News Grizzly kills 2 people in Banff

People need to look at pictures of deadly bear attacks before going hiking in these places. These are highly intelligent , extremely powerful ambush predators. They have even ambushed park rangers. The idiocy of going hiking without often even a needed caliber of gun is mind blowing.

You don't go camping / hiking this unprepared next to lions why do you it there?

Imo a lot of this is due to people just being so disassociated from Nature living in modern environment they can't imagine just being killed because nature. You won't ever find a trapper being unprepared.

It's cause of the whole, "bears rarely attack" crowd convincing people you are more likely to get struck by lightning. Though there is some truth to it, when bears actually do attack, its quite brutal and far worse then say a lion or tiger attack. Those animals go straight for the kill. Bear related deaths are usually slow and agonizing.
Nature is beyond brutal. If I was being attacked by this beast, I would die of fear before I actually died physically.

Zero chance I’d ever bring my family to bear country without at least a 10mm on me.
Being ravaged by a bear is on the top of my list of things not to die by.

I guess people are right by saying you shouldn't bring your dog nor taking a stroll deep into the woods
Im guessing you can't bring a firearm into Banff?

What was the scenario in the situation? Dog ran up to the bear and started barking. Owners run up to the dog to try and save pet and in the process got destroyed in a split second.

Besides not having a dog, could bear mace or bangers have saved them ?
Camped a ton in Banff and Jasper. Never saw a grizzly but a few black bears.

RIP to the victims.
Zero chance I’d ever bring my family to bear country without at least a 10mm on me.

I don't know if anything would save you, if a grizz has you in it's sights. Even hunters say it's game over if they charge you from even 100 yards away, as the chances of bringing it down before it get to you, are very slim.
I don't know if anything would save you, if a grizz has you in its sights. Even hunters say it's game over if they charge you from even 100 yards away, as the chances of bringing it down before it get to you, are very slim.
That’s a ridiculous statement, and I’ve never heard a hunter say anything remotely like that.

I’m not saying stopping a bear attack with a firearm would be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but people have been hunting and killing bears for the entirety of the 2 species co-existing, most of that predating firearms all together. It’s going to come down to shot placement, but it’s not all uncommon for bear attacks to be stopped with firearms.

This was a pretty freaky one. The bear attack scene is pretty fucking disturbing. Definitely a terrible way to go.
Yeah great bear attack, otherwise very boring movie.
Yeah great bear attack, otherwise very boring movie.

The best part was when that guide was hitting on the guys girlfriend and then pissed right next to the campfire after they ate supper. For the rest of the movie I was left waiting for a good creeper scene involving the guide and the girl but it never came.