Aussies there in Victoria), if any masks ought to be worn, they ought to be these...

I'm honestly thinking of ordering one and using it in any mask mandated stores around my way, just to see what reactions I get.
The problem is a study just came out saying the chances to pass Covid are very close to vaccinated and unvaccinated after 3 months of the shots. That math you just posted is not true with Delta unless you have a study to back that up.
I see you're moving the goalposts to now attacking the ratios after you misinterpreted my post, but you'll find no relief with this pivot.

This was published under a month ago, and no, the vaccinated and unvaccinated are NOT very close after three months. Their study articulated the ratio I'm quoting to you specifically during the delta dominant phase, from late June into early July, and that was the figure. This ratio expresses the risk for all vaccinated individuals, too, so this includes people vaccinated more than three months earlier.

Previous studies have indicated a 22% VE attrition rate per month, but other studies have contradicted this, showing the vaccine holding up very well. The most recent data affirms the latter. It was 93% for a period extending through August 21st for the Moderna vaccine:

Moderna themselves most recently shared their confirmation it wanes, but the reduction was only 36% after 12 months, so the protection for the vaccinated continues to be much greater than for the unvaccinated. Bear in mind that, originally, for a period of several months in spring and early summer, prior to Delta, over 95% of new cases were unvaccinated. Understand that doesn't mean the VE was 95%. Also understand a 36% reduction in this VE after 12 months wouldn't equal a 59% enduring advantage for the vaccinated. Their resistance would remain greater than that. It isn't a matter of subtraction, mathematically.
Dude.. Cliffs. Ain't watching a 15 min video
I click on maybe one of every 20 bitchute videos posted and skim through them if I am bored. That one was cool because she talks about Bill Gates. Makes her seem very trustworthy and the kind of doctor we need more of.
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