Xbox HALO INFINITE discussion thread

Remember when Halo didn’t suck? Seriously, Halo Reach came out 10 years ago.
I think MS would have been better off just releasing the game and giving the license to another studio or letting 343 do something new. Shit, let Obsidian make a weird Halo universe RPG or something.

I dunno, it's just hard to shake the feeling that the genre has moved on. Post Doom Eternal and Titanfall I'm not sure that I want to play a new Halo Campaign unless the story is excellent. And if I want Halo-style pvp I think I'd be better off going back to Destiny 2 for a spell.
Give the license to ID Software.. seeing as Microsoft now own them
I could honestly give a fuck less about Halo. Never understood the hype for the series
I could honestly give a fuck less about Halo. Never understood the hype for the series

For people like me, it's more about the charm and character of the stories. I was a freshman in HS when Halo 1 came out, and everybody got an Xbox. There wasn't much like it for people without computers good enough to gain.

I will say, though, the series needed to die with 3, or after Reach. It was started to get passed over by others in the genre, and in a time since the new Doom games, damn. Sitting back and solving every single encounter with sniper weapons level after level wasn't..........very competitive with something like teh Dooms.
I have like no urge to play fps shooters after Doom Eternal, for real. If I get the itch, I'll just move it to the ssd again. It's made Wolfenstein and all those type games obsolete for me.
Say what? There are always things to be done when you've a hatchet and a Nazi. Dark Dragon is unimpressed.
Guess I’m one of those dorks who still enjoys Halo. Glad it got pushed back. Very unimpressed with everything they showed of Infinite. Truly hope they do something outrageous with the time.
Halo was cool when goldeneye was the best multiplayer on console. Now it’s trash they keep trying to resurrect to tempt the nostalgia crowd. The sad thing is if they had stayed invested in fable the arpg crowd might have had a reason to care about Xbox/Microsoft but they keep trying to compete with the fps crowd that had moved on significantly in gaming style.

I generally think this all goes back to Microsoft’s lack of gaming sense. SSDD for the whole “Xbox media center” malarkey.
Halo was cool when goldeneye was the best multiplayer on console. Now it’s trash they keep trying to resurrect to tempt the nostalgia crowd. The sad thing is if they had stayed invested in fable the arpg crowd might have had a reason to care about Xbox/Microsoft but they keep trying to compete with the fps crowd that had moved on significantly in gaming style.

I generally think this all goes back to Microsoft’s lack of gaming sense. SSDD for the whole “Xbox media center” malarkey.
You're only off by about a decade..


Halo 3 which was the peak of the series.. released in 2007. Goldeneye 1997..

Halo Reach, which was very well regarded, released in 2010.

Anyway, have you not noticed that a new Fable is being developed..?
I think MS would have been better off just releasing the game and giving the license to another studio or letting 343 do something new. Shit, let Obsidian make a weird Halo universe RPG or something.

I dunno, it's just hard to shake the feeling that the genre has moved on. Post Doom Eternal and Titanfall I'm not sure that I want to play a new Halo Campaign unless the story is excellent. And if I want Halo-style pvp I think I'd be better off going back to Destiny 2 for a spell.
Yeah, 343 has just tried to continue where Bungie left off, only they aren't talented enough. I really like the idea of an open world on a ring, but there needs to be a good reason/story for it.
Remember when Halo didn’t suck? Seriously, Halo Reach came out 10 years ago.
People shit on Reach so hard when it came out. They talked about how it ruined the franchise, or how the franchise hadn't been good since Halo 3.

It stood the test of time, and it's widely acknowledged as an excellent game, now. I loved it when it came out, and didn't understand all the hate on boards like this one. I find both the mainstream and hardcore videogame communities grossly unreliable when it comes to reviewing Halo games.

Nevertheless, when Bungie left the franchise, I followed.
I loved Halo 1-3 just like most people who were gaming during those times. At the time they were amazing console multiplayer experiences. Halo 1 was really fun back when split screen was still popular and Halo 2 and 3 were awesome online games. Didn't play ODST or Reach, I liked 4 and 5 but by then it was pretty clear a lot of the fanbase moved on. I'm not sure exactly what happened if they either just outdated or what but the popularity really seemed to die with the rise of COD starting with COD4.

I always found Halo to be a great team-orientated game moreso than pub COD games so it seemed like it should have been able to thrive in that aspect, but other team-based shooters ended up surpassing Halo as well.

It's kind of crazy to see this franchise struggling because for a while it seemed like they were THE console shooter and all three in the original trilogy were well praised by fans and critics.
People shit on Reach so hard when it came out. They talked about how it ruined the franchise, or how the franchise hadn't been good since Halo 3.

It stood the test of time, and it's widely acknowledged as an excellent game, now. I loved it when it came out, and didn't understand all the hate on boards like this one. I find both the mainstream and hardcore videogame communities grossly unreliable when it comes to reviewing Halo games.

Nevertheless, when Bungie left the franchise, I followed.
I loved everything Bungie did, including Reach. I never got to finish it though as my 360 died. I picked it up on Steam but I haven't touched it since they fixed the audio issues. I'll finish the campaign one day.

The only thing better from a different dev team was Halo CE on PC. I think Gearbox made it? Anyway, they had some new MP maps with more vehicles. CTF was wild fun on it as you could play online with 16 players, maybe more?

The only way to play Halo online on the OG Xbox was through some website, the name escapes me, but the lag was awful. Connecting multiple Xbox's was good fun too!
People shit on Reach so hard when it came out. They talked about how it ruined the franchise, or how the franchise hadn't been good since Halo 3.

It stood the test of time, and it's widely acknowledged as an excellent game, now. I loved it when it came out, and didn't understand all the hate on boards like this one. I find both the mainstream and hardcore videogame communities grossly unreliable when it comes to reviewing Halo games.

Nevertheless, when Bungie left the franchise, I followed.

I never played Reach, but I did play 1-3 as well as 4, and 4 was one of the most forgettable games I have ever played in my life.
I never played Reach, but I did play 1-3 as well as 4, and 4 was one of the most forgettable games I have ever played in my life.
I played the first two levels as part of the MCC collection recently. I was gobsmacked by how much easier the levels were than Halo 2, which I recently beat again on Legendary on the MCC for fun, but that may be due to an unanticipated effect of the remaster on opponent response times with the framerate in the first two games (the beam rifle Jackals became ungodly).

I did like the Plasma Rifle, I liked the new artwork of the Covenant aliens, and I liked how it forced you to constantly pick up weapons throughout the round, you exhaust a full metal jacket so quickly no matter what it is, but the level design is definitely forgettable.

Halo 5 multiplayer looks intriguing. Whoever this guy is....he's obviously a God:
People shit on Reach so hard when it came out. They talked about how it ruined the franchise, or how the franchise hadn't been good since Halo 3.

It stood the test of time, and it's widely acknowledged as an excellent game, now. I loved it when it came out, and didn't understand all the hate on boards like this one. I find both the mainstream and hardcore videogame communities grossly unreliable when it comes to reviewing Halo games.

Nevertheless, when Bungie left the franchise, I followed.

Reach was awesome. Had the most emotionally jarring ending of the entire series and a great spinoff. Much better then ODST (which was still a decent game).
You're only off by about a decade..


Halo 3 which was the peak of the series.. released in 2007. Goldeneye 1997..

Halo Reach, which was very well regarded, released in 2010.

Anyway, have you not noticed that a new Fable is being developed..?

I think he meant Perfect Dark which dropped in 2000. Halo was 2001.

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