Law Gun and Gun Control News/Discussion

Because "assault rifles" are relatively low hanging fruit; they're easier to characterize as "military issue" weapons, with "rapid fire" and "high capacity", that shoot "powerful cartridges" which "tumble, fragment, liquefy internal organs and decapitate 6 year olds".

And the ignorant plebs fall for it every time . . . it just blows me away at how easy people like Biden, the NM Governor, Chris Murphy, etc. lie through their teeth about "assault rifles" and "gun violence" in general.


Now . . . imagine that idiot Ryan Busse as a potential ATF director. That dude is bought and paid for by Giffords and is unbearable on Twitter.

fetterman has got to be one of the most embarrassing politicians out there. I know he had a stroke, but the guy is an absolute joke. I don’t even know where to start. Ok, his looks. He looks like a complete goon-a Simpsons character or something. The way he dresses is pretty much inappropriate for most jobs. A gas station attendant or Arby’s drive through person dresses better and more professionally. I get that he wants to be comfortable and essentially himself, but have some fucking self respect. But he looks like shit in a suit as well. Ill fitting and shitty looking suits from Men’s warehouse.

Then, again, I know he had a stroke, but his speaking ability is just sad. And I don’t think it is all from the stroke. I think he is a somewhat unintelligent goofball despite somehow getting a degree from Harvard. He had very limited experience prior to Lt governor, and didn’t do much in that position. The only reason he is a senator is because he ran against oz-a completely unlikeable and unsympathetic figure and snake oil salesman. I still don’t know how he won and is not even remotely capable of doing this job.

His policies are shit. He tries to come off as some sort of Everyman type of politician, but it’s hard to relate to a freak that looks like a bat. He’s a socialist progressive that flips on so many issues. He was anti-fracking and when that would obviously hurt him in PA, he switched to pro fracking. His mj legalization push, I agree with. He is soft on crime, but at least he isn’t in the defund the police crowd, but he also supports blm, which is a red flag in my book. And he was largely a no show in all his previous positions not showing up to vote save a few rare occasions.

As for the second amendment issues, he comes from a pro gun state in all the rural areas. He is now saying that he would repeal the second amendment while this fucking idiot pointed a shotgun at a black guy’s face after he heard fireworks and went after this guy, who was out jogging. We should take this guy’s judgement on the second amendment when he has clearly shown that he is not qualified to own or operate a gun and he wants to restrict law abiding citizens from owning guns because he used his in a unsafe, unreasonable, and retarded manner?
According to an npr poll, 6/10 Americans want to prioritize gun safety over gun rights. This shit poll was of 1200 people, hardly a legitimate sample size and who only knows who they polled-my guess is a liberal city and they stayed the fuck out of rural areas.

And with only 1200 people in the sample, I can’t imagine they hit many areas and probably stood on a corner in nyc asking people about guns. Many of those questioned stated that the most effective way to lower gun violence is by banning assault weapons. You know, the scary guns that account for 1% of the shootings vs handguns, which account for the rest. The poll also had very limited choices such as “ban the assault weapons?” “Arm teachers” or “none of the above”, which is what I would have selected.

I think we should enforce the gun laws on the books and throw said book at anyone involved in a gun crime. If you shoot someone with a gun and don’t kill then, you should be looking at 10-15 years depending on criminal background. If they actually kill Simone, 25-life with the death penalty most certainly on the table and strongly encouraged. But my version of the death penalty is that as soon as the last appeal is complete, you give them their last meal, take them out back for a firing squad because they used a firearm toners someone, they deserve to go out the same way. Use a gun to rob someone, 15 years. Felon in possession of a firearm, 5 years minimum full sentence. If they have significant violence in their history, at least ten years. But you have progressive prosecutors that refuse to prosecute felons with firearms for absurd reasons. larry krasner of Philly refuses to prosecute felons with firearms because it mostly affects minorities. The same minorities that are involved in ridiculous amounts
Of shootings and murders. Meanwhile, krasner slams the nra and second amendment and lax gun laws for causing all the violence in his city and the country, yet refuses to prosecute the people Most likely to leave bodies in the street or carjack someone simply
Because they are black, which is also why they don’t want to increase the penalties for shooting someone or killing them.

But it’s not just progressive cities. In my city which is not progressive, we just have weak and lazy prosecutors that loves to sentence people to what we called the 1+1 sentence.
For a violent felony, you have to serve at least one year, so they give these shitbags the absolute min of one year plus one day so it achieves the one year min. The guy that shot at me had gotten out the same day for a 1+1 after a crackwhore rob him of his product so he went to the house of the John she was staying with and he fired 8 shots through the front door, then he pistol whipped the guy, dragged the girl outside and put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger but the round jammed and she was able to run away. The night he shot at me, he got into a shootout with rival drug dealers from above Pittsburgh and when I came around the corner to go to the guy who was gut shot, he aimed and fired four shots at me.

I have dozens of examples of these types of weak ass min sentences and could still even tell you the name of these asshole criminals and update you on how these tries reoffended often in violent ways.

Sounds like it applies to FPC members like me. :cool:
All the ATF had to do was make possession legal and ban future retail sale. They chose the hard way and it may end up nuking the NFA if they keep fucking around.

FPC member as well. This administration blatant desire to appease the donating base by flip flopping at will and abusing Chevron deference in the process is the only thing positive Joe Biden has ever done for me as an American.
Thanks for the Unity you creepy old fuck.
Enjoy the Rocky Road
FPC member as well. This administration blatant desire to appease the donating base by flip flopping at will and abusing Chevron deference in the process is the only thing positive Joe Biden has ever done for me as an American.
Thanks for the Unity you creepy old fuck.
Enjoy the Rocky Road
I don't even care about braces but I think they're the best gun org to join. The NRA sucks and GOA is still too political for my tastes.
I don't even care about braces but I think they're the best gun org to join. The NRA sucks and GOA is still too political for my tastes.

GOA member too. Lifetime NRA.
And yes NRA is hot trash, Wayne La Pierre is a grifter POS and should have been removed years ago. I like that GOA are involved in so many of these lawsuit against the inane and frivolous.
I'm a member of FPC, GOA and a Lifetime NRA member.

In canada, totalitarian PM black face just introduced legislation banning ALL handguns and 'assault style weapons' without actually defining the term.

fight for yoru rights Americans b/c once they start, they will never stop until all guns are gone
This. In the USA they will start with mandatory courses of wich prices will jack up every year to price people out the expensive licences renewable every year and can be revoked for any reasons. Finally 10 days wait will stretch to longer times as years go by. Don’t let citidiots get their foot in the door because once conditions are in they will get more and more stringent.
This. In the USA they will start with mandatory courses of wich prices will jack up every year to price people out the expensive licences renewable every year and can be revoked for any reasons. Finally 10 days wait will stretch to longer times as years go by. Don’t let citidiots get their foot in the door because once conditions are in they will get more and more stringent.

The ATF also wanted to treat any 4473 that took longer than (I think 3 days) to get a response became a denial. At the time suggesting criminal penalty as a result for attempting to acquire a firearm.
The ATF also wanted to treat any 4473 that took longer than (I think 3 days) to get a response became a denial. At the time suggesting criminal penalty as a result for attempting to acquire a firearm.
I’m not even surprised. It’s criminal. Federal agencies are turning into the enemy of the people while distracting us with foreign wars. If they wanted gun violence down by going after criminals they would be successful but once that goal achieved they would probably fear budget cuts more than citizens backlash.
I’m not even surprised. It’s criminal. Federal agencies are turning into the enemy of the people while distracting us with foreign wars. If they wanted gun violence down by going after criminals they would be successful but once that goal achieved they would probably fear budget cuts more than citizens backlash.

I am of the concrete belief they use a fear response to make people “feel” like they are doing something for their benefit and the well being of the country. No one seem to have a solution for the epidemic of violent crime; some of which include firearms, most of which include gangs and/or drugs. The implication that somehow law abiding legal gun owners are anything but an example of how responsible an armed citizenry can be is a broken record of disgusting misinformation. Treating people as being accessories in mass murder through their own unrelated personal property is such a ridiculous misstep of logic it doesn’t even deserve a response. Yet here we are with campaign donors revising definitions that carry legal ramifications. (Giffords Group and the Bloomberg outfit specifically with the brace rule change flip flop debacle)